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[PRP] Ocean Jewels ~ Zircon & Akshita ~ Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon

PostPosted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 6:07 am
The currents were just right today, swirling in a more gentle manner as opposed to the harsh one that was normal for this area, allowing for him to get into a rather amazing place, one that he loved to go to when the currents allowed it, that being the a sunken ship that used to belong to the Ista. It was full of some of the most beautiful jewels that he'd ever seen but each time he went he only took a few, not wanting to seem like a bad guy who was profiting too much off of the misfortune of the Ista that had one owned this ship. He'd found, during his inspections of this place, a few old skeletons that had been stripped by the currents and the scavenging beasts of the ocean, which made him feel that much more uncomfortable when it came to raiding the place. It was as though they were watching him... Still, he couldn't resist the place. It was the jewel lover in him that made him unable to keep from returning when the waters were right, wanting to go in for another raid.

Swimming in place over the trench he gazed down at the ship that could only barely be seen from here, his tail swishing. If he wanted to go in there where the jewels were he'd have to do it now. Everything was just right to allow him get his something that he loved more then anything else, those amazing stones whose quality were like nothing else he'd ever found before, not in such a grand amount. He enjoyed nothing more then the times that he was able to get a few of the glittering stones to make them into beautiful jewelry both for himself and other Aelin to wear. Surely the Ista would prefer that their lost jewels went to someone like him, right? Someone who made sure that they found their way into the hands of those who would love them, wear them, and make good use of them. Better then them forever sitting at the bottom of a trench in the ship they were lost in after all... or at least that was what he felt. It wasn't as though he didn't let people know that they were once Ista jewels after all, wanting them to know that the jewels were from the surface world, it seemed to make people want them that much more.

"Alright, now... I wonder what I might find today." Zircon mused to himself, gathering his hair up and set to braiding it, tying the end off with a bit of seaweed. He didn't want to get tangled up while he was down there after all. Instead he wanted to go down, get in, and get out with his prizes before anyone noticed where he was going, not wanting his secret spot to be found by anyone else that might plunder it to the last coin.
PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 1:41 am
It was not that he was easily distracted but more of he was trying not to take life too serious that had a brightly colored Aelin casing after a mated pair of dolphins. He had met the couple near the reef he often spent most of his time and had followed and danced with the pair for most of the day. As the pair had made a break for open water and there more dull patterns started to bled with the darker open water Akshita found himself loosing ground with them. By the time he found himself treading over a large trench he had completely lost the pair.

He could feel below him the water swirly and pulling at him as if beckoning him down into the darkness he was unaware of a more muddy colored stallion swimming above him. With his chest heaving from having chased so long he shifted his body a bit higher up flipping upside down to look into the darkness. Being as bright as he was he knew that staying unarmed in such an open place as this it was rather dangerous. But now with the water sucking at him he was tempted to dive down into the possible safety of the trench and to see just what might be inside it. If he was able to go very far.

With a smile on his peach face he dove down into the swirling currents trying to make his way to the trench.


Enduring Guardian

Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon

PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 8:29 pm
Zircon glanced down as he looked down at the brightly colored Aelin that dove down into 'his' trench and toward the treasure that he had been about to go down to and gather. His tail swished from side to side before he dove down into the water and after the one that was after what he saw as being his. He wanted to keep the treasure trove a secret, to keep it from being raided in one fell swoop only to end up in someone's treasure trove somewhere. As he followed the other he couldn't help but to be curious about him, such pretty colors, this one reminded him a bit of a nice piece of kono dolomite. It made his hands itch to touch him, as if he wanted to make sure that he was in fact real and not just a result of him spending far too much time with his jewels and not enough time with other Aelin... now he was dreaming up Aelin colored like the stones that he loved he thought to himself, his whiskers twitching as he got closer.

The catfish Aelin stuck close to the shadows, following along after the other in a somewhat predatory manner... though not exactly on purpose, it just ended up appearing that way given that he didn't want to be spotted straight away, wanting to see what this man was up to, if he was going to find the ship, which was pretty likely, and if he meant to go inside to inspect what was within. He could hope against hope that the kono dolomite stallion wouldn't find what Zircon had found but what were the odds? Not very good, the stuff glittered in a way that he'd been able to find them even with the low light at the bottom of the trench. Sure his whiskers helped in that aspect but one never knew, this one might have the ability to spot pretty things too. He supposed it depended on if this one had the same affinity for gems as he had... that or the guy would just turn out to be a figment of his imagination, born of his love of jewels and lack of friends. He was a bit of a loner expect for the times that he was selling the jewelry that he made to those he felt would appreciate them the most.

