"You can rest in mine for a time if you'd like" Maua offered, something she certainly would never had done for anyone other then family...and even then only purple coated family. But she was pretty sure her sister would be welcomed back and given a good rank within the pride - and it was always good to engender good relationships with such lions. Besides..she really did love her sister, even if she didn't always understand her. At least she'd come to her senses and returned home and not only that seemed to be listening to what Maua had to say which was a welcome relief! Everyone ought to just listen to her like this and life would be so much easier.

Maua gave her sister a warm look "Nonsense!" She told her in a voice which clearly said she was pleased by the praise "What else is family for if not to take care of one another!" she told her pleasantly giving a slight laugh and brushed against her sister herself "I'm not going to break" She told her with a chuckle "promise"