Of course there will be saints in the future!

Christians are called to be saints - that is, people who are in communion with God. We are all supposed to be saints!

And there will always been Saints (with a capital "S") - those are people who have died and are with God in Heaven, having gone through the purification process of purgatory after death.

The Church will probably recognize Mother Teresa as a Saint soon, as well as Pope John Paul II.

Saints are hardy a thing of the past.

I didn't know you're Catholic! I don't believe in purgatory. If you want to know why, PM me (fairly long explanation).

I also believe that as soon as someone becomes a Christ follower, and after said person is baptized, (s)he is already a Saint. Jesus Himself told us that we are Priests as well. But, remember that Jesus is the High Priest.

I think we are talking about Catholic saints, since No place like... is Catholic.

Also, you mean saints (the small letter form at the top) since the Saints version (proper noun) is used for the Catholic recognition of those who are fully canonized into Sainthood.

But yes, you are right about the baptized thing.

Although, baptism with water is only a public way to show you are a follower of Christ. When we accept Him as our LORD and Savior, we are baptized by the Holy Spirit (or the Spirit of God as it is sometimes called in the Bible).