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[LOG] Sacrifice =/= Servitude? || Aali/Teuli'ukilia

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Tahja Estes

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 7:15 pm
Aali walked alongside the edge of the lake, the water was a vast gleaming surface stretching onward in a blue hue until it reached the flat green land on it's opposite bank. He stopped and moved to dip his head to lap at the water eagerly gulping down the clear water to quench his thirst. Today he wanted to patrol and relax, he would be in his den tending to his lovely ladies but he needed to give them time alone to bond without his presence.

He moved along following the path of the lake until he found a large boulder. With a smile he leapt up and sprawled out his mane puffing around him as he gave a small shake. His paws stretched before he settled comfortably his ice blue eyes scanning the terrain in casual observation.
PostPosted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 7:17 pm
Seeing her children grow up so soon hadn't been surprising. To one whose experienced motherhood already the second time around could be a little easier, though not always. These children, however, she'd purposely distanced herself from some, though they received no less care than her first. These children had been mortal born, and so their lives were mortal bound. One day they would grow old, if lucky, and pass on to be...

Reborn? No, she didn't think so at least. She watched the ground below as she flew on, flaming wings flapping more out of habit, rather than need. She could fly just fine without her wings, as any god, though in all technicality if she ever lost her wings, her flames, it would be the death of her much swifter than any illness. They roared softly as fire whipped about by the winds often did, but did not lose strength. As her eyes scanned below she finally found what she'd been seeking. Not for need, but for habit and want did Teuli still bother drinking and eating. Having been mortal once it was something she did for comfort and to keep the appearance of normalcy.

She chose to pay no mind to the mortal male resting on the bolder by the lake side, even as she came down for a smooth landing a few yards away from the rock and him. He was huge(!), but that didn't concern her. Her last mate had been even bigger, if that was possible to believe, and she was already smaller than most to start with, so she was quite used to that size difference.

She drew herself closer to the water, quietly taking a drink. She didn't mean to be rude by not speaking, but she had no intention of initiating a chat, she simply wanted to get her water and be on her way if possible.

Tahja Estes

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Tahja Estes

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 7:18 pm
Aali on the other hand had no intention of ignoring the female who had landed in front of him. For a moment her ebony coat reminded him of his first capture and he sucked in a deep breath. Another female stumbling right into their paws? What kind of luck was this? Better yet she seemed totally oblivious, she was small enough to pin...he moved gracefully his muscles bunching beneath his thick fur.

Once he was crouched on the rock he gauged the distance and leapt eager to pin down this new female. If she struggled too much...perhaps he would release her, the thought of having to break a Kajira was unappealing when he had his four lovely ladies at home only just becoming used to him.
PostPosted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 7:19 pm
So caught up in her thoughts, but keeping one eye open-- so to speak --for the male, not wanting to be caught off guard if he chose to make a move, she still didn't expect what happened next. One moment he was resting on the boulder, relaxed, then he had crouched and made the leap. A few yards to a wild cat-- those powerful leg muscles? Such a distance meant nothing, and she was paying for that misjudgement now. She should have known.

She gave a great, pained grunting "UMPH" sound as all the air was squashed right out of her lungs. Immediately outraged as well as panicked, she just so managed to shout with what little breath she had as she began to fight against his hold.


Tahja Estes

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Tahja Estes

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 7:20 pm
Aali swatted her wings down trying to move them out of his way with mild annoyance, huh wings...he had never seen a female with wings before. For a moment he was a bit startled by being unable to move them out of his way. Still the warm sensation of touching them made his grin and nuzzle her spine for a moment.

"I'm capturing you for my harem...don't yell it's rather unbecoming..." He murmured against her ear quite content with how he had her pinned. He shifted his weight slightly to hold her better once he realized he couldn't hold her wings. Wing...they still perplexed him slightly, perhaps this was a dream? She was pretty enough for this to be some daydream or mirage, perhaps another drink of water would have helped.
PostPosted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 8:13 pm

For a few moments she could only focus on breathing a bit, recovering from the shock of having his weight on her back, knocking her to the ground so suddenly. She growled, unwilling to agree to such a thing and also irritated with how familiar he acted, touching her so. Augh! And did he have to paw at her wings like that? It tickled!

"You most certainly are not." She shot back, pushing at him, though she did lower her voice considerably. "I have no desire to be part of any collection, now get your paws off of me, mortal."

She was just shy of being affronted by such treatment, and viciously blocked out the memories of the attack she'd suffered some time ago.

