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The day had been unexpectedly long and filled with surprises, some sad and some joyful. He had started simply wanting a little walk, some exercise for himself to stretch out all his muscles. When he had found the sickly female and her little cub he had been startled by the dying mothers request to care for her only living child. Bringing in a small cub as a banu was an unexpected joy yet knowing the cub was orphaned was tragic.

When he had met up with his nephew he was slightly stunned by how well the two cubs got along. More stunned still when Zeki had begged him to give him the female for his harem, most males would not receive a gift like that at such a young age yet Aali couldn't resist his nephew. He conceded knowing that Faiz would ensure that Zeki taught and cared properly for the young female despite his own young age. He slipped into the den the moon casting only a pale light, his eyes searched swiftly for his sultana, she would like to hear the story and he would love to take her for a stroll in the moonlight.

The silver lioness stood just beyond the reach of the moonlight, her misty eyes and pale coat almost glowing in the darkness. "Aali, you're back," she stated simply, curiosity plan in her voice as she drew closer. If she glowed in the shadows, there in the light she was named for Aysel was a beacon. Her smile was kind as she neared her Sultan, rubbing her head against him lovingly before sitting back before him. Head cocked to the side, she ventured forward with her silent questions. "You've been gone a while, was your day well?"

It wasn't that it was wrong or unusual for his day to take him out of her sight for a period of time, be it for duties or simply his own leisure, but she always found it impossible to resist inquiring of his activities nonetheless. She knew well enough he would keep too sensitive information to himself, and never did she actually demand an exact answer. Her reward for such careful curiosity, however, tended to be some rather fascinating little stories from the large male. A favorite trait? Oh yes.

"Come walk with me, you look even more radiant in the moonlight then anything I've seen all day..." He smiled and nuzzled her gently before lightly nudging her to move onward and out into the cool night.

"I've quite the story for you...My little walk led me quite some ways and I discovered a sick female laying in some shrubs not too far from out from the prides territory." He glanced at her his eyes filled with a compassionate sadness that spoke volumes of just how sick the female had been.

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Nuzzling him briefly in return, she followed his lead and stepping out of the den into the night air. Silence took her for a moment as she listened, though his words and tone made her ears flatten in sympathy for the poor lioness. Her head dropped slightly, expression uneasy as to where this story of his would go.

"I'm sorry to hear, I hope she wasn't made to suffer long," she said softly, gaze flicking to the stars in a wish for peace for the female wherever she was now. Her attention returned to Aali, a brow rising slightly. "What did you do? Surely that can't be the end of your tale."

"No...that was only the beginning...she passed quickly. But before she did she asked me a favor. You see she wasn't alone, curled up in those bushes was her only daughter, a small cub. She asked me to bring her into the pride and care for her. A strange and bittersweet blessing don't you think?" He sighed softly.

Slowly he moved along toward the lake to walk alongside it "Grief is hard enough...but that cub was orphaned...alone in the world. I really didn't know what to do or say for her, so I told her to come with me. We started back, it took almost all day...smaller stride you know." He smiled softly thinking of the cub fondly.

The sudden introduction of a new character to this story alarmed her slightly, considering the situation, though new found pity for this unknown cub forced her gaze to the ground to consider this new information. Relief mixed into the pot at Aali's perfect timing onto the scene to be able to take the unfortunate mother's last wish and bring the cub back to safety. Bring the cub... "Though I still feel bad for her, knowing her daughter would be safe must have been a great relief. Poor child..." Her voice trailed off, softly shaking her head.

The thought from before resurfacing, she glanced back towards the den. He hadn't arrived with the cub... Her tail dipped into the cool water of the lake, trailing thoughtfully through the calm surface. "The trek wasn't too hard on her, I hope?" As she spoke, she glanced up at Aali, pausing in wonder at the expression on his face. Surely he wasn't looking so happy about the fate of the mother, the cub then? The little girl brought such a calmness to him... a cub. Her mind was beginning to split in two, one side focused on the conversation at hand, while the other...

"She managed it quite well actually, I thought I should carry her, but the walking seemed to help distract her a bit...or at least I hope it did." He nodded softy and watched Aysel's reflection in the cool water. "She was so quiet though, I worried..."

Finally he smiled softly and glanced at her. "But as we entered the pride territory once more I spotted my nephew Zeki, bright boy and very vivacious. Well I thought that perhaps a little interaction with another cub might be good for her. I just didn't want to push her into a cheerful situation too quickly...but she seemed to open up a bit. I think she can really be happy here despite her misfortune, she'll have all the loving family she could ever need."

"I would be more worried if she chatted like nothing happened," the Sultana mused softly. Her expression brightened as he continued, the mention of Zeki bringing a pause in her deeper thoughts in favor of flashes of mental images of the boy. Faiz's son, or one of them at least - somehow, she wasn't surprised to hear the ball of energy had a paw in helping the newcomer.

