Wolfs Heart

Sweetie let out a large breath once they'd cleared the house. Celestia that was awkward. "I hope it won't be that awkward again." She rubbed her neck, looking over to him. But then, she almost hoped they didn't have to wake up and his mother be in the kitchen. But he lived with family, and Sweetie respected it. Besides, what grown man was comfortable living with his mother? The thought made her smile.

"Wonder what time it is..." She pondered aloud, curious if they'd slept for days or just hours. It certainly wasn't the time it was when they'd fallen asleep. With how tired they were, it was likely it might not even be the same day. The faun pondered this, having a feeling she should be getting back to the tree. "I think I need to go back Dysmas." The fauny frowned a bit, not really wanting to leave him.

"See you again soon?" She asked, hesitant. Sweetie was almost positive she wasn't going to be able to sleep without being near him. She almost hoped he wouldn't be able to sleep either, but that was mean. Receiving a positive answer from him, Sweetie stood on her tip hoofs, and gave him a kiss on his cheek. "Until next time Dysmas" She smiled, turning hoof and running off. Thank goodness she was an earth fauny, she was able to use that strength to get her sparkling booty back to her own home in far less time than it had taken her to get to his home in the first place.
