Here's a collection of mood spells that members have posted. Please feel free to post new ones as you guys see fit. smile

To Help Rid A Friend Of Sadness

I wish for you a blessed day
That all your troubles go away
That only light and love surround
That only happiness be found
This I mote it be

Calming Spell

Chant this simple rhyme whenever you feel worried or scared.

I am peaceful, I am strong
Though dark may seem so long.
For day must follow every night,
Everything is alright.
I am always safe from harm,
The Goddess holds me in her arms.

Cheer Up Spell

Needed: Your favorite incense and one you despite.
Light the incense at the same time and watch the two smokes intertwin. They should represent you and the hurt your dealing with. Visualize your favorite

incense consuming the other like a battle has won.
Then repeat three times:
"When I'm sad and i'm mad,
when all i want to be is glad,
When i'm down and fallen,
and i'm callen,
Pick me up.
Give me the power of peace of mind,
so i don't worry what they say behind."
Then please say:
"with harm to none,
my spell is done,
so mote it be."