...there dwelt SKOL, who created the seven MoCs (Masters of Creation). Their names were Vese (rhymes with geese), Sehrda, Nolbi (Nol-bee), Pontea (Pahn-tay-uh), Gatt (sounds like cat), Midge, and Mahnu, and they were imbued with the godlike ability of creation, and only creation. SKOL set them the task of creating and nurturing a world, then departed with promise to return, though when was never specified. The world they created was called Turon (Too-rahn), and consisted of a single continent, though there were some islands, and was full of many wonders, yet it held no joy for them. At one point Gatt's eyes beheld Pontea and all her beauty, and was smitten. He then took it upon himself to woo her, and when she resisted, forced himself upon her. The result was an abomination beyond all comprehension, for the MoCs were not meant to breed. They called her Ampu, and from her first breath a chill emanated from her very flesh though her eyes were red with flame. All she touched withered and died, for it brought her joy to see death. As she grew older, it was found that she had unusual abilities. While she couldn't actually create anything, the natural elements almost appeared to be enslaved to her merest whim, but strangest by far was her ability to know without knowing what the others were thinking and feeling, and it was thus that she became aware of their fear of her. She held her silence, and despised their teachings of moral behavior. Her only solace was found in her father, though over time he too grew afraid.

One miserable sunny day she was walking about a garden frosting butterflies. Their uncontrollable plummet to the earth brought her pleasure, and their twitching as death slowly claimed them utterly engrossed her until a strange nagging pulled at her awareness. Following instinct, she came to a hitherto unknown section of the garden, and overheard a conversation that was never meant for her ears...

"What are we going to do?"
"She obviously can't stay with us much longer. She's counterproductive to everything we try to do!"
"And she utterly rejects all our teachings."
"She's a hazard to us all!"
"But what can we do? Our power is to create. ONLY to create. We can't destroy her."
"But it's too unsafe to just exile her..."
"Maybe we could confine her?"
"But she's so strong! How can we be sure she won't escape?"
"She may be strong, and unusually gifted, but she's not very bright. Here's what we're going to do..."

She was surprised and hurt beyond all measure to hear her father’s voice, not only in league with the others but speaking so about her. Unable to hear him continue and overwhelmed by their treachery, she found herself utterly alone and summoned the wind to carry her far away. She resolved to wage a private war against them and their work, wreaking havoc and mayhem wherever she could. The MoCs put forth a futile search, and finally gave up and resumed their responsibility of Turon. All was peaceful until the youngest, Mahnu, created a human infant, and all the rest were lost in wonder. While Ampu was undeniably evil, they had loved her even as they feared her, and here was a way to have children without inherent corruption. As Mahnu nurtured the child into adulthood, the awe of the elders knew no bounds as she was gradually able to perform some basic magic. She came to call herself Celia, and as she grew, so did her ability. Then, so as not to be outdone, each of the elders created their own races, and they went as follows:

Vese (who is a guy) - elves
Sehrda (who is also a guy) - dwarves
Nolbi (who is ALSO a guy) - albino
Pontea (who is a girl) - centaurs
Gatt (who is also ALSO a guy) - Ogres/Giants
Midge (who is also a girl) - midgets, akin to gnomes
Mahnu (who is ALSO ALSO a guy) - Humans

The races flourished, life spans were assigned, customs ingrained, monarchy systems established, and soon the entire planet was populated. There was a bit of friction as the land mass was divided, especially as some races seemed to be incompatible with the practice of magic (mostly among the giants due to minimal intellect and the centaurs, though they had uncanny insight into the future). This gave some races a bit of an advantage in the world's development, but peace was eventually restored, despite Ampu's handiwork. She had developed a habit of meddling, stirring up wars, and aggravating already tense situations every now and again, but always managed to disappear before any retribution could be dealt. Eventually SKOL returned, and left again, taking with him his seven creators. Left to her own ends, Ampu began her campaign in earnest. She abducted certain men and entranced them to her bed, then killed them in cruel and unusual ways after she was impregnated. Thus was born her demon legion, who do her bidding without question, and most favored was Kima, who was not only the most loyal, but also offered ideas and fueled Ampu's ambition. Kima's favored status gave her considerable freedom, and she was able to come, go, and (to a degree) do as she pleased.


Meela and Gorin were a happily married couple. They had no children. Not because they couldn't, but because they chose not to. They lived in a large respectable village and made a large respectable income by selling their services and lending money. They were powerful mages, highly skilled in their craft. Meela was a direct descendant of Celia, the first human ever created, and the teachings of Mahnu had been carefully passed down through the generations. Gorin was unaware of his origins, but he was a watered down descendant of Ampu.

On a dreary overcast day they were on their way to collect a payment, and a surprise met them upon their arrival. They were greeted at the door by a regal woman of incredible beauty demanding not only that they forfeit the debt, but also that they render their services free of charge indefinitely to said resident. They refused, and the last thing they remembered was their strength and essence seeping from their bones as multi-colored lightning fell down around them. They never felt themselves hit the ground.

They woke up locked inside their own slave pen, unable to perform even the most feeble of magic. The reason why appeared a few moment later when their most recent "customer" smugly approached them soon after they awoke and showed them two trinkets; one was a gold ring intricately woven around a single large sapphire, the other a golden necklace of such delicate make that it seemed the slightest touch would break it, when in actuality it was virtually indestructible. He then explained in arrogant tones that he had invoked the dark goddess Kima and made a pact in exchange for aid. She accepted, and the powers of Meela and Gorin were permanently and forever focused inside the trinkets, and that whosoever possessed the trinkets possessed their powers. He then demonstrated by sending a few mild fire bolts into the cage. They got the point. Unfortunately, there was more in store for them than mere imprisonment. It would seem that part of his deal with Kima involved offspring from the two, so they were forced (sometimes painfully) to conceive and conceive and conceive. But the births were not ordinary. It would seem that the curse of being separated from their powers was passed down to their children, for at every birth an object or trinket materialized shortly following delivery, at which point both the child and trinket were sold to whomever Kima directed.

Many years later the children gradually learn of each other's existence and seek to be reunited. It begins when a girl with a purple hat has strange dreams... dreams of a pale girl with blue hair. One day she steps outside, and there she is...