There is only one way to find out if he is real he thought to himself, swishing his tail just a bit faster in an attempt to catch up. If he reached out and touched him, and he turned out to be real, then he would know... of course then he would have a million more questions, like the who and why of it, but he supposed that would be answered with time. First though he reached out a hand toward that brightly colored tail, whiskers twitching all the while as he grasped at the other male.
PostPosted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 9:35 pm
Akshita a a bit of trouble getting threw all the currents but once he did he paused to look around the trench. He was thankful that the weather above the surface was bright enough that a fairly decent amount of light filtered down allowing him to see fairly well. The trench was not overly deep though it did seem to vary in depth. From this angle though it seemed fairly blah.

The brightly colored stallion was unaware he was being watch, chalking up any uneasy feelings to the fact that he was swimming down into a trench all alone. It was naturally a bit on the creepy side. Just as the catfish Aelin started to reach out to grab touch his tail something caught Akshita's eyes. He tilted his head and dove forward. He was moving towards Zircon's sunken ship now having caught sight of the broken figure head.

The Cup Aelin had never seen a ship under water and when he drew closer he gasped at the sight. It was truly and amazing sight. "This is amazing!" He said moving slowly closer to the large ship. He did not know what type of ship it was the figure head's head having been split and buried in the sediment of the tench floor. Sliding his hand softly along the hull of the ship he swam up towards the deck. This thing was really a work of art. So very amazing. He could only guess at how long it hand been there.


Enduring Guardian

Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon

PostPosted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 12:51 am
Zircon's hand made a grasping motion as the other swam out of his reach and toward where the ship was, making a bit of a face. Eh? Damn, he was a slippery one, wasn't he? At least the catfish sure hoped so otherwise he was really coming up with some interesting sorts of hallucinations. Perhaps he'd been in the deep waters for far to long he thought to himself as he moved to once more pursue the pretty colored Aelin. He wondered if he should pounce him, see about scaring him away from this place and the ship, or make the pretty one think that it was haunted? He wasn't sure yet which approach he should take when it came to protecting the ship. It would be a shame though, if he chased this one off then he wouldn't really be able to enjoy the company of one who looked like a pretty stone that Zircon rather liked. He really was torn on what he should do. There was what he wanted to do when it came to the ship and its treasure but then again there was what he wanted to do personally... someone to go diving with would be interesting and this was the first one that he'd ever seen try to enter the dark trench.

A lot of people avoided this place due to the 'creepy factor' that it naturally had about it, he'd even overheard some people saying that a monster lived in it. He supposed on a good, bright day, looking down the vague outline of the ship did look like a large beast, didn't it? That hadn't scared this one off though, had it? Maybe he hadn't heard the rumors, that or he just wasn't afraid... which only made him that much more uncertain about what it was that he should do at this point. Zircon blinked a couple times when the pretty one swam away from the broken off figurehead and moved toward the deck of the ship. The catfish shifted in place a moment, whiskers wiggling, before he swam along after him once more. He would shadow the pretty one, see how far into the ship that he wanted to go, and if he started toward the depths of it then he would see about scaring him off... as much as he wanted to make friends with this one he didn't want him to plunder the ship, that was Zircon's right as the one that had found it first! A childish thought but one he couldn't help but think as he crept along after the pretty one, glad for once for his dull colors since it let him fade away into the background in a way a might brilliant Aelin never could.
PostPosted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 12:26 pm
Akshita shivered a bit as he lowered himself so that his tail was resting on the hard wood of the deck. He felt again like someone was watching him. He glanced around the deck before he made his way up towards the wheel. He brushed his fingers over the pegs of the wheel smiling softly. Maybe the ship had taken some of her crew with her when she sank. That would explain his feeling of being watched. He did not think that there was any other Aelin near by and even the wild life seemed to avoid the ship instead of making their home around it. How strange....maybe this ship had some magic to it. That would explain both the feeling and lack of life around the drowned ship.

