Enjoy what flows through my head! =D

"You Have A New Message" Rang the mobile phone loudly. Evangaline wasn't expecting a message, so she opened up her phone to see who it was. "Hey Eva! Hows it hanging? Well guess wut! I am going out with your ex! I know i promised i wouldn't, but, i never really liked you. Bye! Luv Becca"
-Bang- The phone slipped out of Evangalines hand, and she sat there, in shock, unable to move.
"You where my... Best friend Bec. What did i do?" Whispered Evangaline, to no one in particular. Silence echoed in the bedroom where Evangaline slept.

Evangaline is your average 17 year old, she's in university and is kind to everyone. A little too kind. You see, everyone takes advantage of Evangaline. So she sat in her dark room, sobbing quietly to herself. She knew this would come, but yet, she still cried. Evangaline got up from her bed, wiped her face and slipped out the door.

It was late, around midnight, but Evangaline didn't care. Evangaline walked through the quiet suburbs, the wind blowing her long black hair behind her. As she sulked around the suburbs, she wondered what she should do. Write a nasty mesage back? Be sarcastic? Act like you don't care? All this ran through her mind. Her final thought was to visit Becca and confront her, who cared if it was late.

So Evangaline Strolled down the street to Becca's place. As she got closer, there was a distubance in the wind, the smell of blood in the air. This worried Evangaline, she didn't like the vibe coming from her former best friends place. Evangaline rushed to see what was wrong, only to see the outside looked as normal as possible, excpet for one thing. Becca was standing outside on the pathway.

"Lovely night out isn't it Eeeeeva!" Becca coo'ed (sp?)
"Yes it is, but... why are you out here? Where you expecting me?" Replied Evangaline, with a hint of worry
"Well, funny you ask, but i was expecting you! I know your secret Eva. Even if you don't." Becca replied sturnly
"What are you on about?!?" Yelled Evangaline, scared and worried what might happen
"Well first, i'm going to take my... Former... Boyfriend and 'Dump' him" Giggled Becca
Evangaline stood frozen solid, she knew something bad was up. Becca slowly walked away, gracefully, but sinister. Evangaline just stood, watching to see what Becca was up to.

Suddenly, there was a cry of pain coming from Becca's back yard. Evangaline ran to the gate to see what was happening.
"Hahahaha! You shouldn't have come my dear Eva. But now that you have, i guess i can make room for dessert!" Cackled Becca
Evangaline was in shock, she saw what was left of her ex, on the ground, eaten half away, Becca covered in blood, his blood, and was now coming after Evangaline.

As Becca ran, Evangaline just couldn't move. There was something stopping her, something in the air. As Becca got closer, and closer, Evangaline tried harder to move. Wishing this wouldn't happen Evangaline did the best thing she could think of...
"Stop That Right Now!!!!" She screamed.
Suddenly Becca stopped, without a sound, and without complaint.
"What? What just happened? Is this a joke?!?!? It's not very funny if it is!" Evangaline said dazzed, and confused. Becca stood up, and walked towards Evangaline and whispered softly in her ear "You have stopped me for now Eva, but mark my words, your power will not stop me next time!" And with that, Becca ran off, quicker than any normal human.

-Thud- Evangaline fell on the ground, staring down the road where Becca disapeared too. 'What had just happened?' She thought. The wind had moved again, with more force this time, and it felt like it would lift Evangaline off her feet. Evangaline held onto the fence behind her as the powerful wind blew away everything around her. In fact, the wind was so hard, it blew away the road! Evangaline shut her eyes, scared and lonely.

When Evangaline awoke, she was in a different surrounding, a different room. This room was dark, and gothic like. It was as if somone had copied this room from Evangalines drawings.
"Hello M'Dear, how was your flight?" Cackled something in the dark
"What! Who are you? Where am i? How did i get here? And why does this look like a room i drew!?!?" Evangaline babbled, talking fast, and repeating herself.
"Calm down M'dear, all will be answered as soon as you are appropriatly dressed and ready to meet with the lord." Replied the creature.
As Evangaline looked down, she saw that this creature was actually like a little doll, dressed in black victorian gear.
"Umm ok, but please, tell me your name?" Said Evangaline calming down.
"Oh of course, silly me! I am Chelsea, the first creation you made M'dear!" Cheerfully replied Chelsea.

(Will do more later, i am going to bed now >.>)