Trisha surveyed and then tied a few ribbons to her gates marking it as her. Yes. This would to. It was a good gate.

"Oh the top, that is very good!" but usually they stood on either side. Trisha frowned a bit. Soo.... she would stand in the middle. Yes! Perfect. She planted herself in the middle of the gate so no one could pass. They would have to pass by her. And anyone who tried would have to go within arms reach. That was the point of being on either side.

Trisha allowed herself to slowly turn to stone to wait out the guarding until someone tried to pass. she didn't really have much patients but it was easier to not fidget everywhere if she was stone. "Ok I'm ready." she said as she finished her transformation looking more like a statue then a ghoul.

Ok totally ready for this gate guarding thing. And ready to scare the crap out of people.