Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight or any of it's characters. This story is a work of fiction, nothing of this really happened.

Author's Note: Jasper is my fave character. It may seem like I'm picking on him, but I am just feeling kind of bored, so I'm making a story up. Pre Alice and Cullens.

*running on the trail that Maria left*

They left me alone again. Maria must hate me now for some reason. I don't know why, I do everything she asks. I'm like her slave, she says I'm her equal, but we all know that it's not true. I need to just stop following the group every time they leave me after I go out for new recruits. I would do it, but if I did, Maria would come find me.
I hate this lifestyle. Always killing, it's worse when you are in an army like I am. You kill innocent humans by making them like you, then you kill more innocent people who were made like you, while you are fighting another army for power.
If it were up to me, I would just spend my time alone, figuring out a way to stop living off the blood of humans. I feel what they feel, it sends me in a downward spiral every time I am let feed.
Great, Maria is waiting.
"Jasper, it took you longer to get here than it did last time," Maria informed me.
"I'm sorry, I guess I was just thinking."
"Was it just because you were thinking, or were you just trying to spend another day alone?" She looked right into my bright red eyes.
"Possibly both," I replied, looking toward the ground.
"You spend to much time alone Jasper,"Maria scolded me, "If you do not come back from another recruiting session within two hours of when I send you out, and without recruits again, I will have to get rid of you. Do you understand me?"
"Yes, Maria" I replied quietly, "It won't happen again.
"Be sure it doesn't," she responded. Her voice was as cold as ice. "And Jasper, I want to see you in my quarters tonight." She said as she left.
Wonderful, just wonderful. Of all the things she could punish me with, she had to do that. She doesn't even know that she is punishing me with it. I guess that I won't get to have another day alone in a long time. I do enjoy being by myself though. It gives me time to reflect on what has happened. Oh well, Whatever happens will happen. It's not up to me. Fate has set a course, I just have to go along with the ride.

Author's Note: leave a post to let me know what you think. It's my first fanfic, so don't kill me. I would like some criticisim though, good or bad. Thanks for reading!