Kagiso had left with his new found mate and headed to his den so they could have a bit more private time. One could never know when someone important would wonder down the path and spot them. With her title he needed to be sure he didn't endanger things for her. He wanted her to be happy and if that ment hiding his affection for her in public then so be it. He headed into his den with her and then relaxed as he looked back to her* It's not the fanciest place but it's comfortable

It was larger then she thought it would be, she had never been outside of the royal dens. This was a new experience for her really. Her den was nearly double if not triple the size of his. Lined with all the furs and trinkets that the costumers could muster. Her eyes wandered about from crevasse to crevasse. “I’ve never been into one of the lower class den’s before.” She didn’t mean it to come out so rude if it did. She was just amazed somewhat by how the different members of the pride lived.

He chuckled as he looked over to her and watched her reaction. He had one or two furs lining the floor where he laid but that was all. No trinckets, not glamour. It was just a place where he slept. "I suppose it's better then sleeping the unprotected forest." He went to her and nuzzled her neck affectionately as he watched her reaciton. "If you don't like it here I can find some place else for us to be in private."

”Oh no I didn’t mean it like that at all. But my den is huge compared to this- with as many warm furs as you can imagine. I’ve only really associated with royalty up until now.” She nuzzled him back then went over to one of his furs and lay on it. “Though all furs are the same. Warm and comfortable. Though I can commission you a special one from the costumers-“ She thought on that longer as she would most defiantly do this. “One that’s colored like me.” She knew it would be hard to make- but those were one of the perks of being royal. You could get what you wanted.

Kagiso shook his head and sighed as he went over and laid next to her. He relaxed and put his head over top of her and lightly ran his chin over her. "Really my love. You don't have to worry about me. I just want you to be happy and healthy and any cubs that come from our union to be the same." He felt a bit guilty that he really had nothing to give her. He was a noble of course but that didn't mean he had all the priviledges that those above him would have. He did not have to worry about hunger or work, but he didn't have the riches of those above him either. If only had could find her something that sparkled, something that caught her eye.

She purred at his touch and lay on her back in the soft furs her paws dancing ontop of his head playfully. She didn’t worry that he didn’t have any gifts for her. Having him alone and all to herself was gift enough for her really. She slowed her paw and brushed her claw tips threw his purple mane combing it back. She continued to purr and moved her head so it too rested on the furs leaving her neck completely exposed. A deep sign of trust she had for him even though it was more of a dog ritual then feline.

He stared down at her lovingly and was happy to see that she trusted him so completely to expose her neck to him. He leaned his head down slightly and ran his tongue lightly over her exposed throat and up to her face. "What sort of cubs do you want my love... a girls, boys, or both?"

She continued like a motor getting louder with each intimate kiss. Almost to a point where her pleasure pushed all thoughts out of her mind. With her eyes rolling into the back of her head she almost couldn’t hear the words as they tickled her inner ears. ‘Cubs?’ Yes she wanted cubs. Oh was he asking a question about cubs? She nodded her head. Yes she wanted to have his cubs. That was the question wasn’t it?

He couldn't help but chuckle at her reaction but dropped the subject for the time being since she was obviously distracted. He didn't mind distract her, on the contray he rather enjoyed it. He licked her throat intimately once again and a deep masculine sound came from his own throat.

Every muscle in her body rippled with his movement. It was as if she had a good hard shake from tail tips to ears. Her toes on her back paws twisted between one another as she continued to pet his mane. Retracting her claws so she wouldn’t hurt him she moved her front toes to her chest furs. The vibration from his roar shook her threw and threw. ‘Do it again.’ She repeated over and over in her mind stroking him more firmly on his chest furs.

He couldn't help but oblige her. He let the low rumble form with in his throat and vibrate through his body and into hers as he licked her neck once more. He could really never get enough of his mate. She was an obsession; an addiction he couldn't shake. And he would do anything in his power to give her what she wanted.

She let out a lengthy sound of joy from her muzzle not holding any of her noise back from him. She got louder as he did and turned her body so she was now tightly wrapped about his chest nuzzling it with all her love. She didn’t ever want to leave this cave. She wouldn’t ever as long as he was there. He was everything she ever wanted, everything she ever needed. She took her head again and rubbed it against his harder and faster just wanting to feel every bit of him against her.

She was driving him a bit crazy with all her affections towards him and if he didn't know better he'd sworn she was in heat once more. He nuzzled her and butted his head against hers, the deep sound still coming from his throat that he wasn't sure if it was a roar or a purr. He could remain with her just like this forever, and part of him wished he could. But the sensible part of him knew she'd been needed at some point back at court and it was currently nagging at the back of his head. He tried to ignore it for the time being and continued his attentions to her.

Maybe she was in heat, or it was the drive to have cubs that was so instilled in her mind as a female that kept her at him. Her body wanted to make sure they were successful after all. Her mind was just a slave to all the emotions welling up inside of her from the ‘cravings’ that raged forwards and backwards in her. Her mind knew she was pregnant though how could she not with each flings of passion they had. But her body wanted to lie and say she wasn’t at least until the mothering instincts kicked in. Then she would be back to business. Tender nuzzles here and there and kisses if she was feeling extra frisky. She finally calmed and just smiled and looked into his eyes. With a soft movement of her lips she mouthed out “I love you.” To him.

Kagiso stared at her for a moment before smiling proudly. She loved him. It touched him some where deep that no other female had before. He nuzzled her neck once more and licked at her cheek. He wanted her to feel that he felt the same about her. He needed her to know that he indeed loved her as well. He nipped at her neck, an affectionate love bite not ment to hurt her. "My love you are so beautiful..."

She purred low and long at his tender bites enjoying his fangs upon her flesh. She couldn’t be more contented how her day went. She snuggled in closer to him with a nuzzle then contented fell asleep on one of his large paws.