She nodded. “Of course! I want our den to look nice.” She continued to rustle threw the furs. “Unless you think it’s too much. I always get carried away with pretty things.” She walked next to him and butted her head against his just so glad she had somebody beside her. That was all she really wanted, all she really needed. The other things were just extras she enjoyed but they really didn’t make her happy.

"I just worry how we are going to afford all these is all " He rubbed his head against hers and gave her an affectionate lick. He found that he could not even consider telling her no. It would be like this through out the rest of their lives he was sure. He couldn't bare to disappoint her in anything. "I just want you to be happy my love."

”Don’t you worry about that.” She walked over to the shop keeper who seamed to know who she was right away. “Just have that up in my den by tonight…” She called out to him in which he nodded and began gathering furs for the long climb up the mountain. “See no problems there.”

Kagiso sighed heavily and then followed her further through the commons. He didn't want to imagine just how much those furs were worth. He pretended not to care. He simply nuzzled her neck in affection and followed her lead, enjoying spending time with her. "Have I told you how much I love you today?"

”Well you might of. But I don’t mind hearing it again.” She played coy with him and batted her lashes. But she could see he was somewhat unsettled by her large purchase. “I um didn’t overwhelm you did I. I didn’t mean to if I did. I’m just use to doing that when I come down here.”

"No no I am not over whelmed" He gave her a reassuring look. He went about hiding his shock and gave her a loving look. " I love you my beautiful darling mate." He paused breifly infront of a small section of sparkling trinkets and looked at them curiously.

”You know love your far more wealthy then you think.” Zumi walked over to the craftsman and pointed to Kagiso. He quickly nodded and with the item in his mouth brought it over to the male. “You’re a noble.” She chuckled. “You can buy what you want too.” The merchant asked him if there would be any more purchases for the day. “I’m guessing you don’t come down to the market often?” Sure she wasn’t going to tell him he couldn’t buy as much as she could. But a fair amount was as good as honest.

"I know that I am a Noble my love, I just don't really think about getting such things. My father never bought my mother such things and she was far to delicate and meek to ask for them." He smiled liked to the other craftsman and then looked to his mate. "You are right.. I do not come down here very often."

She frowned thinking of his poor mother. “That’s ashame. All females should be littered in gifts.” She looked over the beads and other objects that caught her fancy. “You should send some gifts to her. She would be proud of you for making such an honored place for yourself at this pride.” Her smile slid into a frown. “I’m not sure where my mother is. I haven’t seen her since I was a cub.” She bit her tongue about getting kicked out of her pride. She really did miss her mother. She would have given anything to know her whereabouts.

"My mother died some time go.." He said it sadly without looking to her. He missed his mother dearly and part of him blamed himself for not being strong enough to protect her. He motioned to a set of beautiful beads and bought the for her then lightly picked them up in his jaws and placed them over her head and around her neck. " They suit you my love" He smiled as he looked her over. It felt odd just buying things. It wasn't something he was used to at all. The Noble wealth was always there he just never used it.

She beamed at her new gift but couldn’t help but be overwhelmed with sadness hearing of Kagiso’s loss. “A mother is a terrible thing to loose. Mine has probably passed on as well if I know the king of that pride.” She felt glum when she should have been happy. She would pray to the god’s later for both of their souls. “May they both rest in peace.” She tipped her head down towards the ground as if saying a few words and looked at him with a solemn smile. “I’m sure she’d be proud of you.”

Kagiso licked her cheek and nudged her chin up. "I am sure they are both watching over us with love." He smiled and gave her a reassuring look. He looked around them to see if there was anything else that would catch her eye. "Is there anything else you'd like to see my love?"

”I wonder if they have stuff for cubs. We should spoil them rotten you know.” She browsed about the gems and the trinkets. “I’m not really good picking out things for boys. If we get a male what do you think we should get for him?” She picked out some pink rocks with twine. “This is for a girl. One of our girls.” She picked out another few necklaces. “I think we might need to use your den for baby gifts.” She began to feel better.

Kagiso chuckled deeply at the thought of using his den strictly to store all their things. It was a humorous thought. He looked over the many trinkets before him before a more masculine leg cuff caught his eye and he pulled it aside. "This one will do nicely. Perhaps a cape later when he is older."

She plucked out a peacock feather. “How about this for his head?” She was enthralled by the colors it held. Oh they were so pretty. “Maybe we will get a necklace made for one of our daughters. Just of this bird.” They also seamed to have the blue feathers that rested on the other parts of it’s body. “We will use the whole bird!” She then looked up to the sun. “We should see how that merchant is getting on bringing those furs up to the den. It is getting kind of late.”

Kagiso nodded and nuzzled her neck once more. "We can shop for the cubs another day. For now we should be heading back." He gave her cheek a lick and then headed back up the mountain side with her back to the higher ranks and dens.