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Best Pumpkin??
View Results


Tipsy Fairy

PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 12:18 am

Welcome to the Halloween Party and Birthday Bash sponsored by faye's Pae!!

:[ Rules ]:

1. Be nice!
2. Have fun!
3. Remember to keep all OOC chatter in brackets please.

I'm obviously still setting up but the rp-ness can get started.

This will keep going till it's all gone out. ^__^

Contests/etc will end around Halloween time.
PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 12:20 am


Jack-o-lantern Coloring contest!

:[ Rules ]:
1. You may enter as many times as you wish BUT there is a catch...
-only 1 entry PER pae'il and
-the Pae'il has to be at the party

2. Entries have to be submitted before 5 pm PST on Friday November 2nd. That should be plenty of time I would hope ^__^

:[ Judging ]:
Once the deadline has passed, I'll put up a poll. Winners will be based off the poll. There will be a grand prize winner and a runner up.

:[ Prizes ]:
And now what you've all been waiting for!

Grand prize winner will receive artwork done by me of the winning pae in their Halloween costume.

Runner up will receive something special that I haven't figured out yet.

:[ The Lineart ]:

User Image

:[ To submit ]:

Just post your entry here in the thread with OOC brackets.

Wolfs Heart
[Trager's Pumpkin:
User Image

Azure's Pumpkin:
User Image ]

User Image

OOC: XD here's rakens pumpkin! Obviously enough.

OOC: And Dyas' pumpkin...

User Image


User Image

Yuki's Pumpkin! blaugh I so can see him doing something like this.

User Image

Because Magnus likes his pumpkins to be grapey!



Tipsy Fairy


Tipsy Fairy

PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 12:23 am
Sally hummed while bustling around the Fae Clearing, tidying things up. She glanced up to the sky - the sun was just starting to disappear over the skyline of the trees. The guests should be arriving soon. She gave the clearing once last look over, nodding in satisfaction. She and Sylvestanya had been decorating all day long while Alaera had been out putting up flyers and borrowing things from the Headquarters. She thought the place looked quite nice...err spooky, she supposed.

Jack-o-lanterns, carved from pumpkins in her patch lined the area, sending an orange flickering glow throughout the clearing. Different areas each contained a different activity for the guests to enjoy. In one corner there was a large barrel, filled to the brim with water with Asrai's help, apples bobbing up and down on the liquid. Some sort of game Alaera had said. Fishing for apples? No, that couldn't be right. A few steps away was a table, laden with bowls, this one lower to the ground than the table across the clearing, with several blindfolds laying on the corner. Each bowl contained something different, one was filled with cooked rice, another with cold spaghetti, peeled grapes, relish, and jello. It was a game for kids Sylve had explained. With a blindfold on they would imagine they would feeling maggots, intestines, eyeballs, guts, and brains. Sally thought the whole thing was a bit silly, but oh well, if the kids had fun that was all that mattered. There was also a small area on the floor next to the table for the little ones to paint their very own pumpkin. She smiled as she looked over the paints, imagining that more than just the pumpkins would be painted.

Across the clearing, in the more adult section, was a sort of dance floor, outlined with additional jack-o-lanterns. Next to this was the other table, overloaded with goodies to eat. Spiced pumpkin juice, pumpkin pies, pumpkin cookies in pumpkin and ghost and bat shapes. Sylve and Alaera insisted on having some "normal" food as they called it, though she couldn't figure out why. Candy corn, nuts, a very large birthday cake, and platefuls of non-pumpkin flavored cookies and candy. Everything looked perfect. Well except for one thing.

"Sylve!" Sally called out into the darkness, the sun having fallen even farther behind the trees. "Sylve, where's the banner?!?"

"Coming, Coming!" Sylve called out as she struggled through the trees with a monstrous bundle of paper in her arms with Rosie in tow. "It just finished drying. Help me put it up." She handed the opposite end to Rosie, before heading off to the designated tree. She struggled with the bulk as she attempt to climb high enough to hang it, almost falling once, before Asrai came to her rescue. In the end it took all four of them to get the banner up, but it was well worth the effort. It had taken Asrai most of the day to make it, he'd evidently acquired some art skills while practicing all those runes of his. It looked amazing.

