The Union, widely known as the Nekonobi Union, was a byproduct of therebellion against the Algori Union. The current Union stands more as a symbol of change rather than a government. The Union is widely supported and funded by those who benefit from it, but unlike the Algori Union, the Nekonobi union does not limit activity to other cultures, races, and planets not directly involved with its development. The Nekonobi union, however, do carry few laws, but none that may restrict the average lifestyle. The Union has three laws; or, standards rather.

1. Any formal act of violence against union representation will be seen as an act of war.

2. Any Ship that docks on a Union supported planet must be properly documented, and licensed.

3. All passengers of all ships will be checked when docking on a Union supported planet. Any criminal or suspect found on one's ship will be arrested immediately and an investigation will be held concerning possible chances of the captain acting as an accomplice.