The whole mystery and beauty of the ship brought such a romantic feel to the whole thing. What had sunk the ship? What had it been carrying and where was it going? Akshita's mind started to race with possibilities as he left the wheel to swim down the stairs and stop in front of a door that would lead to the navigation room right under the wheel. He traced his hand down the door frame and gave the handle a turn. Finding it unlocked he moved to press his shoulder to the edge and gave a strong kick with his tail figuring that he might have had some resistance but with a yelp the brightly colored stallion tumbled head over fin into the navigation room and landing this a muffled thunk against the sturdy table in the middle of the room.


Enduring Guardian

Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon

PostPosted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 4:19 pm
Well now, that one didn't seem too terribly graceful now did he? The way that he was able to fall into the ship in such a manner had the catfish lifting a hand to smother a chuckle before he swam along after him once more, looking through the door that the other had fallen through, shaking his head. Well, he seemed to be alive he thought to himself, on top of that he didn't think that he tasted any blood in the water... that was a bonus. The last thing they would want was for him to lure in predators because his blood was acting as bait. He wouldn't know for certain though that he was uninjured until he got closer to the other stallion. Best that he find out now if the other had been injured, before the sharks could start to circle he decided before he slipped into the room, gliding along the floor, and over to where the pretty one was sitting on the table.

Lifting his head up so that his eyes were peeking over the edge of the table he finally spoke, half hoping to see if he could get a squeak out of the guy, "You know you aren't supposed to be here, pretty one... it's dangerous here... He said in as ominous a tone as he could muster. It might not be all that nice of him but he just couldn't resist, the setting was perfect, the set up was perfect, and now that the pretty one was lost in the shadow depths of the ship his mind screamed at him that now was the time to strike! While he wouldn't hurt the guy he couldn't resist startling him, especially when it seemed as though everything had gone perfectly to give him the opportunity to do just that.
PostPosted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 6:41 pm
Akshita lay sprawled out on the huge table. He lay still for a moment listening to any sounds around him afraid that he might have disturbed something to awoken something that might have been in the room. There was enough light in the room that when he opened his eyes he could look around and make out some shapes. He let out a slow breath starting to shift his tail to check and make sure it was alright. He was just about to sit up when he heard a deep low voice coming from the darker side of the table. He did give a bit of a yelp as he tried to push off the table only to end up falling off the other side of it. He grunted as his heavier form that the water it the floor of the room.

He sat under the lip of the table for a minute afraid to look around. No wonder nothing was here it seemed the hip was haunted! He looked over at the door wondering if he could make a break for it when a small flag went up in his mind. Pretty one? He tilted his head and shifting to look around the solid leg of the table towards the voice. So the ghost could see him? Or was the ghost maybe reliving something that happened when Mearh manned the ship above the water? He smiled thinking that maybe the map maker's lover had snuck aboard the ship and was discovered once it was out to sea. It would be dangerous for a young mare on a ship crewed by stallions. This thought caused Akshita to wriggle and wince as he felt a ache growing from his back. It would seem his tumble had bruised his lower back and upper hip.

Taking a deep breath he leaned back against the table leg and spoke to what he though was a ghost. "I am not your pretty one...B..but I have come souly to look at your fine vessel sir. I do not plan to take anything form it." He tensed up waiting for a reply before he shifted to peak up over the top of the table.


Enduring Guardian

Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon

PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 2:26 am
The yelp that the brightly colored Aelin gave was one that made the sneaking about well worth it and brought a huge grin to Zircon's lips. Well now, that had been far to amusing he thought to himself was about to come out of hiding when he realized that the one he had startled had managed to fall off the table. Looking around he found himself wondering where it was that the other stallion had gotten off too, had he run away already? Understandable but quicker then expected he thought to himself, whiskers wiggling. He was about to abandon the room when he heard the other moving about and it seemed to finally click what was going on and where the other Aelin was at the moment, he'd gotten himself under the table. Hiding, was he? He found himself once more torn, should he say something? Or should he enjoying this rousing game of hide and seek? The question was barely a question really as he moved forward, up onto the table that the other was hiding under so that he could move across it, hoping to sneak up on the other.

