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Reply [IC] Mava'Bunda Lands [IC]
[SPR] Psychotic Break

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 4:15 pm
Mafa v. Mabozi self RP =D  
PostPosted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 4:16 pm
The hot afternoon sun actually felt rather pleasant, Mafa noted to herself as she left her den. Once again, she was fleeing her newly born offspring. They were so demanding, it was all she could do but get out every once in a while. With a yawn, she stretched fully as she went for a short stroll around her den. She was careful to keep the mouth of the den in sight, however, as her most precious asset now slept peacefully within the den. Her heir. Finally, the second time around, she’d gotten what she had wished for. Her first litter, or more like, her first pup, had ended in total disaster. With the female stillborn and the male a useless idiot, it had all been an epic failure.

However, a few minutes later, Mafa wished that she hadn’t even thought about her first pup, because somehow, some way, he had found his way over to her. The fates were against her. She thought of him. He came. Just like that.

Mabozi was happily trotting his was towards his den, looking ever so pleased. With his head up, and a happy demeanor, Mabozi was not at all like the others around here. As a pup, he was extremely cheerful and extremely naïve. He was a full fledged adult not, and nothing had changed. He still saw the best in everyone; he was still happy go lucky; and he still couldn’t wipe that grin off of his face. Had he not been the alpha’s son, he probably would have been killed off long ago.

The most recent source for Mabozi’s delight was the discovery of his father, Tukutu. Some how, he figured Mafa had never mentioned that he had a father to him before. The fact that this information was omitted for so long didn’t trouble the male at all. He didn’t dwell on the past. He lived in the moment. Though, as ecstatic as he was with all of this news; he hadn’t been feeling so well the past day. His head was just killing him, making him feel woozy and a bit disoriented. But, he tried not to let it show.


Mafa winced as the childish tone rung in her ears. Great, another nuisance to deal with. She stood silently for a few moments, watching him advance towards her. Finally, she sighed, shaking her head slowly and looking at her son with cold eyes,
“What is it Mabozi?”

With the sound of his mother’s voice, Mabozi broke into a gallop and ran all the way to her. He screeched to a halt, tongue hanging out in exhaustion. It had been a while since he’d heard the sounds of her stoic voice. To him, it was so comforting. Mabozi could hardly contain himself, however,

“I met Tu’! My Da’! I ne’er knew I ‘ad a Da’!”

As Mabozi beamed at her, Mafa stood silent and still. Her mouth gaped open a little with this new insurgence of information. Mabozi had met… Tukutu? How? Where? She had been positive that he’d left for good after Mabozi’s birth. At least, she hadn’t seen him since then. He dare show his face around here after abandoning her so long ago. Mafa was bitter towards the male, especially after his failure in producing an heir for her, but she didn’t hate him. She couldn’t hate him, for whatever reason. Perhaps because he was her oldest friend, reminding her of the times before she was so heartless and cruel. Or perhaps she really had felt something for him once, long ago. She couldn’t put a paw on it. Her eyes rose to her son, he was quite the spitting image. When she spoke again, her voice was hushed,

“And what’d you think?”

Mabozi couldn’t have had a happier expression on his face,

“I loved ‘im! I ‘ope ‘e’s aroun’ ‘ore!”

“Perhaps Mabozi, though I doubt it. Don’t get your hopes up.”

Mafa spat that last part. Knowing him, he definitely wasn’t going to stick around. Not for her. Not for his son. Not for anything. Mabozi simply sighed happily and shrugged a few times. He didn’t know what to make of the situation. Only that he was rather pleased with how things were turning out. He had no complaints. Except for his head, which was simply pounding. It was as if something was banging around up there. Mabozi blinked hard, his eye lids fluttering spastically.

“My ‘ead ‘urts…”

Just let go already!

Mabozi whined as he shook his head a little, trying to clear it, but it didn’t work. He looked back pitifully to his mother, who only gave him a confused look. He sat down with a loud, fretful sigh. What was going on with his brain? He didn’t know, but he sure didn’t like it. Closing his eyes tight, he curled up his mindless thoughts, trying to keep them safe from this head ache.

When Mabozi’s eyes snapped open again, it was clear he wasn’t in the same mindset. Those dark green eyes looked lecherous as they scanned around, stopping on Mafa. A smug, jockish grin appeared on the male’s face.

