The tealblood had merely allowed Vulpin to drag her, looking pale and weak, eyes empty. She was honestly trying to move, but by the time they stopped, her body sagged like a rag doll. She heard Vulpin breathing a sigh of relief and felt a soft smile that she never thought she could wear spread across her face. Too weak to even blush when Vulpin nuzzled her cheek, the tealblood panted tiredly when she saw her... Friend? Matespirit? Gog forbid it was morailigence. Glancing at Vulpin, she watched him glance down at her wrapped stub and instantly grow serious. Her eyes grew wounded but she set her jaw, slight anger rising in her. She wasn't... He was looking at her with pity.

      At first, it'd felt nice. She'd felt a little happiness that she had even been able to find someone who liked her back, but now, that happiness was wearing off. She... She didn't like feeling pathetic. Like something she'd be used. She may have been weak then, but she hated, hated being seen as lesser than another, she— She was strong. Wasn't she? Letting him hug her, slowly wrapping her arms around his body, she felt her pump biscuit leap into her throat when the pierced troll felt his own thumping organ pressed against her chest. It hurt her, to see the other troll reduced to tears because of her— was he was weak too? Tears... All she ever understood from when she was a kid was that they were a sign of weakness and were something she needed to hide and/or avoid at all costs. Serpentmom never told her that, and she had... Just assumed, from what she'd learned from society. Weakness was a vulnerability. She couldn't afford to be weak.

      Curling into Vulpin tiredly as he nuzzled her, enjoying the slight warmth from their bodies, she gave him a weak, chapped smile at his words, arching a tired eyebrow at him. The tension continued to slowly leave her body, and after a wheezing attempt to try and laugh and feel a semblance of her old self, she felt him pull away slightly and brush her hair from her face. His soft words were cut short, however, when the sound of a car echoed from afar. Forera's eyes grew dangerous... not that she was in any state to fight. Neither was Vulpin. But he still leapt infront of her, willing— Going to protect her.

      She hated this, she really did.

      She hated being weak. She... She was supposed to be strong... Looking over to the car window that slid down and hearing the male tealblood's offer, the female tealblood glared at him, body instantly tensing. Even if she wasn't in the state to fight, she felt herself get ready for battle, until she heard his... Proposition. The incredulity she wore on her face pretty much said it all when she heard his words, and Forera's eyes narrowed in distrust as she stared him down. It was alright. She could heal with Vulpin, or... Something. Right?

      Looking over to the orangeblood, her eyes widened in bewilderment when she saw him actually be considering the offer. "V-vulp—" She started, voice barely above a whisper as she shifted, about to stop him, but... He pulled out his dagger and threw it at Bossat. What?! After... What they'd just gone through, he was willing to trust a stranger who was most likely willing to kill them at the drop of a hat? Wh... Why? He wouldn't usually stoop so low— The other teenager was normally extremely untrusting. Why was he... Being so weak? Weakness... He was showing weakness...

      "I don't need any damn medicine. Help her."

      Oh. Forera's mouth pursed. He was showing weakness... for her. To protect, well, her. Looking up at Vulpin after he placed his hand on her shoulder, she felt her body sag more and she shakily steadied herself, refusing to go alone. As soon as Bossat came out of the car, the tealblood tensed— but he had just gone to inspect her wounds. She watched him grab her, eyes narrowed, expression impassive. "Alright." She said, voice coarse and dull. If Vulpin was going to be weak for her... She was going to be weak for him, too. Maybe everyone is a little weak. "But... He's not leaving my side." She looked at Vulpin, reaching out with her other hand and grabbing his hand in hers. She squeezed it. "I'll give you everything. I don't mind. I'll... Just need help. Taking it off and s**t." Her raspy voice held no tint of her usual playfulness, excitement and curiosity long gone.

      Forera didn't know if she'd ever be the same, after this. She felt empty, void of emotion. Uncaring. She wished she had her brother with her, to give him a noogie and wrestle him and always win because she was the bigger troll. She wished she had Serpentmom and Dragondad to constantly remind her to slow down and stop fighting so much. She wished she could curl into a pile together with Sly and Vulpin, to talk and giggle and constantly make fun of him while he pouted. She wished she could hang out with Ganyma again, maybe wrestle a little, to see Luxara and run around excitedly like an idiot, to meet up with Etsali and reconnect, maybe rob some hives. She wished she could have that ignorant luxury again. She'd never be the same, they'd never be the same... Everyone was changed. Were they weak too?

      Luxara was weak. Vulpin was weak. Ganyma... She didn't know, but maybe he was too, for helping her. Etsali... She didn't know. Her brother was definitely weak. They were all weak. They all had something that made them weak. But... Was it bad to be weak? Was being weak really such a despicable thing? She could be weak, right?

      Maybe being weak for once wasn't such a bad thing at all.


Kimbley Kitty