The Tin Tower (Japanese: スズのとう Tin Tower) is a location in Johto in Ecruteak City. Seven hundred years before the games' events, two nine-tier towers were built opposite each other in Ecruteak City. The towers were built to foster friendship and hope between Pokémon and people. The view from the top of the towers was said to be 'magnificent'.
In the west was Brass Tower, which was said to awaken Pokémon, and in the east was Tin Tower, where Pokémon were said to rest, a similarity to the Hoenn region's Cave of Origin and Mt. Pyre, respectively. At the time, an immense silver-colored Pokémon, was said to make its roost atop the Brass Tower, while its counterpart, the glorious rainbow-colored Ho-Oh was said to rest at Tin Tower.
However, about 150 years before the games' events, a lightning bolt struck the Brass Tower. It was engulfed in flames that raged for three days. A sudden downpour finally put out the blaze, but it had already burnt to the ground. Three nameless Pokémon perished in the fire. But Ho-Oh descended from the sky and resurrected them. The Pokémon are said to embody three powers: the lightning that struck the tower, the fire that burned the tower, and the rain that put out the fire. When the Pokémon appeared, they struck terror in those who saw their rise. The three Pokémon, knowing their own power, fled, running like the wind off into the grassland.