I haven't come out to my parents. There was an incident where a picture of me and my girlfriend at the time cuddling and her kissing me that her parents showed to my parents as proof we were going out. My mother told me, drunk as that is the only way she can talk talk to me, that it was stupid little high school thing. She then asked me "You know that right?" and "You don't actually like girls, do you?". I told her that I refused to talk about serious things when she was drunk and she never brought it up again.

I think that my mother thinks it is just a phase or was just a phase, since she repeatedly asks me if I have any boyfriends yet or any crushes. My dad on the other hand, I think truly knows. He does seem to treat me almost like a son though and told me that I was like the son he never had. He will point out girls to me.

My younger sister is too young to understand any of that, so she will figure it out when she is a lot older that her thirteen years older sister isn't attracted to guys.