Rosy slips into the offered chair, giving a small nod of her head in thanks before she place her own napkin in her lap. She smooths it out as she glance up towards Spinar to see his eyes on her for a moment. It was enough to calm her as she turns her red eyes towards the demon she assume was Spinar's father "My adopted family, if you wish to call them my a coven. My mum runs it, and wants me to take her place once I leave Amityville. This isn't my choice actually, nor will I step into her shoes. My plans is to further in becoming a ToTer and owning my own business in Halloween town when the time comes." she knew the first half of her statement would surprise Spinar, as she never talked about it with him. She was honestly up in the air, up until recently when she found she could decide her own unlife.

"I plan on further learning and harnessing my craft my third year, by seeking out a teacher who can help me. Once I am sure I am happy with where I am, only then will I continue to work on my business. I want to be set and ready to strike out on my own when the time comes. I want to be stable. And I will be, and nothing will stop me." she turns her eyes towards Spinar for a brief moment. Fear was no longer in them, but confidence in them "And I will do this with Siku, because that is what we both want." her eyes finally turn back to the elder demon.

Her smile didn't falter as she relaxes "But that is enough about me, I am more eager to learn about the two demons that brought such a passionate and stubborn demon into this world. You have raise such a great son, who is doing rather well at Amityville. I have already met your lovely wife here, and I wish honestly she was my mother, or could give my mother some tips. I would give the world to learn from her." she pauses as she gives a smile to Avicii, as she meant those words. To her, she would be the perfect mother, and she knew she wouldn't hide anything from her.

"So, sir, if you don't mind...I would be rather honored to learn about yourself. What is your passion in this world, and how did you become such a powerful demon? It much have been hard work, but in the end worth it as I can see." she was hoping she wasn't over stepping herself, but she truly could see he was powerful, and if she learn anything.

Allow him to see she see him and such, and show that she saw greatness in him. She didn't want to offend him, just show she meant no disrespect.