"I am actually, you should be quite honored...I want to keep you, protect you and care for you. You musn't fight such a thing you know." He sighed softly wondering what he was going to do. Normally he would unpin his captive and simply watch to make sure she didn't try to bolt, but if those wings actually worked...well that would prove more of a challenge.

He felt her trying to push him off and pressed her back down firmly his paws tender against her shoulder-blades and back. "Now now...no struggles please, at least allow me to explain...your quite unique and I would be very pleased to have you." He nuzzled her lightly and smiled. "What is your name?" Could it be could he really keep her? What an enjoyable endeavor it would be...but still the way she squirmed unhappily and spoke so haughtily...she screamed Kajira and the thought of having to put her down was even more unpleasant then it had ever seemed to him.

If he had come across her not long ago, perhaps she might have been more moved by those words. She grew tired of constantly looking after others, She was definitely a haughty little thing, though, and she had a cub to get back to, so this just wasn't going to do at all.

The next moment she was out of his grasp, standing a few feet away again, and backing away quickly. She'd simply teleported out from under him, but was wary he'd jump on her again.

"No, you won't. I've far too many responsibilities to take care of, including a cub, and two prides to look after. I'm sorry, I'm flattered..." Well, not... particularly, though perhaps a little bit she was. She hadn't felt appreciated in a long time. "--but my life is not one that can simply be dropped for some male's whims. I am Teuli'ukilia, goddess of Sacrifice."

Aali was stunned when he felt the ground and the slight dampness of the lakes edge under him. He looked up and frowned moving closer to her again and listening curiously. "You can bring your cub..." The concept of a female looking after even one pride, let alone two was so strange and foreign that he didn't bother to acknowledge it.

"A goddess hmm?" He gave her a wry playful smile. "Well then the greatest sacrifice would be that you should surrender your life into my keeping." He nodded softly and moved closer to her this time casually as if certain that she would see reason and come to him. She would wouldn't she? Couldn't she see how capable he was? How well he could protect her and care for her, how he was offering her a home and love for her and her cub? It would be madness for her to use those warm little wings to try and escape.

She shook her head, still distrusting, but seeming to take some kind of encouragement from the fact that he didn't attack her again. She moved as he moved, though, making sure simply to keep the same amount of distance between them.

"I cannot. His home is there, as is mine. His family is there, generations of them. I will not uproot him, nor ask him to leave what little comfort he has left." She replied firmly, then couldn't help but roll her eyes at the sacrifice bit. It was a childish thing to do, rolling her eyes like a cub, but she was serious so often, she could slip once in a while, right? At least she wasn't growling or snarling. That was a mild reaction. "You ask me to upset the balance?"

In truth, she could "work" from anywhere, but she liked her freedom. She wasn't willing to give that up after having already missed fifty or more years in slumber.
"Besides which... something tells me that you already have your paws full with your.... harem as is. My life is not my own to do with as I wish, nor you, or anyone else. My duty is to my domain. I've already sacrificed enough."

How frustrating...she was actually denying him? He frowned for a long moment and considered trying to grab her again to keep her, his muscles tensed and relaxed in turn as he tried to choose. Finally he growled and looked away "Why have you come to these lands then?" His eyes were cold now as he struggled not to pounce on her.

She belonged to him now, this rebellious attitude was uncalled for when she had landed right infront of him! Still she was right, his paws were full with his current ladies but who was she to say such a thing? Such a mouthy female, Aysel would be able to teach her better...he snorted.

As he grew further frustrated she only calmed, and with the calming, quelling outrage came clarity. She shook her head lightly again, toussling her bangs back from her eyes with a quick paw. She sought to soothe, perhaps she had been a little snappish, considering no harm was done.

"For tresspassing, I apologize."

Had she been born of "divine" heritage, would she? Perhaps not, but she had been born mortal first, after all, and had to learn the ways of the gods, both painful and not.

"My domain gives me much cause to travel, as I said, and I have two prides to look after as well. One of my own, grown cubs is in a pride not far from here... I was merely thirsty. Last I passed through this area these lands were unclaimed."

She allowed a moment to look away, staring past the lake towards the distant other shore, suddenly seeming extremly tired.

"... But it's been.... such a long time... So much changes when you have centuries behind you."

"These lands are mine, and females who travel here as subject then to become the prides." His voice was cooler now tinged with anger but clearly not about to force her. He felt a bit ashamed of that as well, his father would have forced this female this so called Goddess...he would have tamed her or slain her himself. Aali however felt a bit differently, perhaps the cruel end of his first Kajira had made him more cautious. Was he a coward for thinking it best to let this female leave? For feeling compassion that she had a cub somewhere far away to care for?

