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"Momma, Momma! Look what I caught!" came the joyful cry of the eldest son, as he dragged a dead hare back towards the den he shared with his mother and siblings, along with his father and his harem. Ilyas was extremely proud of himself for making such a catch - Zek had never caught anything before! But of course, that was to be expected. He, Ilyas, was the eldest son, and therefore like...automatically the best. He was going to be the msot handsome when he grew up, and have the biggest harem and the prettiest ladies...

Entering the den, rabbit dangling from his maw, his wide blue eyes searched the empty rocky den, spotting the pale, sleeping shape of his mother in the corner and trotting over merrily. Father, Najiyya, Faeqa and Mzu were probably all out hunting or working or something. His Momma was special at the moment, because she had to look after him and his siblings. Where his other siblings were, though, he wasn't exactly too sure.

Bounding over, Il hopped on the spt behind his mother, dropping the hare right beside her as he merrily cried, "I caught a rabbit! I caught a rabit, and Zek didn't!"

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She had to admit, not having to hunt was quite nice.

She couldn't help but feeling guilty, though, that everyone else was having to work twice as hard, so as to provide for Tuliua and her children. Mzu, in particular, did not seem at all happy. But...that was Mzu. Liua had always noticed how jealous the Beybanu seemed to get, but tended to avoid her rather than challenge her, as it wasn't in her nature. But yes...being allowed to lay here, dozing in the warm afternoon weather to regain her strength from chasing around five energetic cubs was a very, very nice thing to do indeed. She knew she wasn't to get used to it, though.

And then suddenly, her nap was over. The excited voice of her eldest son caused Tuliua to groan softly as she opened her pastel eyes, pushing herself up onto her stomach as she sleepily turned her head to her sun, blinking the sleep from her eyes drearily. "Hmm? What is it, Ilyas?" she asked, not having noticed the hare he'd dropped at her paws.

Was Momma asleep? ...Maybe he should've found papa first instead. Oh, but no, she was moving! His face looked up with wide, excited eyes as he awaited his mother to turn and face him, tail wagging behind him like one might expect a canine's to. Once his mother finally lookd down at him he hopped up again, taking a step back so he didn't have to quite crane his head as much.

"Look, Momma! I caught a hare! Zek hasn't caught anything yet, has he!? I need to show Papa, where's Papa? He needs to know how awesome I am!" he spoke, giving a wide, toothy grin once he'd finished.

Hmm? A hare? Frowning a little in confusion, it soon faded as she glanced downwards, spotting the dead creature at her paws. A wide, proud smile spread over her face as she looked up to her son again, though it faltered as her maw stretched open involuntarily, a long yawn drawing out before her mouth snapped back down again. She reached down, nudging her hare with her nose, giving it a tentative lick before she looked back up to her son with the same proud smile.

"Well done, Ilyas. I'm proud of you. Your father's busy, though. You shouldn't disturb him." she spoke quietly, reaching out a small paw to pull the cub closer to her for a wash, "It's about time you had a bath, though."

Ilyas beamed a smile up to his mother, feeling his own chest swell in pride - but of a more selfish kind. He grinned, tail still wagging as he bounced from side to side, too excited and full of energy to just sit still. "Thank you momma! I'll tell papa later, 'kay? He needs to know how awesome I am!"

He was quick to change his tune when he suddenly found himself in his mother's grasp, though, "Noooo! I'm a big boy, Momma, big boys don't need washing. Lemme GOOOOO!"

Tuliua smiled slightly, amused by her son's reaction as she pulled him closer, holding him tightly. He was still small enough that she could wash him, but it was only a matter of time before he was bigger than her - she was really quite small for her age, and he'd be able to overpower her very shortly. Everytime she washed him he seemed to get a little stronger, and she had to hold a little tighter.

Running her tongue over the back of his head, she purred lightly as she began to clean him, smiling inwardly, "Everyone needs to be washed, Ilyas. Now be a good boy, and you can go see your father quicker."

Ilyas growled softly, pushing at his mothers' paws with sheathed claws - he didn't want to hurt his mother. He was always careful when around her. He was aware of how his mother was smaller than most of the other lionness', and felt he had to be gentle with her. That was what Papa had said - his mother was a gentle flower, and had to be protected. And that was a job he, Ilyas, would proudly take on!

Finally settling down with a grumble, he sat obediently in his mother's grasp, allowing her to clean him as he contemplated a matter he'd thought about for a while. "...Momma? How come your not Papa's favourite?"

Ah, finally. Ilyas always settled down in the end, and now he had Tuliua quickened her tongue, cleaning her son thoroughly despite the occasional grumble or growl of protest. What did take her aback, though, was the question he asked. How come she wasn't Faiz's favourite? That...wasn't something she'd expected her young son to ask.

Feeling her cheeks flush a pale pink in embarrassment, she quickly continued with the bath, thinking for several moments before finally replying, "It's the way of the pride, Ilyas. There can only be one Beybanu in a harem, and your father chose Mzu. I don't feel envy or resent, only support and happiness. And you should too. I'm honoured to be part of your father's harem."

Ilyas frowned, tryig to turn and look at his mother but stopped by her paws tightening around his body. He didn't really understand, but since his mother seemed perfectly happy, he dcided not to press the issue further, other than to proudly pipe up with, "You're my favourite, Momma. I dun like Mzu much."

He wiggled about a little, giggling as his mother found a particularly ticklish spot, gazing out of the den into the pride's lands. They were pretty. "What's Papa doing?"

Tuliua smiled at her son's words, pausing in the bath to nuzzle him fondly, giving an affectionate purr. "Thank you, Il. Mind, I wouldn't say that to your father, or anyone else for that matter. You might get into trouble." She didn't want him to get into trouble. But inside, she felt her heart swell a little at his kind words. She was happy her son loved her.

Papa? Finishing up the bath with a few more quick licks, she released Ilyas, looking down at him with an affectionate smile, "Your father's busy with his work of a Vizier and Emir. They're titles your father carries proudly, and you must understand that with them comes much responsibility. Don't go bothering him."

Don't go telling anyone? Why not!? He wanted everyone to know how amazing his momma was! Especially Papa! Oh...but maybe that would get her into trouble? Oh, he didn't want that! Yes...yes, he'd keep his lips sealed. Their little secret.

As his mother finished up he wriggled out with a triumphant cry, turning around to face his mother with a wide, happy smile. He lowered his front, sticking his hind into the air and wriggling it playfully as he hopped from side to side. "I won't! I'll tell him later, though! Oh, but i've gotta tell Zek! He'll be soooooo jealous! Bye momma!" he cried, words getting jumbled as he hurried out of the den, off to find his brother.

Tuliua smiled, about to say something before Ilyas was off and out, off to find his brother. She smiled, chuckling lightly to herself as she turned, laying herself back down again. Time t continue with her afternoon nap.