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User Image Rules aren't very strict, and they can be skimmed over quickly. Though we rather you did follow them we do believe the unfortunate slip up can happen.


User Image Laws are things you need to pay attention to. You will be scolded if caught. Laws are things that put needles in people soft parts do beware them.


User Image Commands are near absolute. You have to follow them as if being a pinon and the guild itself being the higher authority. If commands aren't followed you could be in danger of abandonment or rough scolding.

Overall Dictatorships

User Image You have to follow them no ifs ands or buts. If they aren't followed you could be thrown out or worse.

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-You're not god. Cheshire isn't either. Stop acting superior in fighting. If you're wounded that's that you can't twist fate. Also, fights might be exaggerated. Just turn to dust or regenerate in a corner and take the minus. If fights continue to such extreme harshness that it causes actual fear and mistrusts I'll shove my foot up your a**'s. If its me whose fighting I'm never actually serious so don't wet your panties over it.

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-Cheshire always speaks Cheshire. [If I'm not RPing then I'll use brackets all the time every time. Don't get offended by my character its just the way I play him out to be. I make Cheshire really stupid, and since he's in a sort of Victorian era he won't know what a condom or tv is sorry.]

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-We are warped beings, but chains also can only read real words. Do your best to speak correctly you won't be condemned for not doing so its only irritating.

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- Everyone has their own opinion don't shoot anyone down, that's Cheshire's job only. Be open to opinions.
P.s I criticize things to a great extreme if I say its bad I'm not lying. I won't coddle you and tell you its great if I do I'm probably drunk off of not having any sleep.

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- Nobody cares what you look like, your age, your fatness, your thinness. So just shut the [x] up about it. I colored my hair, I bought some new clothes are all fine. Saying your too fat or too skinny is just stupid and annoying. You want pity and a friendship speech take a nice little sunday walk to hell.

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-Try your best not to just type a face and a couple of dots. If you do that we all get bored until the vice captain appears out of nowhere. Don't whine about being bored either or try your best to refrain from doing so. It doesn't actually help AT. ALL.

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-No stretching pages it makes everything hard to read, bad enough every ones font is sized 9.

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-No Twilight. There's no need to describe why just no.

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-No saying ********, c**t. <- I needed to say it here so you know not to. Use [x] like a little censored ship box. If I see you saying it I'll edit your posts or scold you to change it or both.

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-Keep the mentioning of other series to a small minimum. I mean don't go on a rant so heavy lidded it converts our members to it. Cheshire knows by now everyday discussion is in fact other series discussion now that we have to wait a month for updates but don't lose peoples interests with constant talk of it.
Just to be an a** like when only three people knew what reborn was and then there wasn't even any mention of names just those random numbers that Cheshire still fails to understand :I

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No double posting.