His sneaking was given pause though when the other Aelin finally spoke up, telling him that he was 'not his pretty one' making him wonder it he had somehow insulted the other Aelin. There was more though as the pretty dolomite colored male commented about how he'd come solely to 'look at his fine vessel' and even called him 'sir'. Wait a moment, what was he saying? Did he believe that this sunken ship belonged to him? He wasn't sure but he liked that idea, almost as much as he liked the fact that the one under the table was vowing that he wasn't planning on taking anything from the ship. He wasn't sure how much he trusted those words or the promise that he wasn't going to be stealing anything but it was a nice thought. Who was to say that the pretty Aelin didn't mean to run off only to return later with some sort of help after all.

His whiskers gave a twitch, feeling movements in the water, and suddenly he would find himself eye to eye with the one that peeking over the table, close enough that if he wanted to he could likely touch the pretty one with his whiskers. He blinked a couple times the leaned in closer and said in the same ominous tone, "Hello there, pretty one." Curious the reaction he might get from the one he was sort of toying with up to this point.
PostPosted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 10:54 am
Seeing the transparent or slightly glowing figure of a ghost reliving a moment from his past on the ships would not have been so startling to the brightly colored stallion. But the last thing he had expected to see as he looked up over the edge of the table was a fairly solid look face not inches from his own. He felt as if his heart had exploded from his chest as the sudden fright. With another gasp the stallion pushed himself from the table kicking his tail back until he was pressing against the wall one pink hand moving to spread over his chest to keep his racing heart still.

The gills at his sides flaring for breath as he stared at the muddy Aelin couched about the table. His own peach colored cheeks darkened with a blush of both embarrassment and a hint of growing anger. His crimson eyes looked over the very much still living form of the other stallion before he looked down a bit dejected. He felt his anger at the other having scared him diminish into disappointment. He realized that he had really been hoping to spot a ghost stallion and mare reliving a passionate moment, like the one in his head, when he had looked up. But instead of a romance continuing on even in death he had come face to face with a living, though albeit a handsome, stallion.

Lowering his hand Akshita sighed, "You scared me you jerk!" he said his voice warm and tease despite his wish. He allowed himself to come loose from the wall he had pressed up against as he brought his eyes back up to the other stallion. "Here I thought you were the ghostly owner of this ship and yet I find you very much alive...how..." he thought a moment then replied, "Slightly disappointing."


Enduring Guardian

Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon

PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 5:20 am
Crossing his arms for a moment the catfish rested his arms on them, watching the brightly colored Aelin as he suddenly threw himself backwards and crashed into the far wall. Tail giving a swish he couldn't help but to give a bit of a grin as the other clutched at his chest and looked far too adorably terrified for his own good. How it made him enjoy the tormenting of the guy that much more even though he couldn't say that he often went about scaring the guy. It seemed to take a bit of time but the pretty one that reminded him so much of dolomite seemed to catch his breath and recover from his near heart attack and soon enough it would seem that he was ready to do battle. Cute, though too little too late when it came to being a tough guy he thought to himself as the other scolded him.

"Did I scare you? I didn't mean to." He said, grinning from ear to ear in a manner that said that his previous statement was a complete and utter lie. There was no way that he couldn't have meant to scare the pretty colored Aelin after all. Reaching out he caught hold of the edge of the table, pulling himself forward, and slid off the table to swim toward the other stallion, "I'd apologize but... I just see no reason to do so, it was rather fun after all to see you squeal like a mare over a possible ghost haunting." It was cute, but Zircon wouldn't admit to thinking that. Instead he moved forward toward the other who was now talking about how disappointed he was that Zircon wasn't a ghost. He really was a weird one, wasn't he? If he really was a ghost he was pretty sure that this one would have died when his heart burst out of his chest but when he discovered that Zircon wasn't a specter he acted so upset... Weird, very weird he thought to himself.

Reaching a hand out to brush the tips of his fingers against the other Aelin's cheek he said, "I will admit I almost though you were a ghost as well, you are the first one that I have see down here after all that isn't an Ista after all." And all of those Ista were nothing but bones and glittering horns at this point so he couldn't say they were that good of company really. This one though, if he didn't run away at the first chance he got, might be a more interesting sort to play with he thought to himself, tail swishing from side to side, "So what brings you down into the trench, my pretty one?"
PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 10:54 am
Even as he had caught his breath and was scolding the other he could not help but notice the muscular frame under those rich brown scales. With that almost teasing faked attempt at an apology and the way he pulled himself from the table darken the brighter males yellow peach colored muzzle with blush. He felt his heart quicken with a strange draw to this male who had played such a cruel little trick on him. His crimson eyes narrowed as the other drew closer to him. "I had not expected to find a voice in such a silent place. You meant every bit to scare me or you would not have billowed your voice to make you sound stronger and more intimidating that you are."