He sighed and looked her over still mildly curious about her proclaimed domain and age. Was she really some etherial being? If so why was she female? He gave her a once over again his cool eyes tracing over her form.

What would she do when her charge had grown, no longer needed her? Would a time like that come? Yes, that much was inevitable, but to spend an eternity around mortals again? She saw the pain her daughter would not speak of, felt the pain she herself dared not acknowledge, recalled the agony of both sides... How awful to know both sides of mortality, to despair, so, when not in the presence of others-- forced to accept that it was her own doing that put her in this position. She didn't want to be alone anymore, to have others leave her behind. The world of gods was no place for her, not anymore, but she wasn't done yet. There was still much to do.

"... Perhaps... I..." She began, gaze still distant, staring but not seeing the lake beside them. Perhaps, what? She felt her throat constrict, wondering if she could finish the sentence.

"Perhaps you should go...if another male sees you in these lands you might not be so fortunate..." He murmured softly more as friendly advice then a threat. He looked at her still though his gaze never leaving her form as it trailed over her with open admiration and curiosity.

He slowly moved towards her before moving around her and tilting his head. "I'll escort you if you wish?"

"..." Yes, of course. Be logical. She had promised to take over this duty when she accepted the goddess' immortality, her powers. She couldn't just give it all up, and besides, rebirth was a problem anyway. "I would enjoy the company for a bit, as long as you promise not to jump on me again."

She meant the last part as a tease, especially since standing side by side their size difference was quite obvious.

"I shan't make another attempt despite how much you tempt me too." He chuckled and moved along the lakeside sandwiching her between himself and the bank so that any passing males probably wouldn't spot her. She was so very pretty, a stinging reminder of his first failure. Perhaps that was why he had desired her so? To prove that he could tame the untamable? Yet he knew better, he lacked the iron paw that most males seemed to possess to manage to tamp down the wild willed females. His vizier could probably pin this female down and hold her, he was like a force of nature sometimes.

He glanced at her again and offered a soft smile to make up for how distracted he had become. "Tell me of this pride you watch?" His tone was mildly amused, like a parent indulging the wild tales of a cub. A female watching over a pride...the thought almost made him laugh.

"Hmmm..." Was her non commital reply to his comment about her tempting. She wondered then if he might not be contemplating a way to trap her there, and thought it better to keep her guard up as she thought things over.

If she was aware of his mirth she opted not to take offense by it. From their short interaction she was able to gather that this male was much like some of the humans she had seen in leadership positions, attaining multiple females and paying them little heed. Indeed, in the two leggers world, for some prides at least, women were simply there to bear cubs and provide food. Was this pride so different?

"You don't believe females have places in positions of power..."

It was a stated fact, an observation, and there was nothing suggesting she took offense, probably because she'd lived so long by then that she knew better, but she answered his inquiry then.

"I watch over them as a mother watches over her young. My granddaughter and I protect one pride in lands not unlike the ones I crossed in coming here. The lands are harsh, yet many call it home. We stumbled across it in our travels when she was still just a cub..."

Teuli smiled fondly, clearly missing the days when her precious little grandcub had still been eager to spend time with grandma.

"Shortly after they reclaimed their lands from the vultures, however, I began to travel again, which is how I came by the other pride. I'm afraid I can't tell you anything about it, though, as it is our, their way, to prefer to remain in secret. Many could wander the lands for ages and never find their way in. It's a very secluded pride living by the shadows of the night, quite a contrast to the Dawnwalkers." She chuckled, taking a little relief in the shade that the large male also offered. How nice it felt to walk and talk like this, though she was aware that that comfort was only so long as he retained control of his urges. She had already been victimized once, not again.

Aali gave a slightly wry smile at her words, of course females didn't belong in any position to dictate but he wasn't foolish enough to claim they were powerless. "Females have their own type of power I suppose, but it's the duty of our males to ensure they know how to wield it properly. We protect them from those that might seek to abuse their beauty and talent and from themselves." 

He moved away from the topic, it was clear by her refusal to stay that she believed differently and he resigned himself unhappily to the fact she wouldn't stay. The loss made him ashamed of himself and angry at himself as well for his weakness. Still he betrayed no hint of anger towards the female, it wasn't her fault she wasn't raised properly.

He walked along his pace steady as he noted the edge of the territory coming closer and closer, she would be gone from his world soon...a true loss. He glanced back at her "You love your family...their very lucky to have you...as are your prides. Loyalty is so important I suppose thats what makes it easier to let you go." Or so he tried to tell himself.