“Lookin’ absolutely radiant today, Moms.”

Mafa was taken aback. What the hell? Not only was he articulating, but Mabozi was…. Telling her she looked good? This wasn’t right at all.
“Mabozi, you dolt, stop messing around.”

But, Mabozi didn’t seem to be bothered, or in the least bit compelled by his mother’s stern voice.

“Mabozi, indeed a dolt, but Moms, come now, don’t you know Mrongo when you see him?”

The male winked, rather seductively at that. When it was said that Mrongo was beyond hitting on any female, it meant /any/ female. Including his mother. Which was rather creepy, but Mrongo didn’t at all seem to mind the taboo.

Mafa, however, was dumb struck. This again? But… When Mabozi had gone off his rocker and changed to some different personality, it hadn’t at all been like this. She liked the other one considerably better.

“What about Mwuaji?

Mrongo’s eyes lit up at the mention of one of the others’ names. Narrowing his eyes knowingly, he crept closer to Mafa,

“Oh, so you’re not to drastically surprised, I assume. Do not worry about Mwuaji, I’m sure you’ll see him soon enough.”

He smiled lewdly, advancing towards Mafa yet again. However, she wasn’t about to let him too close to her. This was most interesting. First Mwuaji, now this guy, Mrongo. To be honest, she much preferred Mwuaji. Mafa didn’t exactly want to speak with this ‘version’ of Mabozi. He simply made her skin crawl. So she just stared at him, as she worked on keeping her distance, letting him ramble on about whatever he wanted.

“So I caught myself a prize catch the other day, Moms. Black, with white, skunky. Eager to let me bed her, very much so. Very feisty too. I might just go back for seconds.”

Mafa tried hard to not look disgusted. Her mind immediately dashed to Schatz. He did that with poor Schatz?! Mafa was rather out raged, she lunged at Mrongo, teeth bared, not to hurt him too much, just to give him a snap for reaching out of line.

“Dirty b*****d!”

Before she knew what was happening, Mafa was on her back, on her chest, a massive weight. As she looked up, at the snarling, feral looking figure of her son loomed over. He growled ferociously, obviously offended, but he didn’t speak. This wasn’t Mrongo any more. Despite being initially shocked, Mafa was no intimidated by this. She tossed him off, rolling to the side before standing, her own yellowed fangs bared and ready to strike if need permit.

“You watch yourself boy. Don’t forget who you’re dealing with.”

All Mafa got in response was a cold, heartless cackle. It was very much like her own when she was confronted with a lion that needed to be exterminated. Mwuaji was definitely back.

Mwuaji stood opposite his mother, back hunched in an aggressive form. How dare she try to correct him. It wasn’t her place, not in his mind. Those dark green eyes held a hollow and calculating stare. Mwuaji was difficult to look at, at times, with that stare. The way he held himself, the expression on his face, one could tell he was not a sympathetic creature. In a sense, he was Mafa to the extreme. While his mother still did care for others, being it her higher ranked members or what have you, Mwuaji could care less about anything and anyone. He’d kill regardless of relation to him, or disposition. He felt no sympathy, he felt no love. He was brutal, cold, and cruel.

“Slowing down, aren’t ya, Mom?”

Mwuaji’s voice was deep and husky, carrying not an ounce of emotion, much like his mother’s. Mafa pinned her ears back with a scowl. She’d seem Mwuaji in action before, and she surely didn’t want to cross him. She was still weak from giving birth not too long ago. She didn’t have the stamina for a fight.

“I’ve got more fight than you can imagine, Mwuaji. What brings you out?”

Mwuaji chortled obnoxiously at her words, though he knew they were true. His mother was indeed a fighter. Those genes were where he got his bulk and strength from. With a roll of his eyes, the massive male shook his head,

“Am I not allowed out for a romp, stretch my legs, kill something?”

Mafa narrowed her eyes. Nothing around here to kill. She could tell that he wasn’t just looking for lions to maim, this monster would sink his teeth into anything. Mafa backed up slightly, keeping in mind that her helpless little pups were not all too far away. Mwuaji was capable of it; she knew. Mwuaji felt the air tense up and his shook his head, eyes narrowed as he looked to his mother. Gesturing that those weren’t his intentions for the moment.

