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Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 2:13 pm
He had tried to understand these growing feelings towards that Historian but could not. So, instead of trying to understand them he had pushed them to one side for another day. He could try throwing some theories around but what was the point?

Ugh...that wasn't like him at all. He was always up for a challenge, theorising, discovering! So what made this different? Was it because deep down he understood this feeling but just did not want to admit it.

Frowning, he moved through a bank of flowers recently bloomed from the spell of rain a couple of days prior. They were delicate blooms of white and yellow but incredibly beautiful amongst the grasses. He stepped amongst them and paused to observe a striped insect moving from flower to flower. A bee. He loved the little things. Hard workers. Bright. Intelligent. Working to provide. Besides that, the way they flew and knew things astounded Bai Bo. One buzzed past his ear and he followed its trail through the sky to the next flower.
PostPosted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 2:30 pm
Kumbuka was laying in the bank of flowers, low to the ground so one wouldn't be able to spot her until they were practically on top of her. The flowers were so dense on the ground, and she quite liked laying between them, feeling as if she was a small cub playing hide and seek. It was an odd, nostalgic feeling - one Kumbuka wasn't used to. But then that was happening a lot recently.

For once, the historian wasn't checking her records for accuracy. She'd taken a look at the records when she'd woken up, and a strange feeling had coursed through her - an ache, stemming from her heart. And she just...hadn't felt able to spend today reading them. She knew she'd be busy soon, with the Lady of the East House heavily pregnant, but for now she just wanted to...think. And reflect on recent events.

She didn't know why, but for the past few days there'd been an odd, fluttery feeling in her chest. Her heart felt swollen, like it was pushing against her ribcage, and there was only one thing she could think of as a reason to why. But she couldn't believe it - she refused to believe it. Love was something Kumbuka didn't know much about, but when she had dared to venture into the subject she'd honestly found it quite...intriguing. Seemingly a waste of time and unnecessary, but then when she'd spoken to others about it, they'd said it was all worth it.

Pawing at a flower to the left of her head, she sighed. Was Bai Bo worth it?


Fuzzy Kitten


Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 2:34 pm
He moved on, letting his gaze shift from the bee to the clouds. Would more rain come? They certainly looked as if they promised it. No fluffy, white, friendly clouds today. Just grey ones that cast the world into an odd sort of shadow. Even still it was a pretty enough day and the scent of the flowers brought with it a delightful tone that wasn't usually there.

With a swish of his tail he turned and headed back towards his den, stepping as carefully through the flowers as he could. A second later and he stumbled across her.


He pulled himself short, just about keeping himself from tripping over her and sort of muffled an excuse under his breath. Oh no. He wasn't ready to face her yet. Not yet. His eyes flicked from side to side in panic and he took a step back, almost hoping she hadn't even noticed him...which was stupid, of course. How could anyone miss a big white lion?
PostPosted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 2:55 pm
The lionness rolled onto her back, paws in the air in a position she very rarely took - a playful, almost childish position. A hint of a smile curved the corners of her maw, as she batted at a butterfly above her head. A chuckle even broke the blissful silence as she suddenly realized something - this. Just taking the time like this, to enjoy the simple things in life. It was rather blissful.

And then, someone nearly tripped over her.

She hissed at first, instinct kicking in as she rolled back onto her belly, fur on the back of her neck beginning to stand up as she curled her maw backwards to flash her teeth in annoyance at whoever had nearly tripped over her. But then...the white coat, with the black markings. It was him!

"Bai Bo?" The words were out of her mouth before she could stop them, astonishment replacing the defensive expression on her face, Kumbuka feeling the blood rush to her cheeks in embarrassment at the male catching her in such a compromising position. She was quick to her feet, giving him a respectful nod of her head along with a meek smile. Her heart was racing - why did these things happent o her around him?!

"I apologise - I did not spot you."


Fuzzy Kitten


Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 2:58 pm
Oh crap. This wasn't good. She was hissing and looking mad and...wasshegoingtoscratchhiseyesout?! He bounced backwards, startled and fearing claws and teeth would come flying in his direction. Yes, he never had been one to fight.

And then...

The look of astonishment on her face would have been amusing in any other situation. But at that moment he could only shuffle awkwardly, dipping his head and ears a little. "Oh, well, I'm sorry, too. I should have...should have looked where I was going." He paused and he felt the awkwardness slip back over him.

Ugh, break the silence already?

"Um...how are you?" Ugh, LAME!
PostPosted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 3:04 pm
He gave his own polite nod and apology, Kumbuka watching him closely as he did, trying to read his body language. He looked...uncomfortable? Awkward? He was shuffling about impatiently, and his ears dropped with his head in a sign of submission. She almost chuckled - almost - at that realization, although stopped herself for fear of offending him.

Wait...that was odd. She didn't stop because of her fear of showing emotion. She stopped because she didn't want him to feel awkward. She was thinking of Bai Bo before herself - something she hadn't done before, other than in her duty for the pride. She frowned a little to herself, confused, though soon managed to wipe that from her face also, a rather shy, embarrassed smile on her face now.

