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Vice Captain

Sparkling Fairy

PostPosted: Fri Jan 17, 2014 9:50 pm
((Aftermath RP from the Earth to the Sea Meta RP. Tariel is upset because of new revelations about her past, new enemies and new suspicions on members of her court.))

User ImageThe swim home was relatively uneventful. Tariel didn't say much to her entourage, and she tried to not think too much either. She had far too many doubts and stray thoughts to let any of them out. Surprisingly, she kept her composure the whole way home. The rejuvenating effect of the waters helping immensely.

It had been a long swim, taking the better part of the day to make the journey. Once the group had entered the safety of the lake, near the palace, Tariel dismissed them for the night. "We had a long day, take the night and tomorrow off to recuperate. We'll have a lot to discuss when Court resumes."

And without even waiting for confirmation or argument, Tariel swam off ahead of her guards to the palace. She needed some time to think, to process what she learned not only of herself and the island's threats, but even her court. Her first stop was the throne room, to confront the Waters.
PostPosted: Fri Jan 17, 2014 10:12 pm
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The waters may have rejuvenated their bodies, but their spirits were a different matter.

Turin had remained silent on the swim home, but that in itself wasn't all that unusual. His job was to guard, not provide jovial travel conversation. Much of what had just transpired on the surface weighed on his mind, and though the trip back to the lake was long, the weight did not lessen in that time. It grew heavier if anything.

Too many questions. About himself, the others, their future...it was all whirling about up there in his head, nary a coherent thought, just full of endless sound and fury, signifying nothing. At least he didn't have to worry about Aeroniel overhearing any wayward thoughts. Anything she heard right now would just lead her to think he'd lost his mind. That was reassuring.

He nearly blundered on ahead as the Queen stopped to dismiss them, then dart away on her own towards the palace. Turin halted, back paddling a bit, then turning to Anatolio and Itsaso. With the Queen having dismissed them from her command for the day, that left them in his. "Get some rest," he agreed with a nod to both. "Have a good night both of you." With a nod to Itsaso, then to his son, he turned towards Aeroniel. He wasn't sure what else to say to her right now, so settled for a simple bow of his head and 'Lady,' before he split off from the group. He was heading for the palace as well, but where once he got there, he didn't know. Perhaps he should just call it an early night. What with dying and all today, apparently that could take a lot out of a Pae.

He thought about following Tariel to make sure that she was alright...but she seemed to need some time to herself. He could tell the events had weighed heavily on her today as well. It would explain her quick departure. She probably didn't feel like talking until she'd had time to cool down and collect herself. Understandable. Of course...he was her guard. He was just making sure she was safe until she returned to the palace. It was the rationale he was sticking with as he followed at a safe distance, keeping an eye on her, but far enough that he wouldn't disturb her if she sought privacy once she was safely home.


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Sparkling Fairy

PostPosted: Fri Jan 17, 2014 10:36 pm
The throne room was empty. The quiet was welcoming to the Queen. The Water Element, flowing peacefully in its glob, the glowing magic fish swimming playfully. She slowly swam towards it with her prayers in her heart. Her mind was focused on whether or not she wanted the answers.

She reached a delicate hand out, gingerly touching the supple enclosure. Even with the most tender touch, she still left a small indentation that slowly corrected itself when she pulled her hand back. "Waters... help me." She lowered her head, and sank to the floor. Her tail wrapped around her slumped figure.

The little fish visages within the globe all flowed to the spot where the Queen sat, humbled and feeling broken. She didn't even know where to start, only that she felt urged to do something, anything, to feel better. She knew in her heart the treaty was the best outcome they could have hoped for. But everything else? That was beyond what she could have imagined. She knew she was once Alu. She also knew she was now Tariel; free to make her own path, do her own thing and make her own memories. But why did Alu's haunt her so? Rais didn't seem haunted by Arda. At least not visibly. And his confusion at her revelations only made her consider that he didn't know. Did he feel the spark when he touched my hand?

And then the issue with Aeroniel. Tariel dared not directly think that her Lady, second in command of all Naiad, was a traitor. She felt like a traitor herself for even entertaining the notion for a second. Aeroniel was her friend, she'd never do that ... she can't be Mariya. Maybe that's why was so indignant, she didn't want to believe that horror as much as Tariel didn't.

The important matters weighed heavy, such as the Taint and the young Blood Pae'il. But it was the personal matters, the ones that hit so close to her heart, that she was more focused on right now.