Asrai looked up at his banner, pride evident on his face. He rather hoped a certain girl would happen to come by so he could brag about it. He hadn't seen her in quite some time. Darkness fell over the clearing as the last of the fiery orb fell below the horizon. "Well, girls I think its time for us to get our costumes on." He sauntered over to the bag leaning against a tree to pull out their costumes, pulling out a bunch of shimmery black fabric, a pair of cat ears and a tail before handing it all off to Sylve. She giggled as she took it and disappeared off into the darkness to put it on. He shook his head. Her mood had certainly improved since she came back after the rains. Next to come out of the bag was a flowing white toga which he passed off to Sally, along with a wreath of leaves for her hair and a harp. Rosie's costume was next, just a thin scrap of black material, a set of horns, and a pointy pitchfork. Rosie snatched everything before disappearing as well. The rest of the bag he just handed off to Alaera. His costume was more safely tucked away. He'd spent too long working it to just be shoved into a bag with the others. He went over to the hallowed out tree he'd stashed it in before they started setting up. His fingers ran over it gingerly. A sharks fin, with a harness for him to wear it around his chest. He'd spent hours upon hours gluing each sequin in place perfectly. The candlelight reflected off of them, making them glitter and sparkle just as he had planned. He slipped it on before pulling the gloves he'd also made out of the tree. Not as elaborate, but still beautiful, they gave his hands a webbed appearance. Asrai had planned on making more than just the fin and the gloves for his shark costume, but he'd run out of time. This would just have to be shark enough. The naiad heard a twig snap on his right and he turned. Alaera stepped out of the bushes and Asrai's jaw dropped.

Alaera glared at him. "What!?" She barked out before stopping off. Each of her steps jingled and she cursed herself. Why in the world she had consented to this hideous costume she had no idea. But Ame had insisted, saying she'd seen it once in the Headquarters and thought it would match her coloring perfectly. Deep purple diaphanous silk clung to her hips and flowed down her legs. A small top, decorated with bells and dangling gold pieces covered her chest. From her wrists hung heavy golden bangles that tinkled lightly. She looked down at herself with a pained look. What had she been thinking! In her embarrassment she started to glow lightly, drawing even more attention to herself in the dark clearing. Alaera groaned and hide her face in her hands. She was going to kill Ame. Where was that miscreant anyway? She was distracted from her muderous thoughts by two figures storming out of the trees. She chuckled in spite of herself, not feeling quite so bad about her own costume after seeing Rosie's.

"I DON'T care Mom! It's Halloween and this is my costume and this is what I'm wearing! It's not that bad anyway!" She glanced down over herself. Ok, so maybe the skirt of her dress was a bit skimpy. But its not like she even wore clothes normally so what was the problem?! She didn't get it! "I'm sorry I didn't want to be wrapped in some sheet and be your mythological daughter Perse something. I'm my own person you know!" She crossed her arms before trying another method. "Mooooom please. Its just for one night and its dark. Nobody will even see." She kept whining until Sally's face softened. "Thank you Mom!" She hugged the pumpkin girl before skipping off. If her mother changed her mind, she wasn't gonna be around to hear about it.

Sally straighted her toga and wreath, having been knocked aside by the force of her daughters hug. Persephone. They were supposed to be Persephone and Demeter. She sighed. Oh well. Her eyes swung across the clearing again making sure everything was ready. The guests should be arriving any minute now. At least she hoped. She turned to Alaera, hiding her surprise at the girl's costume with a cough as Alaera glared back at her. She wisely avoided the subject. "You, uh, think anyone will show up?"

"I hope so. I put up enough fliers."
PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 8:37 am
Pinky Lee hadn't seen the fliers or had a reson to find herself in teh clearing that night. She wasn't dressed up or anything. The teen had just been lead there by the lights. She strolled in with a smile on her face. She was ready to ask any one if there was shrimp there. She had a feeling she hadn't gotten her fix in some time now. "Oooh..." she said at all the prettiness around.

Rain walked in dressed as a pirate. Though, this did not help with the rainbows. He again come off a bit iffy. Rain didn't care or even know. He was there looking for girls just like the reception. His ad was not doing well so he needed help.

Rain wondered if Sally and Rosie were around. He hadn't seen them since the beach and wanted to. So, he had more reason then girls to be there. Well, they were girls... Rain shook his head as he headed to the dance floor.

