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Captain Glomps

Liberal Phantom

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 5:59 pm
Runide frowned waving her fish at the pair of them "You're leaving today, on the festival? Does that mean your not playing today or exchanging gifts?" she asked a little disappointed her new friends weren't sticking around.

Amane smiled but shook her head "No thanks you keep that fish. I am sure you would enjoy it a lot more than either of us would" she politely declined trying not to look at the saliva covered kipper "And yes I'm afraid we have to move on because we are on limited time and have to go to Yithra for tonight. But we exchanged pleanty gifts see" she added pointing to her new necklace "Zadina got some cool things too"

Alpha meanwhile grunted pulling his head away from the window of the trailer "Yeah Mu has never been much of a morning person which explains why theres no answer at this door despite being in" he sighed grabbing hold of the caravan by the bottom and giving it a good shake with all his strength. "heh that should do it" he nodded with satisfaction at hearing movement inside while he ignored Hebal's frown.

Seph yawned starting to wish she had a pet less eaget to outrun her travelling companions "Well I guess thats not so bad but the way its going you'll have a penthouse in Tricasia in future though dont expect me to be active if we go there in the height of summer. I dont operate too well when really hot. Makes me sleepy and causes a headache. Buot Alex cant hold Agralia together, so long as he hasnt sold anything important to you from in there we'll be able to get it back"  
PostPosted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 3:53 pm
Felina raised her eyebrow, instinctively keeping a tighter hold on Cid confusing the pet "Well yes he's my companion so definately no hunting him. But yes tell us what you know about his breed. We know nothing about it for it was a nice little gift from the dwarven king we got on our travels. Dwarves and centuars I believe dont tend to mix"

Entia hesitated for a long time for her to translate the meaning behind the term dwarven "Thats odd because the earth people don't have native rabbits. Must have been bought somewhere on market for high price. These come from magic forest. Forest with no name we once passed through where there was once big battle between mages. Magic during fighting eventually start changing wild life. Or maybe forest attract magic, viera would like it"

Corella scratched her head "So its an enchanted forest? Those are pretty rare and I'm surprised anyone would want to stay there. My teacher always told me to avoid them because you never know what magic is in place and it might be cursed or something not that I am saying Cid is evil"

"Some may argue out whole dragon act is foolish but it doesnt matter if you have fun" Satoshi argued playfully weaving around Gil. Well if you like we can go together as a pair, pairs are less likely to win since you would get judged as one but I could make sure you dont do anything foolish and even make you look stylish" she offered.  


Dapper Hunter

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Romantic Raider

PostPosted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 7:21 am
Oassu frowned petting Cid gently "Well perhaps the dwarves found him burrowing into their cavern or something still hope this guy isn't too homesick being away from his magical forest" he sighed suddenly feeling a little sorry for the rabbit.

Gil chuckled "Well we have matching costumes so won't we be judged as a pair anyway?" he asked performing a twirl to imitate Satoshi "I suppose it is all about the fun in the end" he said wiggling a little left and right to the music.

Zadina nodded "We came to find you so we could play today before we leave and look we totally got presents" he said pulling down the goggles over the brim of his mage hat onto his eyes "Look see I got these goggles which apparently mean I'm an airship pilot!" he said proudly.

Jeckhart frowned nervously stepping back from the caravan imagining a very angry demon bursting out any moment "Well perhaps we could have tried knocking?" he suggested meekly

Itaka chuckled hearing Chobi complain about being held back "It's ok you can let her run a bit or even fly, you know where we're going anyway" he said "Well I don't need to move to Tricasia, I'm pretty sure I'll just let Barbaros run the business his way, I don't need to get involved with it anymore was just some easy money at the time and it just got bigger overtime" he said.  
PostPosted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 7:41 pm
Seph shook her head "No no she needs to learn to be considerate of others at some point since very few things can match her speed and she will have to work as a team at some point too. But you better be nice to Barbaros and keep him sweet otherwise he'll run the whole guild and reap all the income from it" she playfully warned allowing Chobi to at least hover off the ground a little.

