History and World


Appearance: X X

The persons hailing from this region come from a long line of power. For the majority of modern history it has been a powerhouse, leading arms races and conquering regions either through imperialism, colonialism, or popular culture. The region has experienced an economic boom that has lasted roughly the last decade. Their epistemology is steeped in cunning, politics, and stealth. They have a strong rhetoric of individuality and strength while maintaining patriotism in the area. However, unrest comes from the inside with a high drug use, stress, and the rebirth of asylums.

Despite the social unrest, innate prejudices against the other regions, and unsatisfactory political initiatives, the Breffnians are the strongest power in this world. A thirst for Truth has led them far away from religion and mysticism.

Miernes - Location the story will take place in
Appearance: x x

The Miernes people have a deep rooted history in mysticism and herbology. Despite this, and much to the Breffnians displeasure, they produce the most well-trained and successful doctors of the regions. There is a tension between the older generation and the new generation. While the older generations believe that their lives are interconnected with the spirits around them, the younger generation have taken to the cultural imperialism of the Breffni.

The Breffni have a great influence over the Miernes, and had used to capture and experiment on them in a search for Truth. This was in order to find out why the Miernes shed their wings after emotional trauma, stresses, or live changing events. The Breffni concluded that it was because the stress and some Miernes simply had stronger resolution to than the others.

This is still the popular understanding. Their is a stigma against the Miernes that are unable to fly, they are seen as damaged in a way that is not repairable. Even Miernes that were born without wings to begin with.


Appearance: x x

Dinteri are the people of the forests. They survive harsh weathers and sparse food. Their exports are lumber and furs and are considered the most primative of the regions. Still a people of pride in their roots, they consider themselves Protectors of Their Ways as they are a nomadic group. Not much is known of them as they keep to themselves and only trade when necessary. Their political system is unknown, but seems to stem from tribal leadership.

Some Dinterians have broken away to lead a modern lifestyle, but they are few and far in between. The ones that travel to other regions generally take up hard labor as immigrants or assimilate to become professors and teachers. They are dedicated to their work and are devote, even when moved away from their homeland.

They worship the spirits of the woods and pay blood sacrifices, though many regions have banned the religious practice on grounds of corrupting the youth.

Appearance: x

The Tedef are tradesman, travelling from region to region. They are navel masters, though prefer the hot deserts of their homeland. Though they also strive in tropical regions. This group is adaptive and have long ago accepted the Breffni as the world power, because of this the Breffnians have rewarded them with open border treaties and tax-free trading.

The Tedef are neutral and only do what they must to survive. They have no set religion but have adopted many parts of all the other religions. Their language is that of a pigeon, also a product of their trading.

Not much is known about them as they are not a talkative bunch and are solitary.

Our Heroes:

Our heroes are from the Meirnes region. We meet them while they're young and fresh, possibly into pop culture or alternative culture. Their parents (dead or alive) practiced the old religion and somewhere down the line there was a priest or priestess in their family history. This leads to a direct connection with the mysticism. Explain it however you see fit for your character. This allows them to transform when either in danger or in need. Their powers are associated with an emotion (pick one for your character: something like rage, sadness, righteousness, etc). They eventually band together to go after some type of evil, but dig themselves too deep. We can either explore this politically, or dig into a deeper magical power.

Eventually in the plot they will lose their ability to fly due to some type of trauma.

If you are interested in another type of character from another region, go ahead and pursue that. Just be able to tie it in.