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[PRP] An interesting meeting (Mzu x Tuliua) - FIN

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xo -- k a i r i

Invisible Dabbler

PostPosted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 12:22 am
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She totally and utterly DID NOT want to do this. This was...this was against everything she stood for! This was sick! Well...okay, maybe she was over-reacting just a little. But Faiz knew she didn't much like spending time around the others in his harem. She was his Beybanu, so she did as much as she was supposed to in giving them their daily tasks, but that was it - that was all there was between any of them. Liua, Naji and Fae all seemed to get on pretty well amongst themselves, but...Mzu didn't like to be there. Especially when they talked about Faiz.

But Faiz had told her to do this. No, perhaps, not told her. Ordered her. And whilst usually she'd throw off his orders, this one did make sense a little, even if she didn't like it. After all, with any luck she was to be a mother soon - she needed t know what to do! What it was like, and what to expect. Faiz had told her how Tuliua hadn't particularly enjoyed the pregnancy, and talking to her might arise several solutions that could make it more comfortable for herself. So really, it was all in her best interests.

She just wished she didn't have to talk to the stupid glowing lionness to do it.

And so, Mzu found herself outside the den - and despite herself, with a small smile on her face. She could hear giggling voices inside. Cub's voices. Standing there...she could almost understand why they made Faiz so happy. With a small irritated growl, Mzu shook the smile from her face, striding forwards into the den, until she turned the corner and spotted the family. And there she stood - just watching for now.
PostPosted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 12:31 am
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It had been a busy morning, and Tuliua was exhausted. First, Vizier Faiz had visited to check up on the cubs, which had been a pleasant surprise. She did enjoy seeing him, but his infrequent visits left her wondering whether he was distancing himself merely to give her space, or because...because he wasn't happy. He seemed to get on very well with Zeki and Ilyas, and the two boys of the litter looked up to their father as an idol. But there was the nagging suspision in the back of her head that..he wasn't happy. She hadn't made him happy like she'd hoped.

Then Ilyas had come in practically in tears, wailing about how his brother apparently already had a pretty young lionness in his harem, but he didn't. So she'd had to calm her son, and reassure him that he'd have one soon - besides, until he'd passed his coming of age it didn't really matter anyway! Liua smiled to herself at the thought - there was going to be some fierce competition between those two brothers, she could tell. Right now Ilyas was bounding around the den after a beetle, giggling loudly and squealing.

Suddenly, though, the female felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. Frowning, her pastel eyes widened as her head turned quickly, the feeling that she was being watched being confirmed as the petite figure of Faiz's Beybanu stood at the den entrance, watching her. Unease crept over the smaller-still lionness, as she swallowed a lump in her throat. She pushed herself to her feet when no words were spoken, inclining her head politely, "G-Greetings, Mzuka."

xo -- k a i r i

Invisible Dabbler

xo -- k a i r i

Invisible Dabbler

PostPosted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 12:40 am
She was starting to get irritated now - wasn't the glowing lionness going to notice her prescence, at least!? Almost as if she'd asked out loud, Liua then turned her head, and the two females were watching each other in an uncomfortable, rather awkward silence. Mzu felt she should perhaps say something? Assert her authority in some way or another? She'd been planning a stare-down, but than all failed her her gaze flickered to the small cub bounding around the den. He...he looked like them. Tuliua's markings, but most definitely Faiz's colouration. Her words caught in her throat, and Mzu was actually grateful when Tuliua spoke.

Her gaze turned back to the lionness, Mzu pushing aside the nagging irritation that she hadn't been addressed by her full name. Mzuka'hila was a name she was proud of, although it was such a mouthful she often didn't bother, and didn't put others through the irritation either. She supposed Mzuka was better than just Mzu, though. That was a name reserved only for those she was on extremely good terms with. ...Which wasn't many. Inclining her head back a little, Mzu found herself with the odd sensation of not quite knowing what to say. This meeting was awkward enough already, without her making it worse.

"...Good day, Tuliua," she spoke, as a return to the greeting she'd been given. She paused, trying to rack through her brain and come up with something to say, before a sigh parted her lips, and she figured the sooner it was over, the better, "To be frank, I'm here to...to observe. Faiz and I plan on a litter soon, and I was curious as to the process and what it was like."