"Hmm... well, I can honestly say that in all my centuries following this course, I have only personally encountered one pride with a female for it's leader... tradition does dictate that a males natural role is on the throne looking after his pride. That is the way that nature and the natural balance intended things, there is no denying that. I suppose when you have as much experience as I, such a wide variety of memories and encounters to recall, there are so many others... places and values and opinions, beliefs and practices, in a way I'm glad. It's good to know that even now I can still be surprised."

She answered, with a slight shake of her head. "... Truth be told, I was not always this way... There was a time, hundreds of years ago... maybe more, I can't recall anymore, when I used to be normal, mortal. I lived for the idea of family, longed for it. When I had it... it wasn't what I had hoped for. I couldn't bear the idea of the two of us being unhappy for the rest of our natural, ongoing, immortal lives."

She paused in her steps near the visible end of the territory, shutting her eyes and shaking her head just so, trying to dislodge the ghosts of her past. She hadn't dared tried letting herself fall again after that, and that had been decades and decades. They'd tried to work around it once and simply couldn't...

"I grow tired... but there's still so much that I must do. I don't believe that you ever told me your name."

"It's the way things should be..." He muttered softly unwilling to argue but neither willing to believe that a female had been allowed to rule anywhere. Probably out in those vast lands far from them some foolish males had indeed allowed such a thing, but not here. Here they respected the traditions passed down to them and they dominated as they were born and bred to do. Except that Aali was still a bit weak when it came to having to physically dominate a female, it was so much more pleasing when they were happy and willing.

"I am Aali Sultan of the Ukuucha'Wafalme" He didn't think her a Goddess despite the way she spoke of her unnatural age and mortals or immortals. To the pride only a male could be divine, females were just oddities and she would be to him like a bright gem that escaped his grasp. He had to toughen up or the whole pride might suffer because of his inabilities. He would raise his sons properly none of this escorting females way anymore...but as he looked at her he couldn't find it in him to try and hold her against her will. She sounded so tired, weak, and fragile to do something against her while she was in such a state...to even think it made him feel like a cad.

"Ah... I don't argue that." She amended. Truth be told, she believed this too. Bloody hell, she came from a time when a pride was a pride, and the only time you found single pairings was in the rogue lands. Being one of the gods was much like that. They had no "Pride", most unable to stand one another, they were rogues among their own kind. So she was old fashioned. "Ah... then, Sultan Aali, I will make you this promise..."

She shifted so that she could face him a bit more, looking at him again.

"Once I have finished seeing to my responsibilites... if I am able, I will return to you, and if I am unable then instead I promise you a son or daughter to come in my place, on my honor as a goddess."

He would likely be quite surprised by this... change in pace, but had he simply asked from the very start she may not have reacted so volatile, though it was no more his pride's way than it was her to simply bow and accept a mortal's will. She explained.

"In a way... this is a comfort.... your pride's ideals are much like those that I learned growing up centuries ago when I was still just a mortal cub. Perhaps the reason that I have suffered so long, and felt so out of place is not because I cannot die, but because the rest of the world had moved on while time for me stood still. I cannot fit myself to the role that the goddess before me once filled. I think I should like, very much, to return to the life that I once knew."

Aali was startled. stunned even...but pleasure welled up inside of him. A promise such as the one she made was not made lightly and her sincerity was plain. Still...females could be deceitful, but he would take her word.
"Promise me you will send a daughter then, she would be most cherished and well cared for, raised among us. Our traditions have lasted for generation after generation from the time our fathers left the great desert. If you cannot return, then I would at least like your offspring to have that comfort which you cannot."

His blue eyes trailed over her feeling for a moment victorious, perhaps his way was not so bad. Force might have only made things worse. He was glad that she had seen the value in their pride, and her offer to return of her own violation made him smile. He moved lightly to put a gentle paw against her back playfully patting at her wings. "Sometimes the best power in the world comes from life's simple pleasures, and if you always live above them then you can never really experience them. Here we have the power of love and family, loyalty and devotion...if you tire of flying away and sacrifices made...return to us." He moved his paw away from the tender warmth of her wings.

And she had no reason to be deceitful, really. He had given her her freedom, or she had at least already proven that she could take it at any time she wanted. No, this promise was scincere. This time she didn't mind him pawing at her wings, knowing that he could no more harm them than they could harm him.

It still tickled.

"I may not have this form when you see me again." She "warned", not sure if she would look the same.

"A rose by any other name would smell just as sweet...I think I should recognize you no matter the form." He smiled softly before nodding and turning to leave her at the edge of the territory.


Tricky Treater

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