Zoe walked in slowly. She had come alone to a party again. It was getting hopeless. Her grandma said to try and have fun. So, Zoe came dressed as sexy purple and black witch.

Zoe saw her uncle and waved as she headed over to the food. She wondered if he was looking for love too. Her family had a bad case of the curse, but she wasn't really thinking about that. Fun was her goal.


Wolfs Heart

Invisible Wolf

18,250 Points
  • The Wolf Within 100
  • Over Easy 100
  • Sunny Side Up 100
PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 8:45 am
Azure loosened up the strings tied around his neck so they wouldn't be strangling him. A party, Azure had never been to one and he didn't know much about Halloween, but it had really sounded fun. When it came to costumes, Azure didn't know much either, in fact he never wore clothes at all. After seeing the bulletin nailed to the door of headquarters he deceided to look up some quick information on this holiday being celebrated. He had learned about people dressing up as different things, usually scary, to celebrate the night of All Hallow's Eve. Young pae could go door to door and collect candy to give them sugar rushes, and teenagers and adults usually went off to costume parties or escorted the younger around on this haunted night. When deceiding what to dress up as, Azure went very simple because he didn't want to wear to much. There was simply a dark cloak tied around his neck and he had painted two white fangs on his lower lip, and he was ready. Now that the tie-string around his neck wasn't strangling him Azure continue into the Fae Clearing, Trager was a short distance behind him pretending they were unrelated. Azure stopped right before joining the party and stared at Trager. "I'm going to set down a few ground rules." Azure told her. "Don't let me catch you with any guys, and don't do anything inappropriate." Azure spoke sternly as he disappeared to join the party. His first stop was the food table, and then maybe he'd check out some of the other activities. Azure was only really here for socializing, dancing didn't seem like a good idea.

Trager had not dressed up as simply as Azure had, instead she wore a long, black, flowing gown that complemented her pink skin perfectly. A long witch's hat was pinned to her hair which had been given some extra curl and was flowing beneath the hat. She found the idea of Halloween exciting and a party sounded extremely fun, Trager couldn't wait to go out on the dance floor and practice. She was already expecting Azure to be his usualy unfair self with her, but she didn't plan to listen to him anyways. Trager stopped a short distance from Azure, not wanting to give any guy who didn't know her at the party a reason to believe she was there with Azure. She nodded her head slowly, because she didn't want her hat to fall off, as if listening to him. Trager actually had picked up a few key words he had said though. One, he didn't want to catch her with a guy, which means anything he didn't see was perfectly okay. Two, she wasn't quite sure where to draw the line between what was appropriate for a party and not. Trager spotted the loop holes happily. "Got it." Trager said with a roll of her eyes that was thankfully invisible to Azure due to the unlit area they were in. She headed towards the dancing area and waited there.  
PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 9:47 am
Junior had prepped for this party almost the instant he left. It wasn't much of a costume, but he did look like a polar bear with his ears and hair changed. The demon had figured that if he was going to pretend to be dressed up he might want his hands and couldn't control the change on them yet, so he had only transformed his legs and tail as far as limbs went. He had made sure his son had a real costume though. Junior chuckled when he realized that Bneut had tried to paint a costume on his body instead of using actual clothes. It seemed like there was a few pae there already, but not many. Had they arrived too early he pondered, looking at Yukio. "Yukio, you did make sure you read the time correctly right?"

Bneut squirmed in his costume. He was quite annoyed that he had to wear clothing, but then he also didn't like going out often. The morning glory pae just hoped that he might see Esmee again. He hadn't even told his sister about her yet, more out of precaution in case she had just wanted to kiss him and nothing else. He worried about that date a lot, and he was rather tired since this was the time he was normally sleeping. But being out at a party was supposed to be good for him and possibly get him a friend or two. Bneut had forgotten to ask if he was going to be able to see other pae as they spoke since it was going to be dark out tonight. The demon sighed, looking down at his costume. He was dressed as a preist due to lack of imagination. He sighed, thinking that his fathers costume was far more creative than his, even though both were just thought of recently. It was a sad day when an artist couldn't think of a decent costume for a halloween party.

