Perhaps that joke had gone to far? Gari really thought he might have offended Kol and decided not to even jokingly tease anymore since that really wasn’t fair to a fox that was so kind to him, even if that face Kol was making made Gari secretly happy. It was rather cute and honestly he felt a pang of jealously for any vixen that was lucky enough to land Kol in the future. She was a lucky fox whoever she was and he hoped that she treated Kol well. He waved a paw dismissively trying to stem the blush that was so clear despite Kol’s fur. “Don’t worry I know what you meant.” That poor helpless look was more than Gari could take he chuckled that slowly developed to full on laughter. It was so nice that it was almost painful. In fact if he laughed like this too long he would end up with a stich in his side. Taking a few breaths he tried to calm down. “Sor… Sor..” How is it that saying sorry when laughing was one of the hardest tasks imaginable?

“Sorry.” He finally managed through gasping breaths. He tried to compose himself and felt bad for flat out laughing like he had. “I cross my paws and promise I don’t normally laugh like that at embarrassment it’s just you were so feverent and your face was so r-red.” He was having trouble not laughing again but managed to control himself by keeping quite for a moment. He cleared his throat. “Um as for the rest. I’d love to tease and say you were sending out signals that were um less than clear, but I’d be lying to you and to myself. You’ve been nothing but kind and gentle to a complete stranger.” He sighed feeling a bit embarrassed for his earlier teasing. “And I’ve been ah well a bit taken with that but no worries I promise not to chase after you like a love struck kit. You know my luck enough that the thought of actually finding love for myself is quite ….” He wanted to say impossible but didn’t want Kol to scold him instead he shrugged. “It doesn’t matter. Are you ok?”