I think they're hilarious and could be quite adorable. xD Let me ship you some plot ideas since either way she will need to at least go back and tell her pride she's packing up. But yeah, I'd love to RP them some more. xD They'd make a happy and silly little family.

Fillira was pleased that the lion seemed to genuinely want to hear her song. She enjoyed playing her beat, in part because it was her own, and in turn, very dear to her. Furthermore, she liked to share music, and it wasn't very often she had an audience. Timiza was being such a good host in indulging her. . . she'd have to find a proper way to thank him!

Ears pricking, Fillira looked back at the watering hole and was once again reminded by how parched her tongue was. Dipping her head, the lioness gave a firm nod. There was no rush, after all, it wasn't as if she planned on leaving anytime soon. She had just arrived, after all . . . . And then, the golden lion spoke again, this time with a cheeky smile and a rhyme on his tongue! It was . . .adorable. And hilarious. Eyes bright with amusement, the lioness couldn't help herself. He was just too darn funny, and sweet. "Look at that -- you're a natural! Who knows, by the end of my stay, maybe I'll have you composing songs for your zebra friend, right?" It was going to be a great visit. . .

If all in the Pride Lands were as good humored and sweet as this stranger, it was no wonder these lands were the stuff of legends. All Fillira knew was that it was going to be a most excellent visit. . . . And she looked forward to learning more about the lands, as well as her knew friend.

But first, a drink.