Yukio nodded, "Yes, I did check the time. We've arrived just as the party is supposed to start." He said. The angel was dressed as a fae, he liked looking pretty, but wasn't sure if he would get to see another guy at the party that would like it. He looked more like a girl than before as he had grown his hair out a bit and was wearing a dress. If anything he looked like a flat chested female pae with the outfit he was wearing. "You don't think I look to much like a girl do you?" He asked, worried that there would be straight males trying to pick him up while he was dressed like that. Yukio didn't get the chance to have his question answered because Seraphim, his older brother, had come across the clearing and pulling him out of the group he was walking with. "Gah!"

Seraphim had quickly grabbed Yukio as he was running by. He needed the pae for something. "Yukio you look like a little girl..." He said bluntly. Though it was still obvious who he had grabbed. Phim had pulled Yukio into the part rather quickly, hiding behind a table. "Girly boy, get me the strongest alcohol you can find. NOW." He said, voice growing a bit louder. The angel with demonic tendencies was in full control of his voice, but was itching to have the chance to hurt someone. But first he needed to spike the punch and get as many of them drunk as possible as it would make it easier to... play.. with one of them.  

Umi Nee Chan


Codebreaking Conversationalist

PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 12:44 pm
It felt a bit odd to be lacking hair. ...Well, okay, he wasn't really lacking hair. Rather, he had stuck it under some special costume hair-mask, keeping all of his bright white hair hidden. His face was powdered to make him look a bit paler than usual, and his eyebrows were amplified with a faint make-up pen. For his outfit, he wore a simple grey, long sleeved turtleneck coat with grey dress pants. His accessory was a young toddler faerie, laying in his arms and purring like the kitten he was dressed to look like. Texas smiled, stroking the little boy, who purred in delight. Admittedly, the little boy was just a budding attention whore, but he did honestly appreciate Texas.

When Esmée walked up to him and scoffed in disbelief that he could get the young boy to cooperate, Texas lifted his right pinky finger and stuck it right beside his mouth, a small smirk on his face. Esmée rolled her eyes. "Okay, Dr. Evil. I still don't understand how you get Magnus to cooperate so well."

Texas winked. "A natural talent, I guess. And what are you supposed to be?"

Esmée cracked her knuckles. "An assassin," stated she, quirking a brow. Her entire outfit was the color of black. The only parts of her body that were visible were her eyes and her nose, which stuck out from underneath the head wrapping. She had two very dull daggers contained in a cleverly hidden pocket off to the side. "So there. Have you seen Bneut?"

"Oh, you mean that dark purple one?" Esmée nodded, excitedly. "No. Sure he's around here somewhere, though." As Esmée pouted, Texas resumed stroking the young faerie. As irritating as he could be, the boy was adorable.

"Well... fine then! I'll go find him!" Esmée stuck her tongue out before storming off as childishly as she could. Hopefully, Bneut was not wearing a costume that would make him unrecognizable. If he did, she would never be able to find him at nighttime like this! Well, perhaps he would pick out her distinct appearance. Hopefully. Either that or she would actually find him. ...Why was she worrying about this? Why did it matter so much if she found him or not? Well, the answers to that were fairly obvious.

Texas rolled his eyes. "Esmée is silly, isn't she?"

The boy in his arms nodded. "She silly! Now spike punch?"

The demonic reeled, nearly dropping his accessory. However, he quickly recovered and resumed stroking the so-called kitten. "Maybe you're the silly one. Come on, Magnus." With that, he wandered further into the party. Maybe Hyacinthus was there somewhere...

(( I'll bring the other two later. xD For now, Esmée, Texas, and Magnus from me. ^^ ))
PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 1:23 pm
Yukio sighed, digging into the bag of things that he had brought with him. He handed Seraphim the bottle of booze that he had put into the bag and walked off. "You're not nice you know that?" Yukio stated, nearly knocking over Texas Pete and Magnus as he wasn't paying much attention to where he was going. "I'm sorry, I didn't hurt you did I?"

Seraphim nearly punched Yukio as he was walking off. If he didn't consider the brat his brother he would never put up with that attitude of his. He quickly poured the entire bottle into the punch bowl and walked away dropping the bottle into a trash can. It wasn't long before he spotted Zoe and walked over to her. "Zoe! It's been a while since the reception hasn't it?" Phim said, forgetting what he had named himself for her.

