Full name: - Alexandria Annabelle SkyPiercer
Alias/Nicknames: - Alex
Gender: - Female
Species/Race: – Half-Elf
Birth Date: - April 14, 2123
Age: - 22
Descendent(of): -
Current Residence: - England
Job/Profession: - Mercenary
Title: - NightStalker Leader
Allegiance/Alignment/Clan(s): - NightStalkers,

Height: - 5' 6''
Weight: - 150 lbs
Build: - Athletic
Eye Color: - Blue
Hair Color: - Black
Handedness: - Right
Skin Shade/Color: - White
Scars/Tattoos/Piercings: - Tattoo on her back resembling A Mysterious Looking Cross-like symbol called The Blood-Sin

Sexuality/Preference: - Bisexual
Sanity: - Somewhat Stable
Friends: - Her fellow NightStalkers
Likes: - Her job, her family
Dislikes: - Whoever she is paid to hate
Hobbies: - Archery,, alchemy
Personality: – Alexandria is a Strong willed woman, who is always loyal to her friends and the mission she is given

Weapons: – SkyPiercer Bow, Twin daggers
Combat Attire: – . Lightweight leather armor
Accessories: – Quiver, various potions and poisons
Miscellaneous: – Necklace with her clans insignia

General/Preferred Style: –Archery
Hand-to-Hand: – Dual wielding (small knives and daggers)
Weapons Style: – Stealth
Special Abilities/Affinities: – Light equipment make her quieter as she sneaks around

Chant Magic: - None
Rune Magic: - None
Elemental Magic: - Can imbune elements into her arrows
Psychic Magic: –None
Conjuring Magic: – None
Enchantment Magic: – Enchant her Bows
Space/Time Magic: – Can slow down time to get off more shots
Arcane Magic: - None

Relationship Status: – Single
Family: – Her fellow NightStalkers,
Known Languages: – Common, Elven
Personal History/Background: - Alexandria Is a Girl who Has experienced all this hellish world has to offer, From her parent's Murder, To Rape, To Murder, Alexandria Has been through hardship after hardship. She trained herself in the art of an assassin through some books that survived in the local library she hid in. As A Teenager, she spent her Days as a Thief stealing anything she could to survive, Years later, she would form The Nightstalkers along with a Couple of ppl she met on her exploring the Wastes