He seemed pleased by her response, lifting his head and relaxing his posture a little more. It was always good to meet new people and Niu was not just any 'people'. She was a comrade-in-arms, someone who he would work with. Someone who he might come to rely on later down the line if things picked up the pace and the Nergui really did make a move. He liked her, too. Her no-nonsense responses and the honesty in her tone was a likeable trait, indeed.

"Perfect!" He replied and instantly seemed to leap into a brief introduction. "There's not too many superiors amongst the guards yet. I may not be able to introduce you to them all but I can give you their names and descriptions. Some of them are quite distinct."

And those who wandered nearby might have heard him listing the names of their superiors, beginning with General Azarax (perhaps one of the most unique looking Firekin in the pride) and working his way through the ranks, to the Brigadiers, Azar, Shisa and Xipil and to the Legate, Moto'Seide. Thankfully, of the lower officers amongst the guards, there were few in number at this time. One newly promoted captain, Iirte Aasa and the one corporal, Azar'bijan.

"Teams are being encouraged." Heti continued. "Hopefully this time next year there will be a great deal more captains than there are now." All part of the organisation and preparation for war. "But enough of the officers, let's see if we can find fellow guards for you to meet."
