Eridia is attacking Chiara!
Dealt 3 DMG!
is there any hope? oh my god! YES!!!!!!

Battle Stats

HP: 4/20
Military Grade Daggers +1
Novice Support Artifact, Style B! 1/1
Roll 1d4.
1, 2, 3 = 1/4 HP Restored
4 = Max HP Restored

s**t, she was dying. Eridia Tsifer was actually playing with her mortal coil and she didn't even give a damn. Finally, she mused that living is as brief as the life of autumn grass. She took a deep breath and listened to the old brag of her heart. You're alive, you're alive, you're alive-- that's what it told her but she couldn't help but think it was a lie. She was about to die here next to the troll she used to consider a friend.

So what was there to fear from taking chances with your life? She didn't know but Eridia would find out soon unless... Coughing up blood, the highblood looked at Chiara, watching her in a similar- or perhaps worst- state. Would she really live with the fact, she nearly beat her. Hell no, Eridia always won, even when she lost.

Dragging her bloody body towards Chiara, Eridia chuckled lowly with an expression that was mostly crazed than anything else. A limb, a limb-- Oh how she'd trade her life for one of Chiara's limbs! The highblood stopped, getting a hold of the blueblood and did her best to grapple her. Moving her body was painful, a soft groan escaped her lips as soon as she took a fist full of hair and pressed her dagger against her neck while she licked off some of the blood on her lips.

"Guess I'll be taking a piece of you with me..." She traced a line with her dagger across her neck. No blood, just showing her the path it would take. Could she really have the guts to do it? Nuts and all? Could she really? Eridia whispered a soft goodbye to the girl's spongeclots, followed by a kiss on her cheeck before she raised her daggers as if she was about to cut off her head.

Her vision blurred by her teary eyes, making her stop. She wiped away the tears with a bloodied arm and regretted her next decision. The highblood forced a smile and prompted to cut off a limb. However, she only managed to land a slash before she passed out.

I'm such a ********.... Fool...

She spared her life.
