I heard of a testimony in 2002. I was at Charity Youth Bible School and a missionary was there, talking about their ministry from China. And I felt like I have to share this.

In a village in China, there were about 300 people living there. And in the middle of the village lived a man that somehow the villagers counted 12 demons in that man. Even 10 heavy set farm workers cannot tie this man up with ropes and chains. And when you stepped on to that man's property, which is an invisible line; he comes out, half naked with a machete in his hand, running at you and will say "I'll kill you."

So these Chinese Christians, or maybe they were Missionaries (I cannot remember), were ordered to go to this village to find the problem. And after they found the problem, then they can preach the Gospel.

So these young ladies, and besides they were 18 years old, went out to this village and asked everyone what their biggest problem of the village was. Everyone pointed to the demonic man's house. "Ok, we'll take care of that." The ladies said to them.

They was walking down to the man's house. As they were walking, they were praying and singing all of the way. And when they stepped into his property, out he came with a machete in his hand, just like normal.

And one of the sweet little ladies held up her hand and say with the calm of everything and confidence in God. She said, "In the name of Jesus, stop." And the man stopped in mid-air. He cannot moved an inch, nor could he see. The only thing he could do was to hear.

Then the girls fell to their knees and prayed. About an hour, the man was free, and this was the 1st thing that the man said out of his mouth. "This Jesus is Lord." And that day, all of the 300 people in that village was saved.

Now, I will give you some scriptures that might be an encouragement to you. 1 John 2:12 - 14 "I write unto you, little children, because your sins are forgiven you for his name's sake. I write unto you, fathers, because ye have known him that is from the beginning. I write unto you, young men, because ye have overcome the wicked one. I write unto you, little children, because ye have known the Father. I have written unto you, fathers, because ye have known him that is from the beginning. I have written unto you, young men, because ye are strong, and the word of God abideth in you, and ye have overcome the wicked one."

These Chinese Christians hit every point of these verses. I do encourage everyone to aim for that. Many will say that they do not have the faith or God doesn't know the circumstances that they are in. Remember, that is only an excuse and will only hinder us to engaged the enemy.

He said, and I believe this is to every Christian, "I write unto you because your sins are forgiven. I write unto you that you have known the enemy from the beginning of your Christian life. I write unto you that you have known the Lord. I write unto you that you have overcame the wicked one, I write unto you that you are strong in the Lord and His Word dwells within you and Satan and all of his demons will have no power over you.