1. I am the Captain of this guild what I say goes.

2. Follow the Gaian TOS.

3. All threads and rps will have their own specific rules, some will allow some things but others will not keep this in mind as you go through the guild threads.

4. Violence is always accepted however it depends on the thread if godmoding, powerplaying, auto hitting, etc. is allowed.

5. There will be absolutely no cybering,or pornographic scenes in this guild. You should already know this.

6. Romance is most definitely welcome.

7.In general there will be no racial slurs, no bad mouthing other people, and generally no ill will between the players it is just bad for business.

8. No one will be allowed to control another person's character without express permission from that player, they also have to notify me if this is the case.

9. Any long term absences must be explained, if you want to quit please do so the proper way,

10. And as always...Have Fun.