"It must be easier to deal with another of her own age rather than a big, fluffy, stranger." Her tone slipped into one of teasing, nudging her shoulder against his with a grin on her face. "That aside though, I believe you're right. Though I hope she'll always be able to keep the memory of her mother, there is a family here for her, too." Aysel chuckled, gaze drifting back to the water. "And so the pride continues to grow..."

A cub... First Faiz's bunch, now this little one... who would be the next to bring new life to the lands?

"The truth is Zeki begged me for her, and I couldn't refuse him, the boy is a ball of energy and perhaps having a banu to care for will teach him some responsibility. Faiz has four lovely banu who can help as well if Zeki isn't fully up to the task yet, but I have a feeling he'll rise to the challenge. Helping the girl overcome her grief should be good for him, and I think his cheer will be good for her too." He nodded softly still confident in his choice. Granted the only issue was that he had failed to consider any jealousy between the two brothers, that Zeki should now have his own banu while Illyas would not.

"Yes, the pride is growing indeed...things are finally smooth. I feel like things are just getting better and better." He nuzzled her softly. "It's much thanks to you, you've always helped me in ways you don't even know." He licked her cheek and smiled.

A slight wince came to her at this new information. A cub... had a banu? There were no rules against this? Surely he'd thought of the possible problems this might cause between the young males... "I don't suppose... you know of another little cub to go to his brother?" Her voice was light, almost joking, but her eyes were anything but. Given, her main concern should be for the females of the pride, leave the rest to the Sultan, but the idea of a girl causing problems amongst the males wasn't the easiest thing to ignore. "It sounds like it will be a good experience for both though." She did agree with his ideas for how they'd help one another, and surely growing up side by side would only strengthen their bond... but she couldn't shove the concept of sibling rivalry out of her head.

But Aali was quite good at distracting her from her more negative thoughts, even if he wasn't fully aware of it. She returned the nuzzle, drawing closer to him when her ears flicked at his last words. "Have I?" A brow rose, a proud little smile forming. "I would hope I've been of use to you. But you don't take enough credit for yourself, Aali. You've done so much, in such a short period of time - you deserve for everything to be going so well. Gives you a chance to relax."

Aali looked at Aysel mildly surprised and frowned the thought had never crossed his mind...but now that his sultana mentioned it, hmm yes that could be an issue. "Illyas is mature, surely he won't be jealous, besides Zeki is the one who really needs a lesson in responsibility." He finally concluded, still he couldn't help but wonder if maybe Illyas wouldn't be just a tad jealous.

"Illyas is the oldest you know, he has plenty to keep him occupied including taking care of his sisters. There are no other young females who I could gift him with though so I suppose we'll have to trust in his maturity." He gave a firm nod trying to convince himself as much as Aysel.

He hadn't thought about this little aspect, had he? This fact made Aysel giggle a bit, baffled but nodding to his reasoning. "Perhaps treat him to a trip, just in case? Though he is mature, he's still just a cub." But who was she to say? She'd only her memories of her younger sisters to draw on, though that was still enough of a reminder little ones took any reason they could to brawl.

"You did what was right for the female though - though having a new family is good, to also have someone to form such a strong bond with..." She gave a nod of her own, smiling as she wondered how the two would grow up.

"Yes thats a brilliant idea..." He smiled and pulled her close to nuzzle her and lick her cheek. "What would I do without you? Yes I'll take Illyas on a special trip, I wouldn't want him to feel left out, and I could explain to him.'

He nodded softly as she mentioned the strong bond, with luck the little cub would grow into a good banu for Zeki and she in turn would help Zeki grow into a responsible pad. "She's young adjusting should be easier for her, still I hope she'll be alright...without her mother." His voice tightened at the end remembering how he felt growing up, his own mother passed while he was but a cub, the Sultana was never replaced. Many females raised him with love but still, a mother was a mother.

She grinned to his complement, shaking her head with a chuckle. "You would have thought of it yourself, love. He'll be happy nonetheless though for the trip. He is mature... but Illyas is still a cub. I would hate for a child's nature to run rampant over the newcomer." It was a small conflict, but a needless one nonetheless. Best to bite it in the bud now than risk a dangerous bloom.

From one solemn topic to another, Aysel's ears flicked back with a small wince. Without a mother indeed... "An eye should be kept on her, of course. One can only hope if she is having difficulties she will speak up to one of the girls. No one can replace her mother, but I believe, given time, she will come to see the family she has now." As she spoke, she watched the Sultan, eyes soft. She licked his cheek, nuzzling him as she continued gently, "We never forget our mothers, and never would a mother forget her cubs. Even if they are not with us physically... you can trust their love and hope for their young one's happy life still remains."

Aali gently nuzzled Aysel in return and nodded softly comforted by her words, he knew she of all would understand his indirect words. Tenderly he licked her cheek before slowly smiling and nudging her. "Lets head home and get some rest hmm?"

He moved to his paws and gazed at her happily at the moodlight filtered down on her silver coat he grinned and paused. Truly he was a most fortunate male surrounded by beauty and intelligence and compassion.
