Twilight was approaching fast, and sleep was lost on her. The oddly colored lioness scanned the territory she stumbled upon with a frown upon her face. It didn't look like much; but the scents here were mixed. Leopards, lions... a combination of both which threw her for a loop. Was there some kind of makeshift pride near here? Light orange eyes looked to the colored sky and snorted a bit more. Something told her that this particular pride, or pard, whatever it was, wasn't very big. Maybe because the scents weren't many. A smirk played upon her lips as she continued further, not knowing where the boundaries were.

Would she be met by a guard? Attacked for trespassing though she didn't know where she was? A pride out here intrigued her. She stopped and chewed on the pad of one paw, where she had a minute cut that irritated the hell out of her. "Stupid cut," she murmured under her breath.

Takumi was told to patrol the area tonight. It wasn't his job to do this, but there had been a small lack of help lately. As if everyone knew something was coming. Something bad. He wasn't sure. He could feel things change, the air, the land... Everything. Perhaps it wasn't going to be such a good winter after all. He felt like something was off.... He frowned at the thought as he moved slowly threw the land. A chill hung in his fur as he moved.

He didn't want to know what was going to happen in the near future. He didn't want to see any doom that awaited his tiny little pride that was slowly growing. There were new cubs now, not his own, but sometimes he wished they where. Sometimes he wished Asami and him would settle down. But then, he didn't want to be like his father, so being a father himself scared him. His peridot green eyes scanned the land. He had seen moment, and what could possibly a lioness. His eyes were so use to the day light, he had forgotten how to see at night it seemed.

A few more moments of chewing on her paw pad, she glanced up and spotted a figure on in the distance. She arched a brow and then stood up straight, shaking herself out of dust that had accumulate over her recent wanderings. Now, what was it? The size of it was hard to determine at her distance. So, withouth much thought, she wandered towardst he other figure. As she approached, she saw the distinct shape of a leopard. A male one, from the size of it. Wonderful. Maybe a member of the pride here.

She stoped before getting too close to him. Clearing her throat, she spoke up: "Is there a pride here? Have I crossed into it?" That's where her priorities lay. She could defend herself if he wasn't friendly.

Takumi wasn't his father. He wasn't mean to anyone unless they were to him first. Unless females. He'd be killed by a female before he'd actually hurt her. Though, that didn't mean he'd just stand around and let it happen. No. He'd had been beaten by a female once. It was how he realized he wasn't a female. But that was the past. He frowned when it started moving towards him. He'd have to deal with this now too.

He frowned at her as the voice came out... It was female, GREAT. Though, she was looking for the pride in which he called home; unwillingly. "Yes, it's the Bhanu'Ecchumati pride." He said in his usual voice. Kinda bored yet not. His green eyes seemed to glow in the moonlight.

She knew nothing of his past, about thinking he was a girl. If she did, she'd probably laugh at him and call him an idiot. Looking at the leopard, she realized he lacked a lot of color. It caught her attention for some reason. "Never heard of it. Must be a small pride. I bet your part of it," she said with an audible smirk in her voice. Yes, Takumi would be able to hear and see the smirk that stretched out her face. Makini didn't attack first either, which would be interesting.

She wanted to know what kind of pride it was, so her questions began again. "I smell leopard and lions. They live in the same pride? How does that work?" She moved closer, light orange eyes looking into peridot.

"It's not as small as you'd hope. And would only be mentioned to warn people of" He spoke in a matter of fact tone. It was all he could really say about this pride. Everyone who had heard of it, was looking for it. They wanted to be apart of a pride that wanted to rip life of everything good just because they could. Well, wasn't going to happen to him and Asami, he thought as he sat there. "And what of it?" He asked in a rather snappish voice.

Just because he didn't hit females, didn't mean he couldn't be rude to them. "More then just those live here. Anything of feline decent can live here" He told her with a bored tone. "Meaning, if your a dog, your ********" He said with a simple voice. He didn't mind dogs really, but he wouldn't want to get caught being near one. Everyone, at least most everyone in the pride, would rip them to shreds before they even could realize it.