Alpha chuckled "Well theres not exactly anything to knock with and this makes sure she gets up on time. You have no idea just how much of a heavy sleeper that girl is. could sleep through a thunderstorm no problem".

"Ugg what the hell was that for, you could have just knocked or read the do not disturb sign came a roar from Mu as the door swung open narrowly missing Alpha's face. "Right dad try not to do that again or that door wont miss next time. Good morning by the way Miss Hebal and Mr. Jeckhart" she added with a small bow.

Amane smiled petting Runide behind the ears "Well of course we wouldn't leave withoug playing with you a little first though we kinda wanted to go on the big wheel if you would so kindly join us. I mean its probably nothing special to you but I am sure you would find our reactions entertaining since I have never seen such a contraption before I can here" she attempted to pursuade the cat demon.

"Ok then" Runide shrugged not thinking it was such a big deal "My dad buit that wheel so most of my time was spent just climbing up and around the bars rather than in the ride itself" she told them distracted by Zadina's present. "So these are eye protector things? I didnt know people in airships used them, I just thought builders and swimmers used them" she added pinging them playfully.  

Captain Glomps

Liberal Phantom

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Dapper Hunter

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 4:44 am
Felina petted Cid whos ears perked up wondering why so suddenly he was getting so much attention "Well hes only a little rabbit so I wonder if he even remembers his forest. Might not have even been born there though at least he seems happy to be with us" she grinned rolling him over for a bellyrub.

Corella nodded watching the animal wiggle when she tickled his back legs "Definately happy enough being looked after by us. But what can these rabbits do then thats so magical when grown up?"

Entia shrugged having expected Cid to have shown her some form of magic "I dunno. Magic varies in each one so you will just have to wait and find out. Maybe he favours certain elements of magic. If you can work that out then you get better idea as to what kind of magic he might have. Could always try encouraging it by giving him problems like unreachable food to speed up if mean enough" she suggested.

Satoshi snickered patting Gil "See your doing better nowand we dont have to be judged as a pair. Though how is Enkidu managing down there? Terrato hates the music but he can keep calm" she wondered resisting the urge to look around for him while being watched.  
PostPosted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 6:54 am
Oassu smiled slightly "Well I doubt we'd ever be so cruel as to do that, we're just happy to have him as a pet his little magical tricks are just a nice bonus" he said with a small shrug as he returned to watching the squirrel cook.

Gil sighed pausing his twirl to check on Enkidu who was still keeping close to his heel "Well he's certainly a bit confused I think but he's faced down worse things than this so he's keeping calm at least" he said noting to be careful not to twirl and trip on him.

Itaka smirked "I dunno Chobi is a fully grown chocobo she's fully developed as far as personality goes but I wouldn't mind him running the guild, he's got his family to support after all" he said watching as Chobi relished in the chance to hover over Annabell "Besides with Milly I think we'll be ok for money so long as we get another chance to visit her" he said.

Jeckhart nodded meekly bowing to Mu "Good Morning Miss Mu happy dragon festival" he said quietly edging slightly further away from Alpha not willing to be the victim of Mu's anger fallout.

Zadina paused "Um I suppose so but I think they are intended from a time when airships weren't all cosy and had roofs, and the pilots would just have to fly with their head out in the air so the goggles kept the wind and things out their eyes" he said placing the goggles back above the brim of his hat "Still yeah I bet you would have a lot of fun and good practice for the act using it as a climbing frame" he said.  


Romantic Raider

Captain Glomps

Liberal Phantom

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 4:27 am
Seph tutted giving Chobi a stern look making sure she didn't take the opportunity to tease Anabell abnout her lack of flight "Must be an interesting family. Most would run a mile at the thought of having a family when in such shady business as its easy to make enemies. People have pestered me before to try and get to Alpha before over him owing them money for something. That wasn't a fun day"

Runide nodded giving the goggles one last ping "I guess so a little like those things tha let you see underwater without your eyesight going all funny. Not that I can see why anyone would want to look underwater when its so wet" she shuddered turning towards the wheel.