"Help me ... to see the truth."
PostPosted: Fri Jan 17, 2014 11:13 pm
As soon as they entered the palace, Turin knew his duty was shared by the scores of palace guards under his command, all sworn to protect the Queen and Court, keeping her safe above all. He could relax, allow the tension to ease from him, do as she had asked and take the evening off while the others shared his burden as a protector.

Technically, he could have. Except that personally, he couldn't.

He felt no sense of ease as he re-entered the palace; if anything, his anxiety grew. For all their training and discipline, he couldn't help but note with fresh eyes how inexperienced and ill-prepared their guard force seemed compared to the one he'd viewed in brief flashes from the past.

And even they hadn't been enough in the end.

He felt the beginnings of a knot forming in his stomach and tried to re-direct his thoughts to more positive things. He should check in with his other kids, let them know that the meeting was over and everyone was home safely. Before Anatolio got to them with stories about the stunt he'd pulled on the surface. Which reminded him, he still needed to apologize for that.

He wasn't even sure how he got to the throne room. He hadn't consciously been trying to go there at least. He'd just kept moving through the corridors and somehow...found himself here. Catching sight of the Queen as he passed a pillar, he caught himself, leaning up against the column and hoping he hadn't disturbed her. Something was bothering him...something he was having trouble putting his finger on--

This was where Ka'eo had been when he saw Alu assassinated.

A shiver raced up his spine, the sudden urge to be anywhere else in the room but here, staring at the Queen on the dais, possessed him with a fervor. Heart pounding, he darted two columns to his right, planting his back against one and nearly sinking to the floor. Guilt. Shock. Betrayal. Disbelief. He'd felt each one wash over him like the waves at the realization and he clenched his fists and his eyes tightly shut as if he could will it all away. That wasn't him. But it was. He hadn't failed his Queen. Not yet at least.

The warring back and forth in his head continued until he finally peered around the column towards the Queen. She sat, curled in on herself on the dais, but very much well and alive, he reminded himself. The other voice slowly quieted, leaving his thoughts...not calm, but at least quieter than they had been a moment ago. Pulling back behind the pillar, Turin dropped his head back against the column wearily. She was fine. She would be fine. She'd always be fine. He'd make sure of it.

Yeah, apparently did such a great job of that in your last life, smart guy.

If only to get away from the negative, self-mocking thoughts, he rose and emerged from behind the pillar. His approach was slow, but he headed for the dais, trying not to be inconspicuous. When he was still some distance from the Water Element, he cleared his throat quietly, if only to announce his presence in the room, then lingered staring at the floor with his hands behind his back.

"Err...sorry to intrude, Your Majesty," Turin started, automatically dropping into proper protocol due to their location. "I just uh," he hesitated, then pushed on deciding that this shouldn't seem odd, not after the day they'd just had. "I know you ordered everyone to take the night off, so I'm not trying to be insubordinate, ma'am. Promise I'll go away shortly." He tried to smile, hoping it might allow her to do the same. "Just...wanted to make sure you're alright first...?"


Shameless Shapeshifter

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Sparkling Fairy

PostPosted: Sat Jan 18, 2014 12:07 am
Unlike Turin's memories, Tariel didn't make the connection to the location and the assassination. The little fish swirled in the water when Turin approached, trying to alert the Queen another was present. She looked up and only questioned what was going on in the waters. She turned when she heard the slight cough behind her. It was too late, and she was too drained to worry about proper etiquette and protocol. Besides, she was the Queen, who was gonna scold her? "Turin..."

She held her hand out to him, a silent request for him to join her. She was so glad to see him and even moreso that he checked on her. She felt like he was the only one who could ever understand what turmoil her emotions and mind were in. Despite new revelations regarding Alu and Arda, she still felt more connected to Turin because of today. His presence was comforting, and likely the only one she'd tolerate right now.
PostPosted: Sat Jan 18, 2014 12:20 am
The Captain still remained proper, though he moved forward to take her hand, bowing as was customary, and giving her fingers a chaste kiss. All normal protocol, of course.

To be honest, that simple touch was reassuring to Turin as well. It was more proof to his own tormented mind that she was here, safe and sound. They were both safe. Of course. He'd paused awkwardly, still holding her hand before he processed the unspoken invitation. Oh.

Well aware of their surroundings as a second nature, Turin didn't need to look around to see that they were still alone. Perhaps a slip in protocol wouldn't be noticed. Rather than hovering over her, he sank towards the floor, taking a seat on the dais next to her, glancing up at the Water Element. He never released her hand, finally looking back at her to point out, "You didn't really answer my question, Tari. Are you alright? Or uh...will be?"


