The vice president of this guild I'm in is having some health troubles and stuffs. His screen name is Omega Will.

From January 6th, 2008

Well Hello all. Because of the numerous PMs from members wondering where I went, I thought it would be wise not to share it all with you. I have recently been away from Gaia because of outside influences.

On December 23rd, I was out and suddenly suffered intense pain in my side. I immediately came home and afet hours of pain, I fell alseep and woke up with everything being fine. The 24th came and I was sitting at home when they came back all of a sudden. I finally decided to go to the Emergency Room. They rehydrated me and did tests and a CATscan. They found out I had a kidney stone. While looking into it they found my spleen was enlarged beyond normal size as well as a node on my right lung.

The past few weeks have been painful. I now have to go to see several doctors to find out what is wrong as tests have yielded nothing so far so they must test for more.

I am very sorry my posts have become lax in the past weeks, but sitting here typing is somewhat painful. I spend most days sitting as comfortably as possible and play video games. I am not allowed to do anything that could cause trauma to my side as my spleen could burst. Hopefully by the next week or two they will be able to help me.

Also, a very belated Happy Holidays and a New Year.

From January 15th, 2008:

Ok, sorry for the lack of talk but I wanted to wait til I got some info for you all. So it turns out I have a genetic disease called Thalasemia. The only other thing that could be doing this to me is Leukemia, but he doubts that. They also still do not know what is wrong with me so now I have to see a Hemotologist and get more blood work. This time they are going to check my White Blood Cell count as well as test me for two other diseases.

Oh and the Urologist said there was a 100% chance I passed the stone because of it's size.

Oh and I am still really sorry I do not post here a lot I keep having these episodes of extreme pains that literally make me fall from the chair, plus my left arm and leg go numb as well as a jabbing pain above my left eye. Hopefully by next week I will have more info.