“I don’t have the time for this. I’m out.”

Mwuaji turned, trotting off towards the southlands a little ways before he halted abruptly. Mafa tilted her head in confusion as he loped back to her, a strange smile on his face. As the male returned, he smirked at Mafa, causing the alpha greater confusion,

“That Mwuaji, silly chap, wouldn’t you say, Mother?”

Now Mafa was completely perplexed. This wasn’t Mwuaji, this wasn’t Mrongo, definitely wasn’t Mabozi. Her expression was one of being completely baffled,

“So who the hell are you?!”

Whoever Mabozi was at the moment chuckled lightly, dark eyes filled with a bright intelligence dashing up to meet Mafa’s. He shook out his coat roughly, sending dust flying before addressing Mafa again.

“That’s right, I’d forgotten. My apologies, I’m Mtundu. And don’t worry Mother, there’s no more of us in here. Crowded as it is!”


Mafa wasn’t exactly sure how to react. This Mtundu was a highly articulated creature. From the way he carried himself he came off as being extremely well educated about anything and everything, the tone of his voice rather scholarly, but not in an arrogant sense. In fact, Mtundu was the intelligent one of the bunch. His thinking was very logical, the way he spoke was proper and rather elegant.

“You seem shocked? Oh, I beg of you, don’t be. We are your sons, after all. All of us.”

Mtundu smiled meekly, dipping his head to his mother in respect. The poor old hyena, confused as ever, he could tell. It was a rather complex situation, what happened in Mabozi’s head, in all of their heads. Sitting down, he ran a paw through the flop of fur atop his head, attempting feebly to make it look presentable. Sadly, Mabozi was not one for keeping on the upkeep of their ‘shell’. Sighing, Mtundu looked to Mafa calmly.

“Why is this happening to Mabozi? You seem smart enough. Tell me.”

“Dissociative identity disorder. That’s what is.”

“Dissociative…. Identities? What’s wrong with the one he already has, that he has to dissociate?”

“Well, mother, nothing wrong with it, at least not to him. Mabozi, as you know, is the base personality, he gets the most face time. You see, sometimes, with a base personality, they might feel they have short comings. Aren’t adequate. Things of the sort. I believe, somewhere in Mabozi’s subconscious, he felt that. And so we came along. Came to help. Mwuaji came to your want for a fighter, a son that would find pleasure in the kill as you do. Mrongo came as response to those suppressed urges Mabozi keeps bottled up in that full adult body. I came from a want to understand, to know more, to learn, to not be a total idiot all of the time. Poor Mabozi just wants to please. This is the only way he can.”

There was a moment of silence between them as Mafa soaked it all in. He just wants to please… Mafa almost felt bad for her son. Almost. She looked up to Mtundu, who was gingerly picking at mats on his coat. It was a good thing he decided to come around, explain things to her, be civil, and all that. In any event, this surely spiced life up significantly. Her musings were broken as a loud yawn came from her son.

“My, my, all this in and out business is simply exhausting!”

Mtundu’s dark, knowing eyes dashed to Mafa’s den, and then back to her. He could tell she was defensive about it, after all, it was where the new generation lay innocently asleep. He stood, walking towards it, watching Mafa tense.

“Do not fret, Mother, they’re family, I care for them as my own. Besides, Mabozi needs a good place to wake up tomorrow, he’ll be in for a considerable headache.”

Seeing Mafa nod, he proceeded into the den. Hidden in the back where his brothers and sister, curled up sweet and sound. Mtundu smiled, feeling a bit saddened that he didn’t get out more often, but he knew Mabozi was the best out of all the personalities to spend time with the little gems. With a weary sigh, he curled up next to the lot, closed his tired eyes, and drifted off to sleep.

Mafa followed behind, still rather flabbergasted by all of this nonsense. Her eyes glazed over as she looked to Mtundu… Or was it Mabozi now… All curled up with her newest offspring. They all fit together quite perfectly. Mafa sighed contently, it seemed her little family was complete, and for the moment, she had no complaints. She felt happy. Genuinely. For the first time in years.


[IC] Mava'Bunda Lands [IC]

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