Are you a
Star Trek enthusiast? Do you enjoy
roleplaying? Have you ever wanted to help
found, build and create a
Star Trek Sim? Now's your chance.
Starbase 713 is an "unborn" Star Trek
"PBF" (
Forum) Sim, currently still under heavy development. And we are currently
looking for more people to sign on to our development team.
The theme of the Sim takes place in the
"early 25th Century" (around 2420 - some 41 years after the final events of the film
"Star Trek: Nemesis" ). The main setting of the Sim takes place aboard a massive Federation Starfleet
Starbase, in orbit of
Bolarus IX. Our goal is to eventually evolve into a central hub for our own
"Fleet Sim". Currently starting off assigned to the Starbase are two ships: The
Akira Class
USS Fleming (flagship of the fleet), and the
Prometheus Class
USS Vindication (escort ship for the flagship).
To keep morale up among the development team members, we have opened up a
"Pre-Production Casual RP" section in the Sim's forum. New developers get
first-grabs at
"In-Story Crew Positions" for their character, which will, if they so wish, roll over into the public release of the Sim. There are still tons of In-Story Crew Positions available for the picking.
If you're interested in helping get this project off the ground, please, go register
at the Sim's forum (you can also click the picture at the top of this post). Additionally, if you could, please also send a PM, on Gaia, to me,
ChiefLakedancer, letting me know how you want to help, and what username you're signing onto the Sim's forum with, so I know who you are, and where you came from.