Kagiso found himself roaming the pride's lands, hunting out the one female that seemed to be on his mind all the time. He didn't exspect to be so attached to her, especially with the knowledge that the meeting between could very well be just a temporary fling as many in the court had. Yet still he found himself thinking of his pretty little temptress a lot, more so the normal. He stalked the mountains, looking for any traces of her scent. He just needed to see her, see how she was doing, ensure she was alright. He didn't think it was such a bad thing to be conserned for her.

She had been in court a lot. Quite as usual she was a calm observer of all that went on. If she spoke to much she might overstep the males of the pride and she wasn’t one too do that. If she had a son he would. It was then her nostrils wafted with the scent of the familiar male that she had chose to mate with days before. Her eyes moved to one side of her head as she coolly played her cards. She couldn’t exactly jump on him and nuzzle him like she wanted in the presence of the other nobels. They might gather she was up to something then. So she calmly sauntered over to him. Her backside swaying feminatly. “Fancy seeing you up here.” She walked closer to him so her nose was inches from his own.

He noticed her restraint right away and had to find his own when he realized they were not alone. A wrong move could ruin everything for her and all her chances at power and that was the last thing he wanted to happen. His tail flicked behind him and was the only indication of his irritation for not being able to show her much affection. He watched her closely but let her be in control of any interaction she chose to have infront of others. "Indeed.. I would hope you are doing well?" Simple formalities but he knew she would know what he ment

”I am indeed.” She had thought over her emotions from the day before and settled that she would give ‘love’ for all that it was worth a chance. She did still have some feelings left for him. She would have figured they would have all gone away by now; with the mating said and done. “I have a FEELING, I might LOVE, YOUR company on a stroll threw the middle class.” She strained the words as nobody else would get the idea what was going on, only that she was keeping her duty and making her rounds. Who wouldn’t want such handsome company after all.

Kagiso couldn't help but give her a curious look. Was she really saying what he thought she was saying? He nodded his head slowly and stood aside to allow her to go ahead of him and lead the way. When they were finally away from the others and any chance of someone hearing them, he relaxed a bit. "I've missed you little love... I can't seem to get you out of my head."

She chuckled slightly and let her shoulders drop more relaxed glad to be out of the prying eyes of the others. “You know that’s quite funny.” She mused out the words. “I can’t get you out of mine either.” She paused debating if that was a good thing or a bad thing. Then settled on it being a good thing and allowed herself to smile. As her paws lead down the craggy peak she danced her tail fluff over his nose having quite perfect aim.

He let out a low growl and nudged his nose agianst her tail, taking in her scent once more and following her down the the path. He spoke softly so only she herd him, even though they were alone. "I've thought a lot over what you said..."

She stopped walking when he spoke these words to her. She held her breath tightly and hoped the outcome would be pleasant. She was nervously thinking about those words since she had spoken them from her lips. But she had to be calm, relaxed, like a senator should be- Ah she couldn’t help it thought she wanted him badly. So without thought she turned so she was now facing him; she on a downward slope and him uphill. She finally managed to let one word escape. One word that seamed to hold everything on it. “Yes?” She questioned.

He stared down into her beautiful eyes for a long time, just mesmorized in them. She was so beautiful... how could he be so lucky as to have a female like she? He must have been blessed by the gods, truely, for she was everything a male could want. "If you are willing... I would like to be your mate..and not only for our future cubs." He leaned his head foreward and lightly nuzzled hers.

She let the breath go with a long sigh of relief as something inside of her screamed with joy. Yes she defiantly had real feelings for this male beyond mating with him for cubs. Though she couldn’t seam to get out her words of joy she simply rushed forth and pounced him with all her energy. Something the court would be most displeased of if they saw them so close to the noble peaks. It was a commoners job to show playfulness beyond a cubs. But what did she care. She had the answer she had been looking for.

Kagiso couldn't help but chuckle as he fell back from her force. He was relieved that he had not been reading her wrong and that she indeed wanted him for a true mate. It ment the world to him to have such a female by his side. He growled playfully and rolled on his side to gain access to nuzzle and lick at her neck and cheek. He knew these moments of affection were rare so he soaked it up while he could

Sure this kind of affection would be rare in public- but she had nothing against it in private. She butted her head on his body almost as hard as she could muster. She was finally able to speak although her words were far from the subject. Always the trained diplomat. “I’m sure I could speak with the king about you becoming royalty.” Her soft tongue licking his brow in between each word.

Kagiso couldn't help but chuckle at her words and licked her face in return. "Don't endanger your good standing with the king on my behalf little love." He nudged his large head against hers, the scent from his own fur covering hers in a male way of claiming what was his.

She rolled over onto him so she was touching her chest to his. “If you insist. I wouldn’t mind.” She climbed further over him so she now rested on him. Something that they shouldn’t have been doing in public but it felt so right at the same time. If only the king had walked down the path to the nobles. She was rather glad he wasn’t fond of ‘mingling’ or this whole thing might be quite aquward.

Kagiso chuckled and licked her cheek affectionately as he laid back and allowed her to lay on top of her. He found that he couldn't be more thrilled with the idea of her as his mate and really didn't mind that fact that his womanizing days were over. "I hope all our cubs are as beautiful as you are my love."

”With your devilish looks how could they not be?” She raised a playful brow at his words. Enthused by the newfound youth she had gathered by being next to him. It was like all her troubles had gone away as she stared into his loving eyes. “We should- uh, go someplace more private…don’t cha think?” She finally noticed the two were doing things in places they shouldn’t.