Bneut looked around a bit, he really did not want to be there dressed as a preist, but he walked forward looking around for someone that might look like Esmee. He walked up to Texas Pete, "Have you seen a pae named Esmee? And if you have do you know where she is?" Bneut wanted to see her if she was at the party. He waited for a simple she went that way and took off in that direction, completely missing the fact that Yukio almost bumped into him and got Texas Pete instead.  

Umi Nee Chan


Codebreaking Conversationalist

PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 1:49 pm
Was Texas some kind of Pae'il magnet? He was simply convinced that was the case. The dark purple boy that he just claimed he had not seen suddenly was asking him if he had any idea where the girl named Esmée was. The little faerie boy in his arms snickered, while Texas looked up in thought. "OH! You're the boy she was looking for." With a grin, he pointed him in the direction that his sister had headed off in. "My sister just went that way. She's the one that blends in with the night skies because of her outfit. Have fun!"

Only seconds after Bneut headed off, he was nearly bowled over by a very feminine looking Pae'il. At the last second, Texas caught his balance so he did not fall over with the little boy in his arms. No matter what, though, Magnus was not a happy camper.

Irritated that people kept bumping into him and his brother, Magnus huffed and, in a babyish manner, crossed his arms under his chest and shoved his hands right under his armpits. Then, he scoffed as best as a toddler could. "What you want?"

"Magnus!" scolded Texas. "Don't be rude to," he hesitated, "...him!" It was a him, right? It was a bit hard to tell with the outfit he was wearing. The demon resumed petting the young faerie to placate him before turning his attention to the rather feminine man. "Not to worry, I'm fine. Excuse Magnus, he can be a bit crabby." Though the little boy would usually protest, Texas gave him a stern eye and he closed his mouth. For now, Texas Pete could keep him in line.

Would she ever find Bneut? Esmée sighed. She had only been looking for a few minutes at most! There was no reason to worry yet. Slowly, she turned around and started to look in another direction. Wait, was that who she thought it was coming in her direction? Eureka! "BNEUT!" Hopefully, she wasn't making a fool of herself by calling to the wrong person. That would be rather embarrassing...
PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 2:23 pm
The demon pae chuckled, walking up to Esmee. "Hello Esmee." He said, bowing. It took him a moment to realize she was up a bit further, though he couldn't hear her since her mouth was covered and his ears still did not work. "I'm afraid I won't be able to hear you tonight, you seem to have your mouth covered."

Yukio chuckled, "Yes, I'm a male. Just a girly costume and long hair for halloween." He said shrugging. It was a rather girlish looking costume. "Are you sure you're okay?" Yukio didn't want such a handsome young man to be hurt because he was escaping his brother. "He can't be yours, you are still so young. Are you just taking care of him?"  

Umi Nee Chan


Tipsy Fairy

PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 2:25 pm
Asrai glanced around the party, looking for the girl he was so eager to see. It was so hard to tell who everyone was. He caught a flash of pink over by the dance floor and sauntered over. He wasn't halfway there before releasing it wasn't who he was looking for, but they this was a party right? And she did look a bit lonely out there on the dance floor all by herself. He snuck up behind her.

"Well, aren't you just the most hideous witch I've ever seen!"

Rosie too was glancing around the crowd. There sure were a lot of pae around here. Most of them she didn't even know. Well, she rubbed her hands in anticipation - time to make some new friends! She adjusted her horns and retrieved her pitchfork before starting off the in direction of a rather lonely looking young lady dressed quite stylishly in a purple and black witch's costume. But her attention was diverted as she finally recognized someone familiar. "RAIN!" she squealed out and rush over, jumping into his arms to give him a giant hug.

Sally smiled seeing all the guests arrive. Seemed like things were going well. There weren't many little ones around though. Wait, there was a little faerie babe over there. She laughed seeing an older brother a bit burdened by the little boy. Perhaps she should go rescue him so he could have a little fun tonight. She walked over to the teenager, lightly patting the toddler's hair before introducing herself. "Hello there, I'm Sally. If you'd like we have a few activities here for the young ones. I'd be more than happy to keep an eye on your little brother tonight for you."