Ugh, she sounded like a moron. And this really wasn't helping the awkwardness of the situation. "I was wondering, Liua, if you might tell me about it."
PostPosted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 12:48 am
A polite greeting was given in return, and Tuliua forced a small smile. She didn't want to appear anti-social, especially not in front of Faiz's Beybanu. She was Faiz's favourite - and for that reason, she was clearly better than Tuliua. If Faiz thought so, then she was happy to accept that. The small lionness held no hard feelings towards Mzu, only happiness and respect for her. So she didn't want to displease her, or appear as if she wasn't honored by her prescence in the den.

A sigh from the other reached her ears, and Tuliua's first instinct told her that the other must be bored. Oh, she'd failed already! Her ears flickered backwards, pinning agaisnt the top of her head as she hurried to stutter an apology. But...it seemed it wasn't needed. Her stance relaxed completely, Tuliua's utter surprise at the words clear as her eyes widened, mouth falling open a little. She, the loud, boisterous one that was Faiz's favourite, wished for Tuliua to recount her tales of pregnancy and childbirth? The meek lionness felt no jealousy at the news of another litter, only happiness for her Vizier and the lionness standing before him.

"I...O-Of course," she stammered, still too surprised to come up with much more as she looked around the den, spotting her son watching the pair, "I-Ilyas, go play outside, please."

There were complaints, but eventually the young lion complied, racing off outside. Tuliua sat herself down in the corner, and indicated a little shyly to Mzu that she was welcome to join her. "W-What would you like to know?"

xo -- k a i r i

Invisible Dabbler

xo -- k a i r i

Invisible Dabbler

PostPosted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 12:57 am
The other's stammering was beginning to get on her nerves, but she once again pushed it to the side - this would be over quickly, and then she could leave and find Faiz, and tell him she knew all about and was therefore completely ready now. He was playing hard to get - she knew it. But hey, two could play at that game...

She'd expected agreement, so a simple nod to acknowledge it was all the blue lionness gave as she shuffled on the spot a little, suddenly feeling more uncomfortable. She simply watched as Tuliua instructed her son, slightly intrigued - there was clearly love there. The way Tuliua's eyes softened, and her voice lowered a little. Mzuka felt a lump in her throat - she wanted to feel that way about someone. She wanted a small creature, that had come from her, to love dearly. ...But she'd get her wish, soon.

She blinked, slightly surprised by the invitation to sit. Deciding it'd be more comfortable than standing, she accepted it with a somewhat awkward smile of her own, slowly lowering herself to the ground a safe distance from the other. Not close enough to suggest anything more than aqquaintances, but at the same time not suggested anti-social tendencies. The question she was suddenly asked brought about a startled response, though, Mzu blinking. It was a good question...what did she want to know?

"Well...start with the pregnancy. What was it like? Exactly how big were you?"

She vaguely remembered the number five - five cubs. She'd had to have been pretty big.
PostPosted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 1:05 am
The other sat down, and Tuliua couldn't help but feel more uncomfortable. Mzuka had sat a decent distance away, and Liua couldn't help but feel a little self conscious. Did she smell? She was sure that when you had cubs, and were running around after them all day, you'd probably smell quite a bit.

Another awkward smile from Tuliua as Mzu targetted the pregnancy as a place to start. How big was she? Tuliua smiled a little wider, slightly amused. How big was big? Having five tiny bodies in you made you...pretty big. "Well, I...I won't lie. It was rather painful. You...you know that boulder? The one outside the Sultan's den? I-I was about that big, and i-it was like carrying that around in your stomach."

She paused, averting her gaze from the other to look outside, where her son had just gone. "But...but it was all worth it. W-When you first hear their little mewls, mewling for you...i-it's all worth it."

xo -- k a i r i

Invisible Dabbler

xo -- k a i r i

Invisible Dabbler

PostPosted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 1:14 am
The glowing lionness smiled - one Mzu didn't have the patience to return. And then she smiled...a little wider? But her eyes were glazed over. She was smiling to herself. Mzuka found a growl rising in her throat, just wanting to get this all over and done with. It was all so awkward already. She finally started, and Mzu watched her with mild interest, albeit listening closely.

Painful? Well, she hadn't expected it to be painful. Uncomfortable, perhaps. The birth was the painful bit, she'd thought. Perhaps Tuliua was confused. Mzu wrinkled her nose a little, however, at the boudler statement. Carrying a boulder in her stomach!? And that was only five cubs - she'd heard of litters of eight, or more! She knew she'd be having more than that, anyway - she had to. Giving Faiz less children than his Banu wasn't an option. There were already rumors that she was infertile, due to Tuliua having Faiz's first litter. She didn't want rumors that she was incompetent, either. In a way, that'd be worse than infertility.

