Hello, I am a crew member from the XSK-Xtreme Skilled Knights-guild and I would like to post here requesting that more people join. We have people that can help with questing and anything else you may need help with. We hold contests on random times, they are always fun and always easy to get involved in. The guild is also about anything you can practically think of: anime, manga, movies, music, etc. The guild hopes to make it into the top ten guilds but we need more members and more posting. We have a bunch of polls and forums you would enjoy. Come and have fun and enjoy yourself with others that you can chat with. If you don't believe me post here and I will send you and invite. Or click the image in my signature or the exact same image below. Please joy and enjoy more of gaia. mrgreen

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Please help me and the guild I am in become as great as yours.