It was another day in the pride. Bwana was happy to be home, but he couldn't help wondering if all his time would be spent looking to see what members were still in the pride with him. He knew a lot of the old members had left thanks to his father's actions. Sighing heavily, he moved along the borders of his pride, just enjoying the day more than he was actually getting any work done.

Sure, he was a king, but that didn't mean he couldn't enjoy a nice, sunny day like anyone else. Those who were in his pride that he knew about seemed to be enjoying things, and there was no reason their leader couldn't as well.

Waidiua was having an okay day he had bumped into a pesky monket that thought his pelt was something intrested as it tried to still the flower from his chest only to get mad noticing it was his fur. He had scratches on his face after waking up to the mad money. He was sniffling now his ears resting against his skull his tail resting slosly agianst his back legs as he moved into the pride lands not knowing he walked into them so easily. He noticed a pound as he quickly moved over to look at the marks before huffing softly before getting some water hissing at a cut to his lip.

Stepping back from the water the small male looked around slowly woundering where he had found himself now. He was once again scared and alone. He shook his head a moment hoping maybe he was just dreaming but when his opened his eyes back up he was still there.

Bwana moved slowly along, eventually coming across a rather brightly colored lion sitting by one of the small ponds the pride sported away from the main river. Tilting his head, he let an eyebrow arch, confusion setting in. Now he knew he hadn't seen that lion in his pride before. Anyway, he looked too young to have been a member when he was around, and there was no way his father would have let such a different lion become a member anyway.

So that meant he was a stranger. But perhaps that wasn't a completely terrible thing. The way he seemed to be whimpering, so upset over something, he hardly seemed dangerous. "Good sir," he said as he moved forward, "you know where you've wandered? And... are you alright?"

His head snapped to him as he lowered himself slightly towards the ground. 'Sir why must they alreay call me that?' He thought to himself before putting it behind him as he gulped slowly. "I'm...o-o-okay." He muttered softly though it was a lie and his eyes said it. He looked over the male he was a good bit larger then him and looked well fluffy with the pelt on his back. His eyes where the caught by the feath starring at it for the longest time. "Where...a-m-mm I?" He muttered softly closing his mouth tightly to keep from stammering anymore.

Bwana frowned. Not a threat at all. The poor thing looked ready to wet the ground. He let his shoulders relax, sitting down as he continued to watch the pink male. Was it only a stammer, or was he really so frightened?

"This is my pride, Suka'Fumo. But you don't have to worry- guests are welcome here. Nothing will happen to you while you're in this place." He just wanted to see if he could get the poor thing to relax a bit, that was all. Now that he knew he was really a rogue, since he wasn't able to answer the question.

He tried not to smile, either.

He watched him closely nodding a little as he took a deep breath as he relaxed as he laid out on his stomach before the man subconsiously already submitting to the ruler as he gave him a small bow of his head. "I-I'm lost." He said pressing his lips together looking away from the male before letting his light blue eyes fall onto the purple male.

"M-m-mother ran m-me off...I have." He paused trying not to tear up he was still very young and his history did not help in the least. "I...I...I" He said softly trying to get the owrds to come out.

Bwana frowned, jumping from king to more of a comforting role. He moved a bit closer, carefully patting the lion on the shoulder with one paw. "There there," he said lowly, "you don't have to cry. I understand. You're safe here. You can stay, if you would like to, and you won't have to feel lost anymore. I don't know if this place is what you're looking for, but you're welcome to hang around as long as you need. We have food and water, and entertainment, and I think it'll help you forget your troubles."

He sat down again, still closer than he had been before, and watched the younger lion. "I am Bwana, the king. I can try to help you in whatever way possible for me."

He smiled a little licking his lips as he watched the male. "Waridiua...I go by just Ari though." He said softly as his tail swayed behind him in the smal promise of a home. He looked over the males items a moment curiously. "Do all things wear stuff like that?" He asked curiously clearly rathere interested in it.

"Ari? It's nice to meet you," even with all the crying. Even so, he kind of felt like he was actually doing his job. Not just wandering around trying to find members who were either dead or no longera part of the pride. He couldn't help but let that boost his confidence a little bit.

"Ah, well, not exactly like this," Bwana replied, "this is just what I like to have on me. The other members of the pride are welcomed to wear whatever it is that they want. Other members of the pride used to make these kinds of things. Like the pelt I wear would have come from a costumer. They also used to make things for the productions they used to put on here before my time." The proper ones he would bring back to the pride.

He listned closely before nodding softly as he stood taking a shaky breath. "Alright...M-my king." He said blinking the last bits of tears from his eyes to give the male a warming smile. "I think I-I'd be happy-" He pause feeling another studder coming one taking a deep breath before focing. "Here."

"I hope you will be," he said, "and you're free to talk to the other members of the pride all you want. I just... should let you know that some of the older members are a bid adverse to the changes I'm going to throw at them. That they know I'm going to throw at them. That being the case, it's highly likely that some of the nobles, the ones with purple in their coat as set by old rules, might not be that friendly at first. Give them time, though, as they all have good heart." He smiled, getting to his feet again.

"If you like these costumes, you should look into making them for other members of the pride. I think they would be happy, and it might be fun for you as well."

He smiled softly nodidng a little. 'They are pretty...It would be something I would be interested in." He said before looking to the sky seeing the sun quickly fading he was growing tired. He yawned softly shivering a little looking to the male bashfull. "Where is it I can sleep?"

"Ah, it is getting late. We'll find you a den to stay in. There are plenty near the base of the cliff which I think you'll find roomy and warm. Follow me," he hummed lightly, motioning for him to follow with a nod of his head towards the mountain they lived in and in front of.

Their home, full of paths up the mountainside to the largest den at the top of it all: his home. The lower dens were for the middle class, and the ones with the most available space.

"You can stay here," he said once he found a nice place for the other, "or if you'd like to find your own den more suited to your tastes in the morning, you can do that too. Either way, this place is here for you to sleep in tonight. I should be heading back to my own den, it's a bit of a climb," he chuckled, "welcome, Ari."

He smiled softly as he watched the male his tail swaying happily behind him as he boded his head slighlty to the male. "Thank you King Bwana." He said softly before looking back to the cave proudly looking around it before moving inside to curl up in it. This might just be the perfect place for him.