Hi, my name is Ahorangi Tui Pounamu

But I mostly go by Rangi

I'm a female

I'm 11 years old.

My birthday is December 15

My dream job is to travel

My blood status is Halfblood

This is my First year here at Hogwarts.

I'm a member of (Once you are sorted, update this section with the house you are sorted into. Do not sort yourself.) house.

I'm interested in not sure yet

I'm currently with no one

People can describe me as
Ahorangi is bubbly, kind and caring towards others and herself. She is very protective of herself, her family and friends. She is loyal to her Iwi and family when it's needed to be shown. She has a creative side to her in the form of Jade carving, which she does with her father when she is at home. She been taught by the elders from the iwi to stand up and take pride for what she believes in spiritually, mentally and emotionally. The elders also taught the girl how to respect the people around her and don't judge them when she first meets them but get to know the actually person that is inside and not looking in front of her.

My background story is
Ahorangi was born on December 15 in Oxford to Ranui Pounamu and Kate Pounamu. Ranui was a New Zealand born muggle and moved to England and then a few months later he meet Kate just after her 19th birthday. Her mother was in Hufflepuff and her father went to school in New Zealand. Ahorangi has four older siblings and their names are Waimea, Tainui, Marama and Hayden. Ahorangi has a younger sister named Mawhera and would of had a younger brother named Tangaroa. Unfortunately Tangaroa was born a stillborn so things for a were tough her parents till found out that they were expecting again and nine months later Mawhera was born. After the death of her younger brother Ahorangi felt sad and confused and she wondered what went wrong. Did she do something to lose a brother?

The four oldest of the Pounamu family currently lives in different towns back in New Zealand. While Mawhera and Ahorangi lives in Oxford with their parents. But they go back to New Zealand during the breaks when they can. The family have always had a close bond even though they on the opposite ends of the world. When the Pounamu family lost Pania, a well respected member of the Iwi, to cancer the whole family became closer as they grieve of the loss. Ahorangi would remember the trips back to New Zealand from the United Kingdom as the Iwi would always have the yummiest Hangis ready when they got down to Taupo.

Ahorangi has a jade pendant that she carries around on herself because her grandmother blessed it and gave it to her for reminding her that no matter what part of the world she is in, the jade pendant will always remind Ahorangi of where her heart and her heritage is.

I enjoy
Jade carving
Spending time with family
Poi Dancing

I despise
Her siblings when they don't get along
Her father's driving on the wrong side of the road
Living away from her older siblings
Losing her jade pendant that her grandmother blessed and gave her

I'm afraid of Trout

My strengths are
Learning Languages

My flaws are

I look like Keisha Castle-Hughes (Request sent in)

My wand is a 11 inches, Ebony, with Raven Feather

My pet is a Brown spotted owl named Waka

Oh yes, there's something else I need to tell you! Ahorangi is fluent speaking Maori.
The name Ahorangi was her grandmother middle name and it means “enlightened” in Maori.
Her middle name was because her father saw a Tui land on the window ledge the day her father found out her mother was having a girl.

Pended By: ~ ♥ Cara ɱк [09/26/2017]
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