Amane shuddered thinking it looked painful Runide playing with the goggles "Well I would love to be able to see underwater for a little just to see what all the fish do down their in their spair time and see if the plant life is as colourful as everyone says it is. But agreed the wetness wouldn't be nice"

Hebal smiled and stretched her arms out as far as she could following a loud yawn "Happy dragon festival miss Mu, now rise and shine because we are only here for the morning and don't be mad at Alpha, he just wants to spend time with you awake before we go"

Mu paused a little surprised they were leaving already "Well where you off to seems odd to travel on the day of the festival, might need to watch you dont get hit by a firework... but give me one moment and I shall join you. Another reason you shouldn't do that is because its incredibly awkward when one has company" she added shaking her head at Alpha having calmed down a little.  
PostPosted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 9:51 am
Felina shook her head when Entia offered her the chance to have a go at roatating the meat over the fire "Oh thats ok thanks but.... how about i make some cookied vegetables to go with since theres a lot of us to feed. And Corella can help you with that. Hope you don't mind carrots and things" she added snickering as she reached for the random pot lying around once she got the go ahead. "Our lifestyle is dramatic enough without extra little trials for Cid, we seem to be bringing about his magical side slowly without trying" she added ignoring the glare her sister gave her when she wasnt looking.

Entia smiled happy to see they were getting more involved "Be my guest to take over for while but no burning please so be careful. And thats your choice. Centuars be good at magic too you know. We might not look it but some of us are really good, Mostly females though. for some reason they learn spells better. Speaking of magic... the chief told us you would be searching for magic whatever that means. Her predictions are always vague"

Satoshi sighed noting the slowdown in movement "Well thats the judging starting already I would guess and looks like my folks bothered to get up and watch the parade" she added glad her parents couldn't identify her under the costume to avoid embarrassment and hoping Gil wouldn't wave to them. "And I can feel Terrato certainly thinks we're being dumb right now"  


Dapper Hunter

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Romantic Raider

PostPosted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 1:23 pm
Oassu scratched his head "I'm not sure what your chief is talking about looking for magic, we've got enough magic in our group as is really" he said watching Corella with interest not expecting her to be able to cope with the challenge.

Gil nodded slowing down swivelling slightly to identify the fountain they were dancing around "Well that's impressive, wouldn't think Terrato would care anything really still good for your folks coming out to see us at least" he said turning and looking around the crowd to find them.

Itaka nodded "Yeah I can imagine that would be a pain though I'd have thought Alpha would be on top of his finances as much as possible, seemed a simple respectable old man when we first met" he said scratching his chin watching as Annabell kwehed up at Chobi applauding her on her magnificient flight.

Zadina frowned rubbing his head where the goggles pinged "Yes I suppose they are like that but water isn't all bad, it probably just feels funny because of all your fur though I doubt the fish do anything special but shall we get going then?" he asked looking over at where the big wheel towered over the carnival grounds.

Jeckhart nodded "Miss Amane hasn't been given much time free for the festival and Lord Zadina would like to visit his family for the dragon festival so it's important we set off today so as not to offend Amane's elders" he explained to Mu.  
PostPosted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 3:21 pm
Seph snickered shaking her head at Itaka making sure Chobi landed before she could show off too much in front of her friend "Alpha? Respectable? Nah that guys been in and out of trouble ever since we moved here. Done a bit of gambling here and there, the odd bit of fencing. Been a conman, done all sorts of shady business as well as the odd decent living. Whatever paid the bills, hes smarter than he lets on"

Runide turned her head "I thought we were going there meow. No need to dither around. No queues until tonight so we can pick any coloured cart we want for the ride too. I like the pink ones personally. But it is kind of good I got some time to play with you. Even if you were here all day you would have to sit and watch me train for a few hours which would probably bore you"

