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[FIN] For those Staying Behind (Aali/Aysel/Faiz) Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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Tricky Treater

PostPosted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 8:06 pm

Aali took a deep breath and stretched his muscles, they were only a day or two from the raid. He wanted, no he needed things to go smoothly it was his first true act of leadership and while some Sultans had been tyrants with accomplice viziers he would not be. Faiz was level headed and gentle, and Tariq well he was what he was but no matter anyones opinion Aali needed the male to counterbalance things. He valued the opinion of all his pride brothers no matter how they dealt with their females.

Still it was daunting to know he would be heading out with almost every male of age, only Faiz would remain. His own harem would be left behind as well, unattended such a thing was considered dangerous by most. If it had been anyone but Faiz Aali might have been concerned, but he knew his brother well and Faiz would never betray his trust.

Still he needed to formally put Faiz in charge, and he would need to tell Aysel that she was being left in charge as well. His choice in how he treated his Sultana was unheard of giving a female power was a dangerous thing, but he loved her and trusted her. Most importantly the other females knew better then to try anything foolish is Aysel had been left in charge and making Faiz completely responsible while he had his young cubs to protect wouldn't be completely fair.

He sat slowly trying to appear calm even as his insides tightened, his blue eyes flicked over every small bent tree and patch of grass. He would return home triumphant or he wouldn't dare to return at all for Aali felt he still needed to earn his place to prove that he could be as good a sultan or better then those of the past. He relaxed and felt a smile slowly curve his maw as he spotted his half brother.
PostPosted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 11:50 am
In the days following his cubs' birth, since they had grown old enough to walk about outside of the den, Faiz had usually been seen with at least one of his children padding along beside him as he meandered about the pride lands.
Not today, however.
Today, he walked up to his younger brother alone, knowing quite well the purpose of this meeting and not seeing it fit to have his children come with to something concerning important pridal matters.

"Little Brother," he said in greeting, lowering his head in respect, but his eyes remained upon his half-brother's face. He straightened with a smile, sitting down across from Aali and curling his tail around his paws.
"Anxious to leave on your quest?"

Reeshie Hack

Dapper Hunter


Tricky Treater

PostPosted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 11:57 am

Aali gave a grim grin and sighed shaking his head slightly his dark mane fluffing around him. "More anxious to return though we haven't even left yet..." He took another deep breath and looked back up his pale blue eyes filled with seriousness.

"I hate to speak like this Faiz...but your my Emir...and you'll be the only male to stay here with the harems. I need you to know that if anything happens to me..." He paused uncertainly, raids after all did have an element of danger some young males never returned from their quests.
"If anything happens to me I want you to take care of my Harem." He nodded softly.

"I know you might not approve but I've called Aysel to meet with us as well...I want to leave her in charge of the ladies...you'll be busy with your cubs and it isn't fair to leave you watching everything alone."
PostPosted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 3:11 pm

In silence the milky blue eyes took in the scene of brothers, Aysel keeping her respectful distance as she remained just within the entrance of the den behind them. It was unnecessary to interrupt though she'd been summoned to this meeting as well. She would wait, all too aware a more opportune moment would present itself to step in. Besides... who was she to take away any brother to brother time if she could help it?

Her mind clicked away, half in attention to their words, half to the events that were to unfold within the next few days. The harems were already a buzz with questions on whom they'd be left with, whispers left and right to their sisters that left Aysel herself curious with how things would work out. Not fearful of course, simply... curious. New faces would soon be joining them as well, a joyous thought as she wondered how many would take quickly to their ways. A few upstarts wasn't a problem, but oh was she excited to greet her new sisters that would be joining her in serving Aali.

As the Sultan spoke those formal words to Faiz concerning a possible ill outcome of the raid, her muscles tensed slightly. How silly to think like that, though she had to give a disgruntled agreement that such precautions were necessary. With the others accompanying him though... needless precautions, really. All would be fine in the end, of this she was sure.

Her silver ears flicked upon hearing her name, attention returning to full on the matters at hand. Once her mind registered what words had followed, her heart thudded away with a burst of pride an honor, though her composer remained serene as she made her way softly to her Pad's side. He was going to put her in charge? Had Sultans of the past been so generous? No, she could not think of another example in history when a Sultana had any such gift, all the more reason for her pulse to flutter in awe of the moment.

"Sire," Aysel greeted Aali, bowing her head with a soft smile as she turned to his elder brother, "Vizier Faiz, good day." Though she usually kept her kindness to a bare minimum when dealing with others beyond Aali, she could allow some warmth to slip through when dealing with his sibling. Not much more than usual, but not enough to be a cold shoulder just... lukewarm. She took her seat to the Sultan's left at a respectful distance, keeping herself slightly in back to continue the requirements of her position. "You wished to see me, Sire?"


