Gaia's really working the "get them while they last" mentality in the Cash Shop these days. Clearly they don't care about inflating gold prices in the market - all they seem to care about is getting everyone to spend as much real cash as possible.

There's a rumor that they'll be opening some new Cash Shops soon. Supposedly that's to give them more space for the items they already have, but I'm not sure I believe that. I think what we're witnessing is the slow death of "free-to-play" Gaia. It's true that you can't find things easily in the Cash Shop, but that's not because there's too many things. It's because they have no way to find things in there. The pop-up is too small, the lists are too small, there's no "search", and most of the categories are rather useless. If they didn't have an "all items" category I wouldn't be able to find anything. Rather than opening a few new shops they should simply re-work it to mimic the other shops. Sure - it needs a different "try it on" screen than the gold shops, but honestly all the shops should be upgraded to handle items with multiple poses. They managed to make it work in the market, so I'm sure they could make multiple poses work in the shops if they wanted to. And while they're at it, they should allow you to turn your avatar around and sit down in preview so you can see all the aspects of what you're buying.