Amane smiled petting Runide hoping to stop her zooming off "I think it would be interesting to see how you guys train to do such stunts but I'll bet its really tiring. I would love to try that highwire sometime though. Though I would like a red or a blue box thing for the wheel but it doesnt matter too much"

Hebal nodded along with Jeckhart "Yep and Zadina comes from a really pretty place too. If you haven't been to Yithra with the circus before I highly recommend you add it to your tour list and I bet the elves would love you"

Mu hesitated slipping a dress over her head behind the door "It's a nice place yes but we can't get any of our stuff set up in such a thick forest and we dont know if any would want to travel so far to get out their forest just to see us and..."

"Morning Alpha and company" came the voice of a demon emerging from behind Mu having had more time than her to make himself look decent for the visitors "Maybe next time you could just knock hard" he sighed running his ears where Alpha unintentionally hurt it.

Alpha chuckled "Well I can try but most of the time knocking will go ignored. Still its goo to see you Athys. It's been a while so I guess I should say congrats on the engagement" he greeted the rabbit like demon with a pat on the shoulder  

Captain Glomps

Liberal Phantom

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Dapper Hunter

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 5:45 pm
Felina smirked sneaking glimpses at Corella while she added the carrots that wouldn't last much longer than a day "We aren't looking for any magic that I know of and I am pleanty good at doing magic myself though maybe we should talk to this chief of yours later and see if it makes more sense then. Maybe she can help us find a few things too" she added switching her glance over to Oassu.

Corella shuffled about avoiding looking at the meat and keeping her hands as far away from it as possible. "Well maybe she means those items that you are looking for. Though am I doing this right?" she asked Entia having no clue what she was doing.

Entia paused moving Corella's hand up the pole the meat was tied to and closer to the food "There now you have a better hold. Our chief very powerful mage so don't be quick to dismiss what she says. She's very good when it comes to things like that. But what you looking for then if not magic?"

Satoshi laughed almost being a bit too loud so attempted to cover it up somewhat with a roar "well yeah Terrato does care occasionally though its hard to tell when he does since snakes dont exactly have easy to read emotions do they. Also they are in the front row near the edge or the square we're about to enter an this fountain is easily the most well looked after part of the village"  
PostPosted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 5:21 am
Oassu scratched his head "Well perhaps that's what your chief means though I'm not even sure how she knew we were on our way but it's not really important what we're looking for, just a private quest" he said not entirely sure how much he should reveal.

Gil chuckled as Enkidu gladly bounded out from under his costume towards Satoshi's family "Well I guess he wasn't a fan of being kept cooped up in here so much" he snickered watching as Enkidu sat down beside the other dogs to watch the show.

Itaka smirked "I'll bear that in mind, the wily old demon perhaps some of my men worked with him since he wasn't far from Agralia" he said slowing down as they came to the town gate where a couple of decoratively-dressed guards stood shivering by a fire nodding politely to them and wishing them greetings as they slowly passed the gate.

Zadina giggled "I bet you just want to learn to do Runide's moves so you can move like her and your mother" he teased Amane "Though I think the high wire looks really really scary don't you?" he asked surprised.

Jeckhart blushed slightly unaware Mu had had company feeling more guilty for disrupting them "Congratulations" he muttered quietly "Though I suppose that would be a problem for a circus of this size, if you arranged some transportation to your circus with Yithra from outside the forest to the city you may have some luck" he added.  


Romantic Raider

Captain Glomps

Liberal Phantom

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 9:51 pm
Seph smiled at the guards trying not to laugh at Chobi who had already entered into a strutting pose as she walked now that they had entered an area surrounded by lots of people "Well maybe you have delt with him and never know it with your thieves guild. Maybe even have chased after him though not for as long as you might think for he travels around a lot and sometimes with me. I just seem to attract adventurous people"

Mu paused politely pretending she had not seen Jeckhart blush "Well that idea sounds nice enough but a bit risky since demons and ellves have never really mixed together but I see no harm in one or two people checking the area out when we have more money to try out adding new areas to the list"

"Ha, you've been itching for some form of holiday for weeks now. you're just saying that to find an excuse for it" Aethys pointed out with a small snicker before turning his attention to Hebal who had been all most staring at him for the past minute "Have I managed to do something to offend you?"