Snapping or not, she didn't care. He was answering her questions and that's all she wanted. Nodding bit when he spoke of how they hated dogs, she chuckled and let out a sigh. Ah, what an interesting pride this was. Perhaps staying along the edge of it wouldn't be so bad. She'd be able to observe and figure it out. "Whatever. Good thing I'm not a dog, right?" She asked, tone amused at his rough languge. One didn't hear that very often. At least, this one didn't.

"A pride of outcast felines chasing and killing dogs... Sounds like some kind of party. Who's the leader?"

He hated to mention his father as anything but a retarded male. But it was his father none the less. "Thona." He said. He had no respect for him, so saying his name with any honorable title was only going to happen if he was being beaten by Thona himself. Which hadn't happened in a LONG Time. "I wouldn't go looking for him, unless you want to meet some one who cares nothing but screwing females." He spoke with honestly. "He'll drool all over you the moment he sees you." It was because Takumi was saying she was pretty, he had no interest in lions. It was because she was a female.

Thona was sexist. And females were only good for sex and cubs, to him. And that was it. Unless your name was Nan. Takumi thought about it. The only female who ever could get Thona's attention. The only one who'd seemed to catch his heart. It was odd.

Oh boy. Thona. She'd heard that name in her travels, and she managed to stumble upon the womanizing male's pride? How quaint. Well, she'd found what she'd been looking for after all. "Thona, hm? Perfect. It might not be him I seek, but I found what I was looking for." She knew he complimented her, but didn't ackknowledge it. To do that would be considered conceited, at least to her. And clearly, he held no interest in her, which made Makini think he was gay. One could never know now a days.

"I'm Makini. Pretty sure you don't give a damn, but it would nag me until I did. Who're you, leopard?" Name exhange time, so fun. She stretched herself out, her eyes never leaving his as she waited for an answer.

He was amazed. Wait... What? She was looking for him? Or that's what he got out of this small conversation. He was dumb found. How could she like him? Or want to even come near him. He just kinda gaped at her answer for the moment. Like she was crazy, was the face he was giving her. Completely utterly crazy.

He didn't care, that was the truth. He only cared of one being on this planet. "Takumi" He simply said. Perhaps it'd back fire on him later, the name he gave her. For if she took it to Thona, oh.... He knew how he'd react. How he'd toy with him, and possibly Asami. Thona could get anyone to do as he pleased. At least in this pride, so he could never be sure what to expect.

That look, she knew it quite well. The 'you're crazy' look. Did she care? Hell no. She'd just met this 'Takumi' kid. Snorting a bit more, she chuckled nd nodded. "Odd name, but it works. You're in an interesting pride. I want to see how the dynamics work. Think I can observe and decide to join? Or join now?" Her tail flicked. She'd let him chose. She could go either way. One way or another, Makini would know this pride and the leader.

"Do whatever you please." He spat. "last time I heard, this pride was open to anyone who stumbled into it wanting to listen to him." He said rather annoyed. Why would anyone want to put themselves in Thona's mercy? He was forced to stay here. A slave to his own father in a way. He could leave, but then he'd be hunted down and killed. That part didn't bother him, what did was what would happen to Asami.

He couldn't stomach the thought of that. "If you don't fear death, carry on"

Orange eyes narrowed as she looked past him. So the pride was that way, right? Since he'd come from there. It would be interesting, meeting a womanizer and trying to get what she wanted from him. It seemed to be right up her alley, another challenge for her. It wouldn't be the first time she went after a womanizing male. She'd made a couple fall in love with her, then she left them broken hearted. Would she be able to do that in this case? She had to wait and see.

"Ooh, fiesty boy you are. Don't like where you live, do you? Poor you." Her tone was condescending, not caring of the results it would get her. He as rude, so she was rude back. She just wasn't at her b***h level yet.

"Get out of here before I sound an alarm and you'll end up dead for real." He spat at her. "If your going the pride is behind me." He told her. He wasn't afraid to make other's kill her, he just wasn't going to do it himself. In ways, he belonged here in this ******** up place, but in other ways it was almost unfair to him that he did. He wasn't sure which was worse. Nor did he care.

Her eyes darted to him and saw he was serious. With a smirk on her lips, she shook her head and turned herself around, away from the pride. More observation was needed, and she wanted to talk to Thona himself. "See you around, poor boy!" She said, not looking back to him and disappeared into the night.