Actually, I used to be one of these people. I went to church all my life but my mind had a hard time understanding how dying for me could possibly save me. I knew it to be true but, since I didn't understand it, I never had much passion for Christ.

I never understood it till my friend put it this way. "Since Jesus died for our sins, if we admit we are sinners and believe Jesus lived a perfect life, we can allow the holy spirit into our hearts. That way, when God looks at us, he does not see our sinful life but the perfect life Jesus lived." At least it was something like that. But, since I am a visual person, put in that context I could really understand it and I was finally able to become close with God.

The people that are "almost Christian" shouldn't be looked down on because they know Christ's word but choice not to be close to them. They could just not understand it like I did. As long as we are open to them and can discuss their belief in Christ that they may be able to truly learn to love him. Also, don't be afraid of offending someone by talking about Christ. Being scared of talking to someone about the Lord is exactly what Satan would want. They are not more likely to come closer to Christ unless they confronted with their own beliefs. Remember, you can plant the seed but only God can make it grow (some verse somewhere in the bible blaugh )