"Hehe nope" came the response followed by Hebal taking a step forward. "I am Hebal nice to meet you, was just thinking I have never seen a demonb like you and so similar to viera like me.... but congrats on the engagement! You're going to have to make sure theres cake and glitter and pretty clothes and a really nice honeymoon. Sounds like great fun to me" she continued bouncing around the demon who was starting to get confused by her behaviour.

Amane shrugged "Not really because i am used to having a piggyback with my mum and her junping real high has probably made me get use to a lot of heights by now. It's not any scarier than an airship ride to me though I'll bet its not as cold up there"

"I dont mind heights like that because us cat demons always land on our feet so it would have to be a really really big height for it to be scary to me. The highwire usually wouldn't hurt unless we were to land in some kind of funny manouver which is how my sister broke her wrist. She jumped off at that height and did a roll too late so all the weight went to the wrong places" Runide explained.  
PostPosted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 2:54 pm
Felina smiled trying for a moment to think of a subject change feeling a little uncomfortable "so uhh yeah thats private stuff. But what about you Entia, got any family here or is the herd all one big family and extended family?" she asked hoping that it would keep her busy.

Entia shook her head shuddering a little at the thought "No we arent all related, but theres a few main families in here. As for myself I have two parents and 6 older brothers. Yeah my mother was determined to have a girl even if it meant a few more boys along the way"

Corella gasped "You have six siblings? Wow and I thought it was hard work just having two older sisters. Must be really hard when you have to bring round any male friends as I bet all those siblings are intimidating"

Satoshi snickered watching Ikota playfully lick Enkidu under the watchful eye of a smoking Yuudai. Aelo on the other hand stood up and shuffled away slightly cautious of him. "That or he just wants to sit and laugh at us from afar. Not sure that puppy is being all too clever though as cute as it may be"  


Dapper Hunter

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Romantic Raider

PostPosted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 7:03 pm
Oassu scratched his head "Why is it such a big deal? Do women have some kind of special important in centaur communities?" he asked wondering if the chief was a woman for other reasons than leadership now while he reached out to gently turn the squirrel seeing it was going to be overcooked if left alone.

Gil furrowed his brows uneasily seeing Enkidu emit a small growl and gently push Ikota further away from him with a large paw "Well can hardly imagine he's a fan of all the noise still at least he's comfortable enough around your folks to stay with them" he said performing a broad swoop with his dragon "Shame your brother didn't feel like joining in with the festivities" he said.

Itaka nodded slowing down seeing how the streets were bustling while other chocobos kwehed greetings to their steeds from the guards' stables by the gate while a couple of small children gathered around to pet Chobi and Annabell "Well this will just have Chobi happy all day the little diva" he sighed reaching back into a pouch on his belt "You sure do I guess but enough talk about that stuff now we're here." he said leaning over to kiss Seph's ear but also to whisper "Further persecution of thieves guilds in Agralia probably mean the guards are more alert for that stuff so don't mention it in towns" he said quietly while he leaned over before rebalancing himself on Annabell and scattering a handful of gil from his pouch on the ground for the children "There you go lads, happy Dragon festival!" he said taking advantage of the brief distraction to lead Chobi and Annabell away from the throng of excited children.

Jeckhart sighed slightly a small smile reaching his lips as he watched Hebal get excited over a fellow long-eared person "I'm sure it will be lovely indeed I wish blessings upon you" he said looking to Alpha expecting him to say something to Mu

Zadina scratched his chin "Well your sister managed to hurt herself that would be reason enough to scare me I guess but I'm not so aerodynamic in the air so I'll just settle for the trampoline we played on yesterday I think that's my limit" he giggled.  
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