{{Sorry I'll fix the colors in in a bit, I'm on a computer without my fonts saved. }}  
PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 2:46 pm
"This is my little brother, actually." He bounced the young boy. They looked absolutely nothing alike, but no one in Texas's family of Pae'il were really related. They were just banded together. "Quite the nuisance, but he likes me just fine." He tickled the little boy under his chin. Magnus squirmed unhappily, but relaxed when Texas gave him a grape. The young boy popped it into his mouth.

Magnus, after eating his grape, bluntly asked, "Snow boy boring. We spike punch now?"

The poor demonic quietly groaned. "Who taught you what spiking the punch was?" The little boy only giggled, not giving an actual response. Texas shook his head in mild frustration, only to get interrupted a third time.

"Ah?" He lifted his head up to look at the angelic Pumpkin Pae'il. Well, this was certainly an interesting woman. ...And she was offering to take his little brother. Texas shook his head rapidly. "I appreciate the offer, but--"

"Pumpkin Pae look delicious! Eat now?!"

"No, Magnus!"

"NOW! EAT!" Texas cringed. That boy hurt his ears! So he would shush, Texas wearily handed him a grape. Magnus, once again, calmed and ate the fruit.

Embarrassed, the demon said, "I think you can see why I want him to stay with me."

Well, she couldn't have that! Esmée pulled down the face mask and offered a grin. "Can you see me now?" With a wink, she said, "Excellent." Now that she had yanked down her face mask, it was easy to see her mouth moving. Now, they could communicate. "How've you been, Bneut?" It had only been a few days, yet she had missed him already. It was fantastic to see him again! Hopefully, he felt just as elated to see her...


Codebreaking Conversationalist


PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 2:56 pm
Zoe turned and smiled to 'Freddie. "Oh, yes I guess it has. How have you been Freddie?" She asked him with a smile. It was nice to see someone she knew other then her uncle.

Pinky Lee walked over to the food. So many new people were showing up. At least she thought they were knew. She didn't think she had met any of them.

"No shrimp?" Pinky asked anyone who might be around to hear her.

Rain smiled as he hugged the girl then relized he wasn't sure who it was. "Um...hi. This costume is too good I'm not sure who you are." He chuckled hoping that would cover it. He didn't want to hurt the teen's feelings if he did know her. She knew him.  
PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 2:59 pm
"He's a cute little brother. Adopted right?" He asked, digging through his bag for a bit of fruit. "Spiking punch? I do believe that's already been done at least once. Though I have another bottle with me if you'd like." Yukio hadn't been looking at Texas when Magnus wanted to spike the punch. It took him a moment to realize that it wasn't Texas who had said it. "Don't let him touch the punch.. Phim got the strong bottle in there and know him it was the entire thing." The angel blinked looking at Sally. She really didn't know what was going on near the punch bowl, probably for the best, else he'd be bothered all night by his brother again.

"That is much better Esmee." The pae said, standing up. "I've been missing you, and how have you been?" He asked, leaning close to her so he could see in the dark. "before you answer, I would really love it if I could see you in the light. Shall we?" Bneut offered her his arm to walk her to the light. Twould be nice to be able to see her as she spoke, even though she had pulled the face mask down.  

Umi Nee Chan


Tipsy Fairy

PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 3:06 pm
Rosie giggle a bit. She wasn't surprised Rain didn't recognize, she'd grown up so much she he'd last seen her. But she wasn't gonna to tell him who she was. Nope! He'd have to guess. But she would give him a clue. With another giggle and a grin she held out her wrist, displaying the swirling rainbow bracelet he'd made her so long ago.

Sally laughed a bit bending down low to talk face to face with the toddler. "Well now young man, I don't think I would be very tasty but I know where there are some pumpkin flavored cookies hiding if you'd like to try them?" She smiled up reassuringly at the teen. "And they don't have much sugar either. He looks a bit hyper already."

Sally looked over to the other boy nearby. "Spiked? What do you mean the punch is spiked?"

Alaera had been hiding in the shadows still embarrassed about her costume, and still glowing. But she was a bit intrigued by this pink pae who wanted shrimp. "Shrimp?" she asked as she glided out of the darkness trying ever so hard not make her bells jingle together. "Why in the wrong would you want shrimp at a Halloween party?"  
:[ The Fifth Age ]:

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