He looked down at the other approached. He was in fact a bit disappointed that the other had not been a ghost reliving a passion even in his death. How strong that passion would have had to be to have someone's soul stay behind to continue reliving it. He brought a hand up to rub his eyes as he laughed at himself and his foolish imagination. He brought his head up as he slid his fingers threw his flowing mane. He found himself a bit surprised to see just how close the other had gotten to him. His pretty face was twisted with embarrassment with himself and how stupid he had been.

His eyes grew a bit wide and a very soft whispered sigh escaped his lips as the fingers brushed his cheek. Such a gentle touch but surely it was simply another tease. He rolled his eyes, "I am sure you did not think I was a ghost if you come here often enough and had not seen any." He stopped and looked around the dark room they were in, "An Ista vessel huh? I guess that would explain the draw and why nothing else living seems to be near the ship."

His attention was drawn back to the Aelin that was so close to him at the words 'my pretty one'. He laughed gently and leaned forward as he brought up a hand to gently slide the fingers along one of Zicrom's feelers twirling it softly. "Who said I was your pretty one sir? I lay no such claim to being yours." He smiled at him and placed a gentle kiss on the tip of the tendril he was twirling before leaning back against the wall as he sad more on his curved tail that swam. "The mated pair I had been playing with led me here and then left me. I guess curiosity caught me so I dove down into this trench and was fortunate enough to discover this beautiful vessel. Do you still intend to scare me off of it or am I free to explore your lovely ship?"


Enduring Guardian

Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon

PostPosted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 1:19 pm
"There is nothing stopping a pretty fish ghost from appearing to distract me from my work... though I suppose even living you have done that quite efficiently, haven't you?" He'd come to gather a few jewels so that he could create some new pieces but instead of doing that he had instead played hide and seek with this one. It had been worth it though, he didn't get out nearly as much as a man should and as such finding company in the trench of all places, surely it was some sort of blessing from the ocean? That or it was the ocean telling him he needed so desperately to socialize that it sent someone to him. Either way he was enjoying himself, so the hows and whys as to the reason that this pretty colored Aelin had joined him in the deep, he wouldn't question them. Instead he would enjoy the bounty that was this new companion of sorts.

He felt that this one was going to be tough to impress though now that he'd learned that he wasn't a ghost. The fins at his hips gave a little twitch before he nodded his head, "Hm, yes. Ista, I have found a few of the unfortunate ones that didn't make it off the ship when it went down. No ghosts that I have seen but that could be because I am not quite interesting enough, maybe someone more brightly colored as you, one that doesn't fade into the background, might draw them out?" He had no idea if that was true, but he knew for sure was that this one wouldn't vanish into the darkness as easily a Zircon did... though the reverse would be true were the two of them to try to hide elsewhere, a coral reef for example. It was half why he preferred to be down in the trench, he was all but invisible here. It was something that was normal for his kin, to hide in shadows, among the debris, skulking about and pouncing on their prey. Zircon was an oddity among his family just because of the way that he went to town from time to time to sell things. Even if he didn't do it often, and likely wasn't remembered for anything but his jewelry, it was still odd for their kind.

Drawn from his wandering thoughts when the other started to mess with his feelers a bit of a shiver went through Zircon from head to tail before the little tendrils wrapped around the pretty ones fingers. As the other male said that Zircon had no claim to him his lips twisted up into a smirk, "That is where you are wrong, my pretty. This ship is territory claimed by myself along with everything that I find in it and I found you." He said, grinning brightly. Even if the claiming of the ship wasn't exactly something he'd done the brightly colored, dolomite Aelin didn't know that, did he? The lacking of that knowledge might help him in his endeavor to claim this one, "I suppose, since I have claimed you, that you can explore the ship with me." He offered, "But not stealing anything from the ship, I only take things out one or two at time myself, I don't want to pillage it all after all. I take only what I need."
PostPosted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 8:56 pm
Akshita gave a gentle laugh. He had to admit that he was a bit flattered to hear that he had distracted the other. He often over looked his bright coloration as something that would draw someone's attention. His tail flicked lazily as his hip fins fanned water along his body. He was already rather thankful now that those dolphins had led him to this trench. How strange it was that it was right here they had left him. Maybe it was fate that he would be found and stalked by the dark stallion. His peach cheeks darkened at the thought and he shook his head letting the thoughts of a fateful meeting filling his head. He cursed himself and his romantic line of thought. He always read too much into things and his imagination was far to...powerful for his own good. No wonder he had never been in a relationship.