Shameless Shapeshifter

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Vice Captain

Sparkling Fairy

PostPosted: Sat Jan 18, 2014 12:30 am
She hadn't meant for him to think she was being formal, though his touch was welcome. When had finally rested beside her, she leaned her head against his shoulder. "I'm sure I will be. Eventually," she whispered.

Tears fell from her eyes, hard to notice in the waters unless one was really looking for them. One of the perks of being an emotional Naiad; no one can see the tears. She wrapped her other hand around Turin's and remained silent for a moment as she watched the glowing fish go back to their daily meandering. It was really a beautiful thing; the Water Element contained in a pliable globe that one could swim through if they wished. The little magical fish, each representing a life born of water and a pledge of loyalty to the Waters. And now the Earth. With just a signature, Water and Earth were now one.

"Do you think the alliance was a good idea?" It felt like a safe question to ask for now.
PostPosted: Sat Jan 18, 2014 12:54 am
He had just settled in when Tariel surprised him by laying her head on his shoulder. Alright, perhaps he wouldn't have been so shocked if they were at least somewhere private first...more private than the throne room for Water's sake. As it were, he blinked, turning to look at the pale sea green locks, drifting peacefully on the currents and shimmering in the reflected glow from the Water Element. It was almost hypnotic.

He seemed to shake himself free of the spell, though instead of pulling away, he seemed to release some of the tension in his shoulders. Hell with it...they'd both had a rough day. He could use a little comfort too. Without a word, he rested his cheek against the top of her head, otherwise letting her use him as support to rest upon.

"Yeah, I think you will be too. Just checking," he answered lightly. For once, he didn't notice her tears, his eyes, like hers, fixed on the Water Element hovering above them. Remarkable thing it was...to apparently contain such power, yet remain so beautiful. Kind of like Tari--

Suddenly grateful for the question interrupting his thoughts, Turin pondered before giving an answer. "I honestly think that only time is going to answer that question. However...I'd much rather have an ally than an enemy," he mused, shrugging his opposite shoulder away from Tariel. "If this is all some clever ruse or something...it's insanely elaborate," he offered.


Shameless Shapeshifter

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Sparkling Fairy

PostPosted: Sat Jan 18, 2014 1:36 am
Tariel felt at home. Not just physically, but emotionally. The Water Element always having a calming effect on her, but because her Captain was here with her. She forever denied herself this feeling, but given recent events, she felt she could let herself have it this once. She relaxed against Turin and sighed softly. "I have no reason to not trust them. I've seen things, not just today, but in the past. Glimpses of memories, visions in my dreams. I just never knew what they were until now."

Old habits die hard. Tariel shifted herself so she could put Turin's arm around her shoulders. She dared not bring up the issue that was bothering her the most, instead, she tried to shift her train of thought to another issue. "How are you after today?" She wasn't sure what else to say. It's not every day you die and are resuscitated with your royal guard.

It just slipped out before Turin even had a chance to answer her question. "I don't want to die like Alu." She curled up in to him, seeking comfort in a level she'd not sought from anynaiad in many years.
PostPosted: Sat Jan 18, 2014 2:09 am
Tariel's admission didn't come as a surprise, persay. Turin knew that she'd been trying to cope with things beyond all their understanding since coming to the lake from the sea. But, it forced him to recognize that what had happened today was a complete first for him. The first time he'd seen things...heard things...experienced things from another life altogether. It was all so surreal, and yet...how could one possibly deny such events after experiencing them?

Speaking of surreal, he found Tariel making herself comfortable beneath his arm and he glanced around, first to see if anyone saw...then again to make sure he hadn't been transported to some dream and he was only imagining this entire exchange. The answer seemed to be 'no' to each, so he tried to act as if this was completely natural, seeing as her focus had turned to him. "Me? Uh...well..." He was trying to find something positive to say without lying. It was a struggle.

Then, the slipped line sent a shiver up his spine again, simultaneously causing his gut to clench as if he'd been struck. Suddenly, the fact that they were sitting in the throne room, that anyone could come along and see, that they were curled up on the dais meant nothing. Protocol be damned. They'd been together far longer than they'd had to behave under such strict guidelines for behavior...even if only as friends, they meant far too much to one another to let such things get in the way.

Without a conscious thought, Turin tightened the grip he had on her shoulders, placed there by Tariel herself. He pulled her towards his torso with a frown, as if he could protect her from anything seeking to harm her as long as she was close. "That's not going to happen," he bit out harshly, but the tone wasn't directed towards her. It was simply the raw nature of his voice, touched by emotion. He wasn't looking at her, instead staring at something beyond and over her head...once more reliving Alu's final moments. The blonde Queen, eyes fading in death, seemed to flicker, being replaced with a younger, more familiar face...