"Me? I am content, Bai Bo. It is a beautiful day. And yourself?"

Now she was feeling awkward, with all this idle chit-chat,


Fuzzy Kitten


Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 3:09 pm
"I...um...yes." He replied hastily, inwardly cursing at himself for being such an idiot. When did he trip over his words? Only when he was with her! "I'm fine. Glad for the rain. It has...brought colour with it." He glanced skyward again, almost praying that the clouds would burst open and end this conversation.

But why?

He hadn't wanted it to end the other evening when they had met? What was so different? And then he could no longer deny it. His heart knew it and he knew it. He was falling for her and it scared him. He wanted to run and hide from it but...being here, being close to her, how could he? It wouldn't take much to cross her path? And besides, they were friends and it would not be nice to put an end to it because he was afraid of these feelings.

"Um..." He paused, screaming at himself to say something. Anything. "No work today?"
PostPosted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 3:19 pm
Colour? She smiled, nodding - it was true. Rainbows were one of the prettiest of nature's tricks, and she did enjoy watching them. She remained silent as he did, once again feeling something new - a silence such as this had never been awkward before. She'd been perfectly content to sit in silence and reflect on the world. But right now...her head and her heart were screaming two different things. And she didn't know which to listen to.

He asked a question, and she offered a rather forced smile, not wanting to upset him, "No - I decided to take the day off."

Her smile grew a little more sincere as she realized how surprised that probably was. But the headache threatening to explode in her head was keeping her attention on one thing, and one thing only. She glanced to the ground, seeming almost embarrassed of her words, which were coming in an unusually fast pace - usually her words were carefully thought out.

"Bai Bo I...I have a question I wish to ask."

Perhaps it was about time she listened to her heart for once. "I...I find this strange feeling in myself. Lately, I've been getting strange symptoms. My heart feels swollen and pushes agaisnt my ribcage, and my stomach flutters unexpectadly. My vision swims and times and my thoughts are distracted."


Fuzzy Kitten


Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Sat Jun 20, 2009 1:13 pm
A day off? Okay that certainly wasn't like her at all. And yet she hadn't seemed sad or angry or anything. Maybe she'd realised that she needed to take a break occasionally? Perhaps. Even still it was odd and his face creased a little in confusion.

And then...a question?

His stomach knotted and he nodded very slightly, unable to find the words to say that she could. What was she going to say? Why did he feel suddenly light-headed and weak? Ugh...maybe there was something wrong with him! Maybe he was sick!

And then she continued and he tilted an ear towards her, blinking his teal coloured eyes. His face moved from confused to astonished. Those symptoms. He recognised them! They were his own! Maybe they had caught an illness after all? Maybe...maybe...maybe she was beginning to feel something for him in the same way he was feeling something for her?

"Me too." He admitted after a moment, his voice quiet and thoughtful. "What do you think it means?"
PostPosted: Sat Jun 20, 2009 2:12 pm
Him too? Surprise clearly crossed her features, Kumbuka making no effort to hide them as she watched him with suspicion and confusion. These symptoms - he was having them too? What did that mean? He was suffering from the same ailment as her? But if it was indeed what she'd diagnosed it as, that meant...no, it couldn't be! Her feelings were silly and insignificat - certainly not enough to warrand being returned.


She swallowed a lump in ehr throat, looking to the floor as she sat, curling her tail tightly around herself. She looked...uncomfortable. Uncertain, almost?And she looked apologetic, as she gave a small sigh. She was beating around the bush - she, Kumbuka, the Historian of the East House who was also so prmpt and direct. She had to stop and get this over with.

"Bai Bo," she spoke, to get his attention. They'd been quiet for a good few moments, and his concentration may have wandered. "One may find this silly...I certainly do, and I..."

She cut herself off with a growl, shaking her head. Stop beating around the bush, Kumbuka! "Bai Bo...I would like to ask if you might consider the possibility of marriage. ...To me."

Was it possible for cheeks to be this red? "Of course, if you'd rather not, I'd totally understand."

xo -- k a i r i

Invisible Dabbler


Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Sat Jun 20, 2009 2:25 pm
The silence ebbed on, leaving him feeling weighted down. It was as if the air had become oppressive and even as he thought it a drop of rain landed on his nose. It woke him from his trance just in time to hear her speak his name.

A shiver ran through him and he steeled himself for what she had to say next. And then...

Marriage?! She was asking him to marry her? His instant reaction was to go and hide. This was all very scary and yet...his heart was racing. He could feel a warmth emanating from it. Growing. Dissipating the fear and the hesitation. She was asking him to marry her. Did this mean? Did this confirm that...

That...she loved him just as he knew, deep down, that he loved her?

And then he realised that too much time had parted and with a sharp inhale, he gathered himself to respond. "No. I mean...what I meant to say was..." Urgh, spit it out, Bai Bo!! "I would love to marry you, if you...well...if you're sure, that is."
PostPosted: Sat Jun 20, 2009 2:33 pm
There was silence.

