i want to tell you about my experience since the youth retreat that i went to in June. See what happened there was a miracle. i believe he messed everyone up.there were skits that showed us tactics that the Enemy uses on us to get us to lose faith.(the Enemy? we have a very real enemy!) both skits broke my heart cuz they showed us the reality of the spiritual warfare that we are in. this summer i was finally baptized in Jesus' sweet name.
but what was awesome is what happened after! See my family is poor. we have been living in an rv for almost 2 years. (dont pity us,it was a humbling experience) i've been that great at praying...but when i came back from Coram Deo i was given such a passion by God that it was almost overwhelming. in a good way. i prayed for my mom to get her icome tax and some food stamps. Couple weeks later, we got them. then i prayed for us to get an appartment and He answered it.
also ive had problems with my health lately. and ive prayed. he's given me peace of mind when i asked for it. and i thank him deeply for it. God does work in our lives. may be no the way we would expect but He does.

What has God done in your lives