He clenched his jaw, eyes tightly shut as if he could banish the mental images that way. Tariel could probably feel the faint tremor shiver its way through his body, considering the way they'd become entwined, as if he was seeking to protect her bodily. "I won't let it happen. You hear me? I won't let it," he said quietly, but with no less determination than his previous statement. He may have failed to protect the Queen in a past life, but he wouldn't do so again. Not when it was Tariel's life on the line. He'd sacrifice his own in a heartbeat if it meant hers would be saved instead.

And that was no empty statement. He'd attempted to do so in the past before. It was just luck that they were both still here today. He had the scars to show for it too.


Shameless Shapeshifter

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Vice Captain

Sparkling Fairy

PostPosted: Sat Jan 18, 2014 3:48 am
This was working to take her mind to a better place. Even with the accidental slip. Turin's firm embrace, the passion in which he pledged to never let anything happen to her was perfect. The vulnerable position her emotions were left in prevented any rationale thought from intervening to put a stop to the ball she already put in motion.

"I believe you." She left the thought of who she felt she might need protection from go unsaid. She was being ridiculous anyway thinking it. This raised another concern that maybe this wasn't the best place for them right now.

Slowly Tariel pulled herself from Turin's side and moved towards the Water Element. She put her hands on it once again, leaving the small indentations while she considered what to do next. The little fish reacted to her touch, swirling around the hand prints until they disappeared. "Turin, will you come with me," she requested as she turned to hold her hand out to him. Her sweet, innocent smile belied what was really going through her mind. "I think we should talk somewhere a little more private." Of course she didn't want a certain Naiad -- or any for that matter -- to interrupt the peaceful calm she was sharing with him.
PostPosted: Sat Jan 18, 2014 1:37 pm
Turin had always been on the lookout for any threats to his Queen from the outside. Today, he'd had his eyes opened to the very real possibility of threats from within as well. Though he knew nothing had changed except his own perspective, it felt like the world had become an even more dangerous place than it already had been.

He hadn't even realized how tightly he'd been holding on to Tariel until she started to pull away. While initially reluctant to let her go, the realization of where they were and just how extreme his reaction may have seemed from the outside hit him and he hurriedly released her, muttering a quiet 'sorry' in the process. By the Waters, he'd have never expected it would be so hard to separate what he'd seen from his own memories. Not that he'd really thought much on the topic before. Hell, he hadn't known the concept even existed until today.

He looked up, following her movement away and towards the Water Element, noting the way the light shimmered across her scales, making her hair shine. He would have smiled, if not for the concerned thoughts still swirling in his mind. Yet, when she turned back to him with that sweet smile, he couldn't help but answer in kind. "Of course, ...Tari." He'd nearly responded with 'Your Highness' having been reminded they were technically in public...then, changed at the last second as the point was that they were about to seek privacy in order to continue being more relaxed like this. He rose, reaching to take her hand, but letting her lead. Admittedly, after today, he could use a little time away until he sorted out his thoughts on what they'd seen. Of course, he was fine with Tariel's company, but the rest...well, it was a bit much to process right now.


Shameless Shapeshifter

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Sparkling Fairy

PostPosted: Sat Jan 18, 2014 9:36 pm
The Queen led her Captain first towards the kitchen, which wasn't too much out of the way. The banquet hall was connected to the throne room, and the kitchen was just off to the side. "I really could use a drink. How about you?" She felt it might take the edge off a bit and dull the senses enough she could not feel so overwhelmed. Maybe it would help Turin, too, because he felt just as wound up as she did.

The underwater kitchen was something marvelous. It was designed to accommodate aquatic meal prep, so it did not have a stove in a traditional sense. There was a pit with lava designed for heating food, but mostly, Naiad ate their food raw and fresh. But a warm meal was nice once in a while. In the icebox (literally, a large box filled with ice designed to keep perishables colder than the water kept them) were many different aquatic spirits, fruits and soups. Each kept in a special casing so the liquid inside could be simply sucked out. Being in water all the time certainly wasn't going to stop Naiad society from partaking in spirits. They were a little harder to procure for the water, so not as abundant, but those Naiad who resided in the palace had free access to it.

After grabbing a couple of the wine casings, Tarial grinned at Turin. "Will you join me in my apartment? I think it will provide the most privacy and allow us to freely discuss matters." She looked around the kitchen, noting it was empty, but also knowing that didn't mean ears weren't around the corners.

