Zahmen II
I just want a sequel to Shadow of the Colossus.
Oh boy another Ocarina of Time rehash.
I'm going to be cynical until they put out a major console Zelda game that doesn't feel like OoT.
Even Wind Waker, as much as I loved it, kind of felt like "Oh hey, another game that is almost exactly the same".
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I really thought WW had a feel all its own. The different cultures and ecologies of the islands were really refreshing, I was sick of being stuck in one country the entire game. A seafaring Zelda was a dream come true. But then, my favorite Chronicle of Narnia was Voyage of the Dawn Treader, so it's safe to say I've always been partial to adventure on the sea.

I'd like to see them revisit the Sacred Realm, except not in a post-apocalyptic sense like the Dark World. I want to see what it looks like if the Triforce is in the hands of a good person and/or when the Triforce is unclaimed.

The Goddesses could use more screen time, too. I think the last time we saw them physically were the Oracles, even though they have been referenced as recently as PH.

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