Brass Bell Doll
I feel it poses an interesting question. If there wasa restorationist group, would we know about them?

The Norse Tradition has one - Theodism, I think it's called. They try to return to a quasi-feudal organization. I've long thought it was because the guys who thought of it wanted to tell people what to do more than they really are being historically accurate.

Brass Bell Doll
IMO, eclecticism is a methodology that works better in theory than in practice..
I feel the challenge depends a lot more on the person than the methodology.

I feel there is often a rigid standard applied to such practices out of a fear of being wrong that wouldn't have existed.

Really not so much.

In Wicca (I believe) the dagger used in ritual must be kept pure and not touched by many people. In Asatru, the ritual hammer form the altar is regularly used to pound in pegs and nails (I used a claw hammer on my altar). Please come up with a way these two attitudes - ritual items are sacrosanct/ritual items should be regularly used - can co-exist while honoring both, since you say it's so easy. I'd love to hear it.

If you solution is that some ritual items can be touched and others can not.... you're really dropping the ball on synchronizing the traditions, btw.