Unsealed Gatekeeper

Reeshie Hack

Dapper Hunter

PostPosted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 6:28 pm
Faiz chuckled a bit at his brother's wish for this to be over, knowing full well how he felt. He had had similar feelings when he had gone out on his coming-of-age hunt, eager to get back to his home and first lady, as well as the pride of returning triumphant.
He could not, however, continue in his short laugh as his brother's words turned even more serious. His look was grim behind his mane and he nodded once.
"May Fate have it that request need not be fulfilled," he replied lowly, turning as the Sultana approached at Aali's explanation of who would be in charge.

Faiz's head dipped ever so slightly in her direction, a respectful gesture no matter how small.
"Sultana," he returned before looking back at his brother.
"I trust your judgment, Brother. Besides, I've heard your little gem has a knack for keeping the other girls in line," he added with a small smirk, though his tone remained honest and more or less serious. He would keep a close eye on everything nonetheless, but it was truly good to know that he wouldn't be alone in commanding the harems left behind when the males left for the raids. He had enough "trouble" keeping an eye on his own females.
PostPosted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 6:37 pm

Aali nodded and felt his smile return as he spotted his Sultana, Aysel was a joy to him her devotion was more then any Pad could ask for. With his concerns for the future out of the way he felt cheerful, after all their raiding party would be a large one this time and they would avoid other prides. He turned and moved to curl his body against Aysel he always felt strangely possessive of his females.

"I was just telling Faiz that I intend to leave you in charge of the harems, I don't want any of our ladies giving Faiz any problems. You have a good eye and you can report to him if anything seems awry. I don't want the females going out on any far hunts while we're gone either." His voice was a bit more tender as he spoke to his Sultana, they were orders but not ones he barked out.

His eyes flicked at Faiz once more conveying to his brother how much it meant to him that his lone gem be protected. He knew that Aysel could handle herself that was part of why he had made her his Sultana. She was quick and cunning and had a knack for spotting trouble and joy among the females.


Tricky Treater


Unsealed Gatekeeper

PostPosted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 9:14 pm

Now had this been a more private moment, Aysel knew she would have been purring like a cub as she leaned slightly into Aali, tail curling around him in return. Of course, she'd also be far more affectionate, but with intrusive eyes, even those of his brother, she felt less inclined to be her usual very loving self. Hopefully he would understand; she was more than content with the idea that she would revert back once Faiz had taken his leave.

It was not out of the question though, to show her gratitude for his decision or complement. "Sire, I am honored. I will do all I can to ensure Vizier Faiz will not be troubled, though I will go to him should the need be as instructed should he not already be aware of the situation," she nodded, sincerity ringing in her voice. Sure she would be more than capable of handling any trouble the girls could dish out, but if such were the orders, so be it. Faiz had his own lionesses and cubs to deal with as it was, so would it then be in violation if she... "defused" the situation on her own?

Aysel gave a stern nod of acceptance still. "Such hunts shouldn't be necessary as it is, game has been easy to come by, though we shall be sure to stay close regardless." The tasks set before her didn't sound tremendously difficult, though she kept her mind stable with the ever obvious possibility some might overconfident with the situation.

Faiz's own remarks made her give the faintest of smirks as she again bowed her head, though this time in gratitude. "May such a trait be of use to you as well during these times, sir." Oh she knew of the tales the girls liked to pass around about incidents in the past, but to hear such things slipped around some of the males... shocking, but not unpleasant. Perhaps it was a promise for an easy few days while the rest of the males were off on the raid.
PostPosted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 8:05 pm
"I'm sure you will be an excellent aid, Aysel. My brother is a lucky male indeed to have found a female as trustworthy and dedicated as you are to the pride," Faiz replied with another nod of his head. He thought for a moment, his tail-tip tapping the ground softly as he sometimes did when he was thinking. Old habits and all that.

"Aali, do you think she can handle problems on her own, minor ones among the harems, I mean? Not that I wouldn't be able to, I just imagine I might be busy keeping an eye on everything that I may have difficulty attending to smaller matters promptly," he added, turning his attention to his brother, his mane flicked slightly from his face to give his brother a questioning look.

Reeshie Hack

Dapper Hunter


Tricky Treater

PostPosted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 8:14 pm

Aali hesitated briefly while considering Faiz question, it was one he knew needed an answer yet it was a hard choice. No Sultana had ever been given permission to handle things at her own discretion not for as far back as Aali could remember in their history. Still...he couldn't have Aysel running to Faiz withe very issue especially when he trusted her judgement. His dear silver treasure had never given him any reason to doubt her ability to take care of the ladies of the pride. He looked down at Aysel for a long moment his eyes icy and hard at first as he looked at her as if trying to determine something. Slowly his gaze softened and he nodded looking back up at his half brother.

"Aysel can handle any issues with the harems ladies, should she see that your opinion and strength are needed she shall seek you out. I do not want you overburdened Faiz, we shall try and return with haste...but you know...we need this Raid." His voice ended with a harsher note the anger directed inward. If only he had done more while his father was still alive they might even now have an abundance of females. His blindness to the pride around him had now forced his paw and they had no choice but to go on such a large Raid. Never again will I be so blind to the needs of my brothers...He thought to himself.

PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 9:58 pm

"How kind of you to say, sir." Oh, she really did appreciate his complements, her smile was evident of that. She was simply quite convinced he had it in the reverse - Aysel was simply acting as was not only expected but was right, and somehow through it all had been blessed with such a male to call her his.

Had she been a sillier, less proper lioness, she might have given a snort to his question. A sillier, less proper lioness wouldn't have considered the ramifications of such a thing confirmed, instead only thinking of the previous occasions that started the warning whispers about the Sultana in the first place. Carefully she watched Aali, neither hopeful nor pessimistic, only patient and neutral as he debated this, meeting his gaze lightly. All worked out well as it was, her smile grateful as he spoke to his brother.

"All will be fine, Sire," she breathed softly, discontent with his sudden darker mood. "Once you and the other males return, all will be as it should. Please do not dwell on the negativity - instead think of the good that is to come, my lord." Silently, she willed for peace to return to him. Mistakes happened, someone could always have done things differently to avoid them. But they could not change the past, so it was pointless to keep the mind there, kicking one's self instead of thinking ahead to ways to repent and make do. Such a raid now would mean a more drastic measure wouldn't need to be taken later, and new members would soon be joining the pride. How was it not possible to think of the positives on this instead of the negative?


Unsealed Gatekeeper

Reeshie Hack

Dapper Hunter

PostPosted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 6:08 pm
Faiz chuckled and nodded his head.
"No, Brother, you wouldn't want to overburden me with the troubles of so many lovely ladies. Are you sure you wouldn't rather put someone else in charge of things while you're gone? The temptation might just kill me," the older lion laughed, incapable of resisting the urge to make light of the situation. He stood then, bowing his head to his brother's Sultana.
"Well, now, Aali, Aysel, if you do not need me anymore, I think I've left my troublemakers alone for a little too long. Goodness knows what mischief Mzu and Naji will get into," he chuckled at his own joke.
PostPosted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 6:15 pm

Aali watched his brother go with a soft chuckle of his own, lucky Faiz even if his ladies could be a little mischievous at least he had them. Soon he hoped to have his den filled with a loving harem as well. "Take care brother..." He murmured before turning to Aysel.

"There is much good that will come of the Raid I'm sure...I only worry about leaving you alone...still your right. I will focus on the brighter side of things, the joy I'll feel when I return to you." He smiled and moved to nuzzle her lovingly.


Tricky Treater


Unsealed Gatekeeper

PostPosted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 7:28 pm

Aysel allowed a small laugh to slip from her as well towards Faiz's little joke, bowing her head in a returning farewell to the other lion. Her gaze shifted to the Sultan, gentle smile warming significantly now that it was just the two of them.

Nuzzling him in return, she moved closer to him to tuck her head beneath his chin. "I will be safe with your brother and the girls. You know I'll be here waiting for you and to celebrate the success I know you'll have, my dear Aali." Confidence is such a wonderful thing when used correctly.
PostPosted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 7:43 pm

Aali felt himself warm and tenderly he pulled Aysel closer with a paw and licked her cheek. He wanted to tell her that she would be well cared for if anything should happen to him, he wanted to promise her she would soon have harem sisters and cubs of her own. So many things he wanted for his silver Sultana yet nothing was yet within his grasp. He nuzzled her silently and nodded at her reassurance.

"I know...I trust Faiz to take good care of you, and I'll return quickly..." He murmured softly before sighing and nudging her gently. "I had best head out...I want us to camp at the edge of the territory and get a move on before sunrise..." He struggled to pull himself away from her, for so long he had been the one to protect her, leaving her alone now seemed wrong somehow. Still he moved away slowly and offered her a smile. "You must also take care of yourself Aysel...if any of the females give you too much trouble tell Faiz." He gave her a stern look before it melted into a grin. "Keep the den warm."


Tricky Treater


Unsealed Gatekeeper

PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 8:51 pm

She sighed, content in this moment. A happy chime of giggles sprung up at his little shows of affection. Why was he so worried of things to come? Sure she would miss him while he was away, but it wouldn't be forever. And when he returned, he would bring with him new life for the pride - not to mention new sisters for her. Then they could be together, watch the pride grow, and who knows... perhaps then, in the time of peace, little paws would join the echos of the den. That was a little wish she tucked in the back of her mind though for another time, a cheeky little smile on her face.

Aysel returned the nuzzle with a soft chuckle, snuggling closer to his warmth for a moment before pulling away as he did the same. "May all of you be successful on your journey," she said gently. A grin split her face, a smirk and challenging spark briefly lighting her eye. "The girls know better than to try anything with me, but I will do as you ask, if only to keep you from worrying." She took a step forward, leaning in to press her nose against his before straightening with a calmer expression. "It will be all the warmer when you return, love. But I'll see what I can do."
[IC] Abandoned Forest [IC]

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