The runes held vincent inplace that was true. for he had to act fast if he was going to turn the tide of the battle, unable to take flight as tack did, Vincent took from his pack the doll once again. and held it frimly in his hand.. Looking up to see that tack was now withint a fire ball that was no doubt aimed toward his body. As he used his energy which now was starting to weaken. To the doll, as it formed a energy that caused the doll to glow, around the joints of the doll, casuing sharp pain of his joints as they were on the verg of snapping. If he were to put too much presse on them, or was to make a suddenlt quick movement.. Vincent then took out a small dagger from his back pocket and stabbed down ard onto tacks heart...

tack turned the fire aura off, its job was done and this fight would be too.He grinned as he watched vincent struggle helplessly , his movements were so slow now thanks to the rune on him. this gave him time to act. he then entered the final chip, with its entry into the slot tack glowed a deep blue. he completely went numb after and knew this was going to be the final blow. although he felt nothing in his body he could still control the left arm. he activated the rune and unleashed its final spell. th rune on vincent glowed and then burned his body as it left an imprint on him before dissapearing. suddenly a large portal above vincent opened, unleashing a huge flow of shadow magic. this combined with the blasts that hit vincent now would take him out. totally paralyzing him. each moving in as tack watched from above him. the wave of light shadow aura coming in and drowning vincent in it. just to be sure the shadows leaped up and jumped onto vincents position self-destructing on contact, shocking him even more.