Hey, everyone!

There will be a website launching soon called Is This Modest? You can click on the name of the site (to the left) and subscribe now so you won't miss a single post when it launches! The purpose of this Is This Modest? (ITM) is, of course, to answer the question, "is this modest?" To do that, we'll have commentary about the general topic of modesty, photos of outfits with short reviews, and a list of stores where people can buy modest clothing.

I'm looking to see if you would be interested in contributing to this site! There are various commitment levels:

Helps edit posts for content, filters out inappropriate submissions, and helps make sure we have enough writers.

Blog Poster
Writes on the topic of modesty-- anywhere from 100-300+ words on the topic.

Carnival Supervisor
Someone who supervises and posts the Modesty Carnival

Comment Moderator
Checks comment queue for posts that need moderation, deals with spam, and helps keep conversations positive.

Outfit Manager
Receives Outfit submissions for judging, sends out e-mails to Quick Reviewers for comment, posts results.

Quick Reviewer
Will be e-mailed image and will give a thumbs up or down around the question "Is This Modest?" and they will provide a short (5 sentence max) comment about their decision.

Outfit Submitter
These people find images for submission into the system to answer the question.

Contest Runner
Helps run Contests and Giveaways.

These jobs are all so much simpler than they sound. Please let me know if you're interested in any of them. There is no required commitment time-period. If this turns out to be not for you, you're welcome to step back down.

I'm emailing as many men as I am emailing women, even though the majority of the modesty talk will revolve around women's clothes. (Let's face it... men just don't have to worry about their necklines as much as women do...) I want both gender's input, though, on what makes an outfit modest and what causes problems with an outfit. We'll also hopefully be talking about having modest speech (steering clear from suggestive topics and language) and other good topics.

If you're interested, email AGG_115@yahoo.com

Thanks a bunch!

Anna Grace