When in the creation process please don't be afraid of me, I'm here with the hope that I can help you if you need it. These rules are just here to make sure we avoid the big mistakes.

The profile I provide to you is the profile I would like to receive at the end of your creative process. I will provide two misc. sections for those of you who wont be satisfied with what is there. Please leave the misc. pieces where they are.

Starter gear will be given to players upon acceptance. Based on your skills you will get different gear.

All available Skill, Weapons, Armor, Attachments, Vehicles, ect... will be in the "Accepted Codex" under their respective title. Do NOT use items that have yet to be accepted.

Professional players are welcome, so are students, even professionals. The story has a rather flexible time-line which can accommodate every player's back-story. ((For more read "Story Rules"))

Be flawed, the most gripping characters often have just enough imperfection to make them relatable.