She took Turin's hand once more, gently rubbing her thumb over the back of his hand. She moved in close, and put the hand holding the two wine casings around his back so she could embrace him lightly. Her lips gently brushed his cheek, and she whispered, "please?" She caught his gaze and held it a moment while she pulled away, she flashed a mischievous smile and started to head for the kitchen exit.

Cyan hair billowing in the water with her deliberate movements, she glanced one last time over her shoulder, giving him that sweet smile she gives whenever she wants something. Within moments, she was out the door, and one final tailfin flick and she was out of sight. She slowed her pace in the hallway, hoping he'd follow. She felt a pang of guilt for this, and she hoped that his unconscious delirium confessions from months ago weren't just things she'd wanted to hear -- made up out of her own delirium, instead of things she actually heard. She was giving in to her own feelings and temptations, to try and cover up a terrible pain in her heart. She was hoping beyond all hope that Turin could fix it. If he declined, she knew it'd be devastating, but it was a chance she needed to take.

I will protect you.
PostPosted: Sat Jan 18, 2014 11:38 pm
Well, he hadn't expected this detour. Perhaps matters today really had him off-balance, but Turin just gazed blankly around the kitchen before responding to Tariel's question. A drink? "Sure, why not?" he answered, allowing himself a chuckle. "I think we could both use it after today." He really needed to calm down or he'd never get to sleep later tonight. Too many upsetting thoughts and emotions lingered; if only he could shove them away for the night, he could deal with them later after some sleep. Perhaps a drink would help with that.

It wasn't unusual for Tariel to ask him to meet with her in her chambers to discuss business. It was a bit unusual to bring a couple of casings of wine along. Still, he wasn't about to argue or note anything too strange about the request...until Tariel took his hand. Maybe his senses were already dulled from an exhausting day, but it seemed as if she'd closed the distance between them surprisingly quickly, suddenly her arm was around his back...her lips brushing his cheek, sending an electric jolt from the contact point, shivering down his spine. Far different from the chill he'd felt in the throne room. Far more...pleasant.

He seemed captured by her gaze as she pulled away and it was as only when she broke eye contact with him that he felt he could move or think again. That look; that smile. It made a man willing to leap into the void if he but thought she wished it. Turin also knew her well enough to know that it meant she wanted something.

That didn't mean he cared that he knew that.

He was left alone in the kitchen area, staring at the open door where Tariel had disappeared, an unsettling churning in his stomach that he was pretty sure was not hunger, and debating on what he should do. Something warned him that this might not be the best decision. It wasn't his special ability...but perhaps simple instinct. Yes, he'd seen this game before...from the outside. He was pretty sure where this was leading...even if he couldn't be sure if that was only wishful thinking on his part. Could just be his imagination running away from him. Even if he was hesitating, he had to admit...he really, really wanted to follow her.

He could always be wrong, after all. Maybe she really did want to talk about what had happened at the meeting. The wine would soothe their frazzled nerves so that they could discuss things calmly. Yep, sure. That's what was going to happen.

That rationale in mind, he flicked his tail to head into the corridor, following the graceful tailfin not far ahead.


Shameless Shapeshifter

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Vice Captain

Sparkling Fairy

PostPosted: Sun Jan 19, 2014 12:30 am
Tariel had been leaning against the wall, waiting for Turin. A part of her was scared he'd go the other way, but when she saw him emerge from the doorway, she felt her heart nearly skip a beat. She let out long slow breath, hiding her initial joy at seeing him, to keep up the allure. Oh-so subtly, she parted her lips and let her tongue slip out to touch her bottom lip. Without saying a word, she tipped her head towards her apartment at the end of the hallway, then pushed herself from the wall to swim towards it.

As was protocol, there were guards stationed outside of her room, so she dismissed them for the night siting a calm and peaceful resolution with the Faun. She encouraged the guards to spend the extra evening with their families and assured them she'd be safe with the Captain nearby. That they had some diplomatic issues to discuss from the meeting. She was careful to hold the wine casings behind her back, out of eyesight of them so as to not raise suspicions.

Looking over her shoulder as the guards swam off, she gave Turin a wink before pushing the heavy door to her chambers open. The site of her apartment; the large shell bed, her vanity, and the window suddenly sparked flashbacks of the golden-haired Queen waving goodbye to her lover. She remembered the concern about Mariya from the interruption. Tariel froze, lost in her memories, forgetting wholly why she was floating there. The Queen ... slept there.

How much of her life would mimic the Queen of the past?
:[ The Fifth Age ]:

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