She knew she shouldn't have. Kumbuka could feel raindrops falling from the sky, starting out as mere drizzle before descending into a minor rainstorm, plastering her fur to her body. She felt herself shiver a little at the cold that had suddenly crept over her, but she had a feeling it wasn't all due to the rain. She lifted her head to watch him, shaking rain droplets from her head as she did.

And then he answered. ...He said no.

And Kumbuka experienced something else. For the first time in her life, she felt water on her cheeks - water that wasn't the rain. It came from her eyes, and when her tongue snaked up to taste it it tasted slightly...salty. "I-It's alright. I...I shouldn't have asked, I..." she stammered, suddenly feeling very vulnerable. She was distraught - her heart, which had felt swollen several moments ago, felt like a pin had been shoved into it and popped it painfully. What was wrong with her? Why couldn't she just have left this all alone and gotten on with her work? That was the most important thing - right?

But no - wait. He didn't mean that? He was changed his answer and all of a sudden, her heart was swelling again. The tears that flowed from her eyes increasing in volume, but in happiness rather than distress. Her eyes lit up as she inhaled a deep gasp, before she couldn't help it - the brightest grin ever spread across her face, the female's eyes sparkling as she discarded self control, bouncing forwards to run her body down the length of Bai Bo's in a rather affectionate, intimate manner, purring loudly as she did so. A laugh broke through the rain as she turned again, nipping at his ear.

She was happy...really happy. It was raining, and she wasn't working. Self control had been thrown out of the window, at least for the time being, and she felt vulnerable and exposed without it. But she was happy. Really happy - simply because somebody loved her. And she loved them, too. That, she was now sure of. Reaching forwards, the loud purring had yet to cease as she rubbed her cheek against Bai Bo's, with a murmured "Thank you."

xo -- k a i r i

Invisible Dabbler


Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Sat Jun 20, 2009 2:47 pm
The smile that came to her face at his finished response brought a look of surprise to Bai Bo's face. Had he really done that? Had he really made her so happy that she was smiling so beautifully? His heart lurched as he realised that in his entire life he had only brought scowls and anger. Never this.

Never joy.

The thought of it choked him and only when she bounced forward and brushed against him did he really what this meant. They hadn't said that they loved one another. Not in so many words. But this union. This acceptance of marriage was another way of saying so. He'd get to say those words in time, perhaps, when all of this was not so new. But for now he wanted to try and enjoy this moment without worrying about future words and actions.

The rain fell but it was not dark, ominous rain. It was refreshing, changing rain, washing away the past and leaving them clean and fresh for the future. He purred at the contact, turning to face her just as she reached up to rub her cheek against his. His eyes widened in shock. This was something he'd have to get used to. This...this affection. He gulped, forced his awkwardness away and nuzzled her back, unsure and uncertain.

"Thank you, too." He replied. "You have changed me."
PostPosted: Sat Jun 20, 2009 2:55 pm
She could sense his hesitation, and found herself surprised that he was as unused to this as she was. She was just doing what felt right, what seemed to come naturally to her - never in her records or at any other time had she witnessed such shows of devotion, but right at that moment she wondered why. She felt so happy. So complete, like only half of her had been there before. Why wouldn't everyone want to feel this way? Kumbuka smiled as she realized - realized this was what love was. Caring about another more than yourself. Wanting to make them happy, even if you were unhappy in the first place.

Even now, she could feel the nagging voice in the back of her head. She had work to do - she should be checking records. But it could wait - for once, she true important things to do. And somehow, she figured the Lord wouldn't mind at all.

She smiled. "And you me, Bai Bo. We change each other for the good, and bring out the best in each other. I did not know the joys of smiling until I met you. Nor the joys of nostalgia, or simple pleasures such as this here, just sitting in the rain."

As if to prove her point she closed her eyes, smiling widely as she tilted her head upward,s pointing her nose to the sky. She sat before Bai Bo, just sitting there and enjoying the refreshing feel of the rain as it washed over her. Washing away any uncertaintys or confusions she had, leaving way for new knowledge and experiences.

Because that was exactly what this would be. A brand new experience.

xo -- k a i r i

Invisible Dabbler


Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Sat Jun 20, 2009 3:22 pm
He listened to her and for the first time appreciated how much they truly had effected each other for the better. He was more than what he had been. More than an egotistical grouch who barely had a kind word to say about anybody. He had respected her from the first moment - well, almost from the first moment. He knew he could trust her, adored how she put one hundred percent into everything she did.

And now, look at her, sitting in the rain, smiling. Beautiful.

Without thinking, he leaned forwards, feeling the rain against his head, his back, running through his fur. And, gently, he closed the gap between them, touching his nose to hers. A tingle ran down the length of his spine. A tingle that brought warmth and joy and...a sudden shyness. He moved away again, stood straighter and glanced at her, hesitantly again.

"So, what happens now?" He asked, unsure.
[IC] Tianxia Lands [IC]

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