A gentle shake of his head and the mention of those trapped in the ship ropped his wandering mind back into the present. "Oh my to have been trapped where and drug down so far! I know it is a bit morbid but I would love to..." he stopped as the other stallion commented on him not being interesting enough. "Flattery will get you no where with me sir. I would think if they were where they would be more likely to come out for you. Even if you blend in then they would feel more alone and safe. But then again I am sure some would just be reliving their lives on this ship regardless of whom is here."

As the silken tendrils wrapped around his fingers the bright stallion gave a pleasured gasp his fingers stroking along the curled lengths. He looked at the smirk with an innocent little look to his face making him seem younger and sweeter than he was. "I am wrong?" He asked gently. His dark eyes went wide and he blushed turning his face from the muddy colored stallion. His romantic mind race at head of him making him squee mentally like a young filly. No one had ever claimed him before. Nor had he had someone flirt so with him. "I guess then....I am yours. If you claimed the ship. And all that was in it. And you found me inside...wait" he turned back to look at Zircon in the face again. "Did you spot me before I was on the deck of the ship? If so then you did not find me on the ship so I am not yours!" she loosened his hold on the feelers though he could have spent hours stroking them.

"I will not take anything from this ship." he said gently and laughed, "And if you did find me first on the ship or in this room...and you only take one or two things then I guess you shall leave me behind here and not take me." He said and gave a gentle pout before moving to wriggle away from the catfish Aelin and towards the door. With his back to the other he allowed himself to smile brightly moving a hand to cover it and too keep himself from laughing. Oh this was too much fun!


Enduring Guardian

Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon

PostPosted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 8:56 pm
Zircon couldn't help but to feel quite excited when the other was suddenly admitting that he was in fact his, something that made his whiskers wiggled in a rather pleased fashion. Yes, this one was all his, claimed in the same manner that he had claimed the jewels that were aboard the ship... though a moment after the other said that was the word 'wait' which caused his heart to drop, "Eh?" As the other Aelin asked if he had spotted him before he was on the deck of the ship and that it seemed that, since that were the case, that he didn't find him on the ship. The catfish starred at him for a long moment before he gave a chuckle, "You are just trying to find a loophole to escape from me, huh? I don't know if I will be so quick to let you go now that I have claimed you... but I understand if mere words aren't enough. Perhaps I will need to go further then that, hm?" He would need to think on that, on a good way to really make this pretty, dolomite stallion his if just staking a claim verbally wasn't going to fly with him... not that much down here did any flying save for the flying fish he supposed.

"Hrm?" When The other mentioned that, if even if he'd spotted him on the ship first, and since Zircon only took one or two things out at a time that he would need to leave the pretty one behind. It had him starring for a long moment before he started to laugh, "Ah, my pretty one, you really are foolish if you think I would leave you behind just so I could take home a couple of gems with me. I would be more then happy to leave those here and take you instead, believe me." He said as the other squirmed free of him and started to move away toward the door. His whiskers gave a twitch before he pushed off the wall to follow along after the pretty one that he was having far to much fun with at the moment. Far different then those that he normally dealt with, those all being his customers. While they were important to him this one drew him in more, maybe because he was such a bright, pretty thing that stood out in the darkness of the ship?

"So, what would you like for me to show you? The unfortunate Ista who went down with this ship, perhaps? You can see if you can find their ghosts near to where their physical forms were laid to rest... or maybe you want to see the treasure that is down in the hold?" He asked of him, it was where he'd been planning to go himself but he'd been distracted by something far more interesting then any mere treasure, "In fact I could show you both if you have time? So long as your dolphin friends aren't waiting for you to return from the trench?" Zircon had no idea if those air breathers were still about but if they weren't then that meant that it was just him and the dolomite stallion, how nice!

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