Worth it? Mzu blinked, her own grassy eyes glazing over. The way she described it...having something that small needing you, and only you...worth it? Mzu smiled to herself. She bet. "So...the pregnancy? Were there any ways to solve the discomfort?"
PostPosted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 1:27 am
Tuliua watched the other carefully, although tried not to make it obvious that she was. She was merely curious, and didn't want to upset the other for some reason or another. It was fairly well known that Mzuka could be somewhat...tempermental.

The other's eyes glazed over, and Tuliua allowed herself a smile. She had a feeling that she was thinking about cubs, and that pleased her. She'd always gone on the theory that her loud attitude showed she was somewhat lonely - after all, Faiz was a busy lion. Tuliua herself wasn't a greedy lionness and managed fine with the infrequent visits, but for someone a little more dependent it may have been difficult. Having cubs would cure that lonliness, and she was certain that Mzuka would be a truly great mother.

"Well..." Solving the discomfort? There were the basics, such as laying down, taking the weight off of your feet. But they were obvious, weren't they? "I-I found that bathing was quite n-nice. Like...t-there was this one r-really warm day, and the water was r-r-really warm. And it...it was r-really nice."

xo -- k a i r i

Invisible Dabbler

xo -- k a i r i

Invisible Dabbler

PostPosted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 1:40 am
Mzuka'hila felt herself beginning to fidget a little - her paw was tapping against the ground, and her tail was beginning to sway from side to side. It'd become more obvious soon, so Mzu deduced that this meeting would have to end shortly, before she became too irritated and snapped. She honestly didn't want to - Faiz'd be angry, and she didn't hate Tuliua. Just...hated that she'd had Faiz's cubs first.

"Bathing?" she repeated, blinking in surprise. She'd never have thought of that - although it did make sense now it'd been brought to attention. Bathing in hot springs was a comforting experience all together, and when you were in considerable discomfort it could only make it better, surely? She nodded, a small smile on her face. "Thank you, Tuliua. I will take your advice with gratitude."

She paused, frowning. Was there anything else specifically she wanted to know? To be frankly, she was sure she could figure it out herself. And she wanted to leave, before she became too angsty. Pushing herself to her feet, announcing that she was about to depart, she dipped her head politely, even offering a small smile. "Thank you for your time, Tuliua. Talking with you has been helpful."
PostPosted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 1:53 am
Mzuka repeated her suggestion, and Tuliua nodded meekly to reassure her that she had heard correctly. She hoped she hadn't sounded stupid - perhaps bathing was an obvious one too? She instantly regretted her decision to mention it, ears flattening against her head a little. But it seemed she was mistaken, and the blue lionness thanked her. Tuliua blinked, managing a somewhat shy smile as she nodded a little, somewhat confused by the whole situation now.

Mzuka stood, and Tuliua found herself scrambling to stand also, inclining her head with a smile as the blue lionness announced her departure. Or...not so much announced it, as suggested it. "N-No, thank you, Mzuka. I-It has been an enjoyable conversation."

She paused, whether to voice her opinions, or whether they were best kept to herself. Finally deciding it wouldn't hurt, she cleared her throat quietly, speaking softly, "You'll be an amazing mother, Mzuka."

xo -- k a i r i

Invisible Dabbler

xo -- k a i r i

Invisible Dabbler

PostPosted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 1:58 am
Tuliua gave her own polite comment and Mzuka flashed a genuinely sincere smile. Whilst not...enjoyable, the conversation had been endurable. Perhaps she should interact with the harem just a little more - it'd impress Faiz, if nothing else. And give her something to do whenever he was off doing his Vizier-ly duties.

She nodded once more before turning to leave, when she suddenly heard the glowing lionness clear her throat. Pausing, turning back with a confused frown, Mzu was truly taken aback by the lionness' next words. An...amazing mother? It was such a surprise that Tuliua had said the words, but such a heartfelt statement that Mzuka'hila found herself honestly lost for words. She started speaking, before stopping as all that came out was nonsense. Swallowing the lump in her throat, she managed to smile. "Thank...Thank you, Tuliua."

And then she was gone - she left swiftly, determined to leave before she made even more of a fool of herself.
[IC] Abandoned Forest [IC]

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